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Recaptcha using React Exercise:


Create an app that provides a solution similar to Recaptcha.


  • You will need to load 6 images and present them to the user (see documentation below for the endpoint that should return random images)

Pie's Recaptcha


Use the unsplash API to fetch images with the following search criteria pies, cookies, and random. Present them to the user(at least 6 images) in a row layout with a message indicating the user to select the images that have pies. When the user clicks on an image you will need to validate if the image is a pie by using the clarifai api(make sure you don't make a request for the same image twice).

If the image is valid, make it visible on the UI by adding a green border around the image. When the user has validated all images that are pies you should present a message back to the user that all selections are valid.

rodrigomf24 / nil_empty_blank_present_ffdierence_in_ruby
Created November 30, 2019 17:51 — forked from pythonicrubyist/nil_empty_blank_present_ffdierence_in_ruby
Difference between nil?, empty?, blank? and present? in Ruby and Ruby on Rasils.
# nil? can be used on any Ruby object. It returns true only if the object is nil.
nil.nil? # => true
[].nil? # => false
{}.nil? # => false
"".nil? # => false
" ".nil? # => false
true.nil? # => false
# empty? can be used on some Ruby objects including Arrays, Hashes and Strings. It returns true only if the object's length is zero.
nil.empty? # NoMethodError: undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass



Objective: Prepare BE for upcoming international Volvo dealerships & Polestar

  • KR1 - Make BE GDPR compliant along with the implementation of TOS
  • KR3 - Deliver Polestar reservation & designation work, A la carte booking flow, What's new, Loaner Management, and Costumer Docs fetures on time, with properly tested and minimal amount bugs
  • KR4 - Find out requirements for "No Lonaer" feature for the UK market, and add required changes before August 2019
  • KR5 - Provide OPS any support needed to get Polestar in China




Objective: Make BE a more reliable and stable application

KR1 - We are more aware of app - to > user feedback, by improving our error handling and making the application more intuitive KR2 - We get postive feedback from users, weather it is to improve or that the implemented changes are really making an impact KR3 - We are able to identify areas that need more thought and attention


Objective: Make a BE theme that can be customized and tailored to specific brands

Steps to get IE VM running on Mac

  • Download Windows VM with IE from this url Free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge - Microsoft Edge Development Select for the virtual machine option IE11 on win7 and for platform you have to select VirtualBox
    • Don’t close the browser tab until is completely downloaded
  • Download Virtualbox
    • This will download faster, so go ahead and install it once it is downloaded
  • When the VM finish downloading then unzip it, and double click the file with the extension .ovf assuming you already installed VirtualBox, it will open VirtualBox and it will prompt a modal with the details of the VM with an “import” button at the bottom, go ahead and click it. Once it is done double click the vm from the list that appears on a left panel inside Virtual box, you are good to go.



Objective: Deliver dealership management feature

KR1 - The developed feature integrates properly with the rest of the application and that relays a user friendly interface, accounting for user feedback and clear workflows KR2 - Approval of the final implementation from Design team KR3 - Pass QA successfully KR4 - Deploy it and get real users working with it


rodrigomf24 /
Last active March 19, 2018 06:04

Level One Component

There are two ways of using the level one component fleet navigations, you can feed the fleet navigations context throught the model/service approach or through the Ember DS models.

Example using the Ember DS Models:

  {{#block-slot 'app-name'}}
rodrigomf24 /
Last active February 28, 2018 23:52

Paragon Admin - E2E

The following is a summary/report from the recent refactoring of the e2e test cases. You will find recommendations, and important information on how to handle specific test scenarios.

Case: addNewLicense

This helper script had 3 pause calls, the following explains the solution for each pause:

  • After .click('.e2e-license-modal-btn')
    • This click triggered a modal to be opened, instead of pausing the script we can wait for the modal to be visible, this can be done through the .licenseDialogBox class which is added to the wrapper of the modal body.