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Created March 30, 2010 10:10
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# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Rodrigo de Oliveira 29/mar/2010
# based on the Python original by Daniel Nanz
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;
use List::Util qw/sum/;
# colors and matching
my @creature_colors = qw/blue red yellow/;
my $compl_dict = {
'blue' => {
'blue' => 'blue',
'red' => 'yellow',
'yellow' => 'red'
'red' => {
'blue' => 'yellow',
'red' => 'red',
'yellow' => 'blue'
'yellow' => {
'blue' => 'red',
'red' => 'blue',
'yellow' => 'yellow'
sub check_complement {
for my $a (@creature_colors) {
for my $b (@creature_colors) {
printf( "%s + %s -> %s\n", $a, $b, $compl_dict->{$a}->{$b} );
my @numbers = qw/zero one two three four
five six seven eight nine/;
# reporting
sub spellout {
my $n = shift;
return ' ' . join ' ', map { $numbers[$_] } split( '', $n );
sub mesh {
my $max = -1;
$max < $#$_ && ( $max = $#$_ ) for @_;
map { my $ix = $_; map $_->[$ix], @_; } 0 .. $max;
sub report {
my ( $input_zoo, $met, $self_met ) = @_;
print ' ' . join( ' ', $input_zoo );
while ( my ( $m, $sm ) = mesh( $met, $self_met ) ) {
print $m . spellout($sm);
print spellout( sum( @{$met} ) ) . "\n";
# meet up
sub meet {
my $meetings : shared = shift;
my @colors = @_;
my $running : shared = 1;
# creature creation
my $id = 0;
my @creatures : shared;
@creatures = map {
my %h : shared;
%h = (
color => $_,
id => $id++,
sem => Thread::Semaphore->new,
met => 0,
self_met => 0
} @colors;
# meeting place semaphores
my $in_lock : shared = Thread::Semaphore->new;
my $in_lock_acquire = sub { Thread::Semaphore::down($in_lock) };
my $in_lock_release = sub { Thread::Semaphore::up($in_lock) };
my $out_lock : shared = Thread::Semaphore->new;
my $out_lock_acquire = sub { Thread::Semaphore::down($out_lock) };
my $out_lock_release = sub { Thread::Semaphore::up($out_lock) };
my $venue : shared = -1;
# creatures go wild
for (@creatures) {
async {
my $self = $_;
my $id = $self->{id};
while ($running) {
$venue = $id;
return 0;
# let creatures meet
my $id1 = $venue;
while ( $meetings > 0 ) {
my $id2 = $venue;
if ( $id1 != $id2 ) {
my $color1 = $creatures[$id1]->{color};
my $color2 = $creatures[$id2]->{color};
my $new_color = $compl_dict->{$color1}->{$color2};
$creatures[$id1]->{color} = $color1;
$creatures[$id2]->{color} = $color1;
else {
if ( $meetings > 0 ) {
$id1 = $id2;
# stop threads
$running = 0;
for (@creatures) {
# report
print " " . join " ", @colors;
print "\n";
print $_->{met} . " " . spellout( $_->{self_met} ) . "\n" for @creatures;
print spellout sum( map { $_->{met} } @creatures );
# main
my $meetings = $ARGV[0] || 600;
print "\n";
meet( $meetings, qw/blue red yellow/ );
print "\n\n";
$meetings, qw/blue red yellow red yellow
blue red yellow red blue/
print "\n\n";
exit 0;
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