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Created August 29, 2012 17:42
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module Ast =
type Node =
| Int of int option
| Float of float option
| BooleanNode of bool option
| StringNode of string option
| QuotedVariable of string
| Variable of string
| Addition of Node * Node
| Subraction of Node * Node
| Division of Node * Node
| Multiply of Node * Node
| Modulus of Node * Node
| Negation of Node
| Concatenate of Node * Node
| LessThan of Node * Node
| GreaterThan of Node * Node
| LessThanOrEqual of Node * Node
| GreaterThanOrEqual of Node * Node
| NotEquals of Node * Node
| Equality of Node * Node
| And of Node * Node
| Or of Node * Node
| Not of Node
| BitAnd of Node * Node
| BitOr of Node * Node
| BitXor of Node * Node
| BitNot of Node
| BitLeftShift of Node * Node
| BitRightShift of Node * Node
| DeclareStatement of Node * Node // variable and its RHS value
| Block of Node[] //Block defines a set of execution statements
| New of Node * Node[] // an identifier node with a list of args
| Assign of Node * Node
| MemberAccess of string * Node
| MemberAccessNode of Node * Node
| Class of string * string * Node * Node[] * Node[] * Node[] //Class Name Class info, ctor args, ctor variables, body
| EnumNode of Node * string[] // member access for namespace and type, followed by the ENUM values
| Function of string option * Node[] * Node //function name(if required to create a function with name), arguments, function container, return value
| Return of Node
| Call of Node * Node[] // method name & arguments
| Closure of Node // closure function
| NewTupleNode of Node[]
| IfElse of Node * Node * Node option // condition, body, else part
| While of Node * Node
| ForIntegerUpLoop of Node * Node * Node * Node // variable, condition1, condition2, body -- "downto" keyword is not supported in F# quotations, may be in future so we have a "Up" indicator for postfix operators to always increment
| StringLiteral of string
| Try of Node * (Node * Node) option * Node option // try body / catch body / finally body
| Throw of Node
| NewArray of Node[]
| IndexAccess of Node * Node
| NewJsType of (string * Node)[] // used in js type notations
| InstanceOf of Node * Node // js "instanceof" keyword
| TypeOf of Node
| Unit
| Null
| Empty
| Ignore
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