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Created July 21, 2020 16:58
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import React, { useReducer, useEffect } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const rowStyle = {
display: 'flex'
const squareStyle = {
'backgroundColor': '#ddd',
'margin': '4px',
'display': 'flex',
'justifyContent': 'center',
'alignItems': 'center',
'fontSize': '20px',
'color': 'white'
const boardStyle = {
'backgroundColor': '#eee',
'width': '208px',
'alignItems': 'center',
'justifyContent': 'center',
'display': 'flex',
'flexDirection': 'column',
'border': '3px #eee solid'
const containerStyle = {
'display': 'flex',
'alignItems': 'center',
'flexDirection': 'column'
const instructionsStyle = {
'marginTop': '5px',
'marginBottom': '5px',
'fontWeight': 'bold',
'fontSize': '16px',
const buttonStyle = {
'marginTop': '15px',
'marginBottom': '16px',
'width': '80px',
'height': '40px',
'backgroundColor': '#8acaca',
'color': 'white',
'fontSize': '16px',
const PLAYER_A = 'X'
const PLAYER_B = 'O'
function Square({ id, squares, dispatch, disabled }) {
const selected = squares[id]
const bg = selected ? selected.player === PLAYER_A ? 'blue' : 'red' : '#ddd'
const handleClick = () => dispatch({ type: 'select', id })
return (
onClick={!disabled && !selected ? handleClick : undefined}
style={{ ...squareStyle, backgroundColor: bg }}>
{selected && selected.player}
function Board({ state, dispatch }) {
const allLoss = Object.keys(state.squares).length === 9
const commonProps = {
squares: state.squares,
disabled: state.winner || allLoss
return (
<div style={containerStyle} className="gameBoard">
? <div className="winner" style={instructionsStyle}>Winner: {state.winner}</div>
: !allLoss && <div className="status" style={instructionsStyle}>Next player: {state.currentPlayer}</div>
<button style={buttonStyle} onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'reset' })}>Reset</button>
<div style={boardStyle}>
<div className="board-row" style={rowStyle}>
<Square id="A" {...commonProps} />
<Square id="B" {...commonProps} />
<Square id="C" {...commonProps} />
<div className="board-row" style={rowStyle}>
<Square id="D" {...commonProps} />
<Square id="E" {...commonProps} />
<Square id="F" {...commonProps} />
<div className="board-row" style={rowStyle}>
<Square id="G" {...commonProps} />
<Square id="H" {...commonProps} />
<Square id="I" {...commonProps} />
const initialState = {
currentPlayer: PLAYER_A,
squares: {
// A: undefined, // without click
// B: { player: PLAYER_B },
// I: { player: PLAYER_A }
function reducer(state, {type, ...action}) {
if (type === 'reset') {
return initialState
if (type === 'select') {
return {
currentPlayer: state.currentPlayer === PLAYER_A ? PLAYER_B : PLAYER_A,
squares: {
[]: { player: state.currentPlayer }
return { ...state, ...action }
function checkRows(options, ...rows) {
let count = 0
let player
for (const i of rows) {
if (!options[i]) return false
if (!player) {
player = options[i].player
if (player !== options[i].player) return false
if (count === 3) {
return player
function checkWinner(options) {
const winner =
checkRows(options, 'A','B','C') ||
checkRows(options, 'D','E','F') ||
checkRows(options, 'G','H','I') ||
checkRows(options, 'A','D','G') ||
checkRows(options, 'B','E','H') ||
checkRows(options, 'C','F','I') ||
checkRows(options, 'A','E','I') ||
checkRows(options, 'G','E','C')
return winner
function Game() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)
useEffect(() => {
const winner = checkWinner(state.squares)
if (winner) {
dispatch({ type: 'winner', winner })
}, [state.squares])
return (
<div className="game">
<div className="game-board">
<Board state={state} dispatch={dispatch} />
ReactDOM.render(<Game />, document.getElementById('root'))
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