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Created April 24, 2012 20:04
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K Nearest Neighbors
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import division
from random import uniform
from math import sqrt
def euclidian(x, y):
"calculates the euclidian distance between two points"
assert( len(x) == len(y) )
return sqrt(sum((i-j)**2 for i,j in zip(x,y)))
def knn( points, k, n=None, dist=euclidian ):
"calculates the K centers of the KNN algorithm"
assert( len(points) > 0 )
assert( k > 0 )
zero = (0,) * len(points[0])
# if N is not given, N will be set to the size of the
# data divided by K. Therefore, each center will be guided
# by approximately an equal fraction of the total data
n = n if n else max(len(points)//k, 1)
# Start the centers in K points using the Kmeans++
# initialization procedure
centers = []
points_probability = (1,)*len(points)
for i in xrange(k):
# Roulette wheel: select a random index from points_probability
# weighted by its value
probability_max = sum(points_probability)
rand_choice = uniform(0, probability_max)
probability_sum = 0
for j,p in enumerate(points_probability):
if probability_sum <= rand_choice < probability_sum + p:
probability_sum += p
# append the new selected index as a new center
centers.append( points[j] )
# recalculate points_probability by settings each value to be
# the squared distance to the nearest center
points_probability = tuple(min(dist(center,point)**2 for center in centers) for point in points)
# While the centers change, keep clustering
# i.e. find the fixed point of the centers
has_change = True
while has_change:
has_change = False
# For each center
for c in xrange(k):
# get the nearest K neighbours of this particular center
nearest = sorted(points, key=lambda x:dist(centers[c], x))[:n]
# calculate the new position of the center: the mean of the
# nearest neighbours
new_center = tuple(i/n for i in reduce(lambda x,y: [i+j for i,j in zip(x,y)], nearest, zero))
# if the center have to move: update the has_change flag and
# actualy moves it to the new position
if new_center != centers[c]:
has_change = True
centers[c] = new_center
return centers
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