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Last active November 28, 2023 08:45
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// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, constant_identifier_names
const _maxCallDepth = 100;
void cycleDetected() {
throw Exception('Cycle detected');
void mutationDetected() {
throw Exception('Computed cannot have side-effects');
const identifier = Symbol('preact-signals');
// Flags for Computed and Effect.
const RUNNING = 1 << 0;
const NOTIFIED = 1 << 1;
const OUTDATED = 1 << 2;
const DISPOSED = 1 << 3;
const HAS_ERROR = 1 << 4;
const TRACKING = 1 << 5;
// A linked list node used to track dependencies (sources) and dependents (targets).
// Also used to remember the source's last version number that the target saw.
class Node {
// A source whose value the target depends on.
final ReadonlySignal _source;
Node? _prevSource;
Node? _nextSource;
// A target that depends on the source and should be notified when the source changes.
final Listenable _target;
Node? _prevTarget;
Node? _nextTarget;
// The version number of the source that target has last seen. We use version numbers
// instead of storing the source value, because source values can take arbitrary amount
// of memory, and computeds could hang on to them forever because they're lazily evaluated.
// Use the special value -1 to mark potentially unused but recyclable nodes.
int _version;
// Used to remember & roll back the source's previous `._node` value when entering &
// exiting a new evaluation context.
Node? _rollbackNode;
required ReadonlySignal source,
Node? prevSource,
Node? nextSource,
required Listenable target,
Node? prevTarget,
Node? nextTarget,
required int version,
Node? rollbackNode,
}) : _source = source,
_prevSource = prevSource,
_nextSource = nextSource,
_target = target,
_prevTarget = prevTarget,
_nextTarget = nextTarget,
_version = version,
_rollbackNode = rollbackNode;
void startBatch() {
void endBatch() {
if (batchDepth > 1) {
Object? error;
bool hasError = false;
while (batchedEffect != null) {
Effect? effect = batchedEffect;
batchedEffect = null;
while (effect != null) {
final Effect? next = effect._nextBatchedEffect;
effect._nextBatchedEffect = null;
effect._flags &= ~NOTIFIED;
if (!((effect._flags & DISPOSED) != 0) && needsToRecompute(effect)) {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (!hasError) {
error = err;
hasError = true;
effect = next;
batchIteration = 0;
if (hasError) {
throw error!;
typedef BatchCallback<T> = T Function();
/// The `batch` function allows you to combine multiple signal writes into one single update that is triggered at the end when the callback completes.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final name = signal("Jane");
/// final surname = signal("Doe");
/// final fullName = computed(() => name.value + " " + surname.value);
/// // Logs: "Jane Doe"
/// effect(() => print(fullName.value));
/// // Combines both signal writes into one update. Once the callback
/// // returns the `effect` will trigger and we'll log "Foo Bar"
/// batch(() {
/// name.value = "Foo";
/// surname.value = "Bar";
/// });
/// ```
/// When you access a signal that you wrote to earlier inside the callback, or access a computed signal that was invalidated by another signal, we'll only update the necessary dependencies to get the current value for the signal you read from. All other invalidated signals will update at the end of the callback function.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final counter = signal(0);
/// final _double = computed(() => counter.value * 2);
/// final _triple = computed(() => counter.value * 3);
/// effect(() => print(_double.value, _triple.value));
/// batch(() {
/// counter.value = 1;
/// // Logs: 2, despite being inside batch, but `triple`
/// // will only update once the callback is complete
/// print(_double.value);
/// });
/// // Now we reached the end of the batch and call the effect
/// ```
/// Batches can be nested and updates will be flushed when the outermost batch call completes.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final counter = signal(0);
/// effect(() => print(counter.value));
/// batch(() {
/// batch(() {
/// // Signal is invalidated, but update is not flushed because
/// // we're still inside another batch
/// counter.value = 1;
/// });
/// // Still not updated...
/// });
/// // Now the callback completed and we'll trigger the effect.
/// ```
T batch<T>(BatchCallback<T> callback) {
if (batchDepth > 0) {
return callback();
try {
return callback();
} finally {
// Currently evaluated computed or effect.
Listenable? evalContext;
int untrackedDepth = 0;
typedef UntrackedCallback<T> = T Function();
/// In case when you're receiving a callback that can read some signals, but you don't want to subscribe to them, you can use `untracked` to prevent any subscriptions from happening.
/// ```dart
/// final counter = signal(0);
/// final effectCount = signal(0);
/// final fn = () => effectCount.value + 1;
/// effect(() {
/// print(counter.value);
/// // Whenever this effect is triggered, run `fn` that gives new value
/// effectCount.value = untracked(fn);
/// });
/// ```
T untracked<T>(UntrackedCallback<T> callback) {
if (untrackedDepth > 0) {
return callback();
final prevContext = evalContext;
evalContext = null;
try {
return callback();
} finally {
evalContext = prevContext;
// Effects collected into a batch.
Effect? batchedEffect;
int batchDepth = 0;
int batchIteration = 0;
// A global version number for signals, used for fast-pathing repeated
// computed.peek()/computed.value calls when nothing has changed globally.
int globalVersion = 0;
Node? addDependency(ReadonlySignal signal) {
if (evalContext == null) {
return null;
var node = signal._node;
if (node == null || node._target != evalContext) {
* `signal` is a new dependency. Create a new dependency node, and set it
* as the tail of the current context's dependency list. e.g:
* { A <-> B }
* ↑ ↑
* tail node (new)
* ↓
* { A <-> B <-> C }
* ↑
* tail (evalContext._sources)
node = Node(
version: 0,
source: signal,
prevSource: evalContext!._sources,
nextSource: null,
target: evalContext!,
prevTarget: null,
nextTarget: null,
rollbackNode: node,
if (evalContext!._sources != null) {
evalContext!._sources!._nextSource = node;
evalContext!._sources = node;
signal._node = node;
// Subscribe to change notifications from this dependency if we're in an effect
// OR evaluating a computed signal that in turn has subscribers.
if ((evalContext!._flags & TRACKING) != 0) {
return node;
} else if (node._version == -1) {
// `signal` is an existing dependency from a previous evaluation. Reuse it.
node._version = 0;
* If `node` is not already the current tail of the dependency list (i.e.
* there is a next node in the list), then make the `node` the new tail. e.g:
* { A <-> B <-> C <-> D }
* ↑ ↑
* node ┌─── tail (evalContext._sources)
* └─────│─────┐
* ↓ ↓
* { A <-> C <-> D <-> B }
* ↑
* tail (evalContext._sources)
if (node._nextSource != null) {
node._nextSource!._prevSource = node._prevSource;
if (node._prevSource != null) {
node._prevSource!._nextSource = node._nextSource;
node._prevSource = evalContext!._sources;
node._nextSource = null;
evalContext!._sources!._nextSource = node;
evalContext!._sources = node;
// We can assume that the currently evaluated effect / computed signal is already
// subscribed to change notifications from `signal` if needed.
return node;
return null;
int _lastGlobalId = 0;
abstract class ReadonlySignal<T> {
/// Debug label for Debug Mode
String? get debugLabel;
/// Global ID of the signal
int get globalId;
/// Compute the current value
T get value;
String toString();
/// Convert value to JSON
T toJson();
/// Return the value when invoked
T call();
/// In the rare instance that you have an effect that should write to another signal based on the previous value, but you _don't_ want the effect to be subscribed to that signal, you can read a signals's previous value via `signal.peek()`.
/// ```dart
/// final counter = signal(0);
/// final effectCount = signal(0);
/// effect(() {
/// print(counter.value);
/// // Whenever this effect is triggered, increase `effectCount`.
/// // But we don't want this signal to react to `effectCount`
/// effectCount.value = effectCount.peek() + 1;
/// });
/// ```
/// Note that you should only use `signal.peek()` if you really need it. Reading a signal's value via `signal.value` is the preferred way in most scenarios.
T peek();
/// Subscribe to value changes
EffectCleanup subscribe(void Function(T value) fn);
void _subscribe(Node node);
void _unsubscribe(Node node);
/// @internal
/// Version numbers should always be >= 0, because the special value -1 is used
/// by Nodes to signify potentially unused but recyclable nodes.
int get _version;
// @internal
Node? _node;
// @internal
Node? _targets;
bool _refresh();
abstract class MutableSignal<T> implements ReadonlySignal<T> {
// Update the current value
set value(T value);
class Signal<T> implements MutableSignal<T> {
final int globalId;
final String? debugLabel;
Signal(this._value, {this.debugLabel})
: _version = 0,
brand = identifier,
globalId = ++_lastGlobalId;
// @internal
T _value;
/// @internal
/// Version numbers should always be >= 0, because the special value -1 is used
/// by Nodes to signify potentially unused but recyclable nodes.
int _version;
bool _refresh() {
return true;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Signal<T> && value == other.value;
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([
static void __subscribe(ReadonlySignal signal, Node node) {
if (signal._targets != node && node._prevTarget == null) {
node._nextTarget = signal._targets;
if (signal._targets != null) {
signal._targets!._prevTarget = node;
signal._targets = node;
void _subscribe(Node node) => __subscribe(this, node);
static void __unsubscribe(ReadonlySignal signal, Node node) {
// Only run the unsubscribe step if the signal has any subscribers to begin with.
if (signal._targets != null) {
final prev = node._prevTarget;
final next = node._nextTarget;
if (prev != null) {
prev._nextTarget = next;
node._prevTarget = null;
if (next != null) {
next._prevTarget = prev;
node._nextTarget = null;
if (node == signal._targets) {
signal._targets = next;
void _unsubscribe(Node node) => __unsubscribe(this, node);
EffectCleanup subscribe(void Function(T value) fn) {
return __signalSubscribe(this, fn);
static EffectCleanup __signalSubscribe<T>(
ReadonlySignal<T> signal,
void Function(T value) fn,
) {
return effect(() {
final effect = currentEffect!;
final value = signal.value;
final flag = effect._flags & TRACKING;
effect._flags &= ~TRACKING;
try {
} finally {
effect._flags |= flag;
T call() => this.value;
String toString() => '$value';
T toJson() => value;
T peek() => this._value;
final Symbol brand;
T get value {
final node = addDependency(this);
if (node != null) {
node._version = this._version;
return this._value;
set value(T val) {
if (evalContext is Computed) {
if (val != this._value) {
void forceUpdate(T val) {
void _updateValue(T val) {
if (batchIteration > _maxCallDepth) {
this._value = val;
try {
for (var node = _targets; node != null; node = node._nextTarget) {
} finally {
Node? _node;
Node? _targets;
/// The `signal` function creates a new signal. A signal is a container for a value that can change over time. You can read a signal's value or subscribe to value updates by accessing its `.value` property.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final counter = signal(0);
/// // Read value from signal, logs: 0
/// print(counter.value);
/// // Write to a signal
/// counter.value = 1;
/// ```
/// Writing to a signal is done by setting its `.value` property. Changing a signal's value synchronously updates every [computed](#computedfn) and [effect](#effectfn) that depends on that signal, ensuring your app state is always consistent.
MutableSignal<T> signal<T>(T value, {String? debugLabel}) {
final instance = Signal<T>(value, debugLabel: debugLabel);
return instance;
abstract class Listenable {
Node? _sources;
int get _flags;
/// Debug label for Debug Mode
String? get debugLabel;
/// Global ID of the signal
int get globalId;
void _notify();
bool needsToRecompute(Listenable target) {
// Check the dependencies for changed values. The dependency list is already
// in order of use. Therefore if multiple dependencies have changed values, only
// the first used dependency is re-evaluated at this point.
for (var node = target._sources; node != null; node = node._nextSource) {
// If there's a new version of the dependency before or after refreshing,
// or the dependency has something blocking it from refreshing at all (e.g. a
// dependency cycle), then we need to recompute.
if (node._source._version != node._version ||
!node._source._refresh() ||
node._source._version != node._version) {
return true;
// If none of the dependencies have changed values since last recompute then
// there's no need to recompute.
return false;
void prepareSources(Listenable target) {
* 1. Mark all current sources as re-usable nodes (version: -1)
* 2. Set a rollback node if the current node is being used in a different context
* 3. Point 'target._sources' to the tail of the doubly-linked list, e.g:
* { undefined <- A <-> B <-> C -> undefined }
* ↑ ↑
* │ └──────┐
* target._sources = A; (node is head) │
* ↓ │
* target._sources = C; (node is tail) ─┘
for (var node = target._sources; node != null; node = node._nextSource) {
final rollbackNode = node._source._node;
if (rollbackNode != null) {
node._rollbackNode = rollbackNode;
node._source._node = node;
node._version = -1;
if (node._nextSource == null) {
target._sources = node;
void cleanupSources(Listenable target) {
var node = target._sources;
Node? head;
* At this point 'target._sources' points to the tail of the doubly-linked list.
* It contains all existing sources + new sources in order of use.
* Iterate backwards until we find the head node while dropping old dependencies.
while (node != null) {
final prev = node._prevSource;
* The node was not re-used, unsubscribe from its change notifications and remove itself
* from the doubly-linked list. e.g:
* { A <-> B <-> C }
* ↓
* { A <-> C }
if (node._version == -1) {
if (prev != null) {
prev._nextSource = node._nextSource;
if (node._nextSource != null) {
node._nextSource!._prevSource = prev;
} else {
* The new head is the last node seen which wasn't removed/unsubscribed
* from the doubly-linked list. e.g:
* { A <-> B <-> C }
* ↑ ↑ ↑
* │ │ └ head = node
* │ └ head = node
* └ head = node
head = node;
node._source._node = node._rollbackNode;
if (node._rollbackNode != null) {
node._rollbackNode = null;
node = prev;
target._sources = head;
class Computed<T> implements Listenable, ReadonlySignal<T> {
final ComputedCallback<T> _compute;
final int globalId;
final String? debugLabel;
Node? _sources;
int _globalVersion;
int _flags;
Object? _error;
bool _initialized = false;
late T _value;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Signal<T> && value == other.value;
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([
Computed(ComputedCallback<T> compute, {this.debugLabel})
: _compute = compute,
_globalVersion = globalVersion - 1,
_flags = OUTDATED,
_version = 0,
brand = identifier,
globalId = ++_lastGlobalId;
bool _refresh() {
this._flags &= ~NOTIFIED;
if ((this._flags & RUNNING) != 0) {
return false;
// If this computed signal has subscribed to updates from its dependencies
// (TRACKING flag set) and none of them have notified about changes (OUTDATED
// flag not set), then the computed value can't have changed.
if ((this._flags & (OUTDATED | TRACKING)) == TRACKING) {
return true;
this._flags &= ~OUTDATED;
if (this._globalVersion == globalVersion) {
return true;
this._globalVersion = globalVersion;
// Mark this computed signal running before checking the dependencies for value
// changes, so that the RUNNING flag can be used to notice cyclical dependencies.
this._flags |= RUNNING;
if (_version > 0 && !needsToRecompute(this)) {
this._flags &= ~RUNNING;
return true;
final prevContext = evalContext;
try {
evalContext = this;
final value = this._compute();
if ((this._flags & HAS_ERROR) != 0 ||
!_initialized ||
_value != value ||
_version == 0) {
_value = value;
if (!_initialized) _initialized = true;
_flags &= ~HAS_ERROR;
} catch (err) {
_error = err;
_flags |= HAS_ERROR;
evalContext = prevContext;
_flags &= ~RUNNING;
return true;
void _subscribe(Node node) {
if (_targets == null) {
// A computed signal subscribes lazily to its dependencies when the it
// gets its first subscriber.
for (var node = _sources; node != null; node = node._nextSource) {
Signal.__subscribe(this, node);
void _unsubscribe(Node node) {
// Only run the unsubscribe step if the computed signal has any subscribers.
if (_targets != null) {
Signal.__unsubscribe(this, node);
// Computed signal unsubscribes from its dependencies when it loses its last subscriber.
// This makes it possible for unreferences subgraphs of computed signals to get garbage collected.
if (_targets == null) {
_flags &= ~TRACKING;
for (var node = _sources; node != null; node = node._nextSource) {
void _notify() {
if (!((_flags & NOTIFIED) != 0)) {
for (var node = _targets; node != null; node = node._nextTarget) {
T peek() {
if (!_refresh()) {
if ((_flags & HAS_ERROR) != 0) {
throw _value!;
return _value;
T get value {
if ((_flags & RUNNING) != 0) {
final node = addDependency(this);
if (node != null) {
node._version = _version;
if ((_flags & HAS_ERROR) != 0) {
throw _error!;
return _value;
T call() => this.value;
String toString() => '$value';
T toJson() => value;
Node? _node;
Node? _targets;
int _version;
final Symbol brand;
EffectCleanup subscribe(void Function(T value) fn) {
return Signal.__signalSubscribe(this, fn);
typedef ComputedCallback<T> = T Function();
/// Data is often derived from other pieces of existing data. The `computed` function lets you combine the values of multiple signals into a new signal that can be reacted to, or even used by additional computeds. When the signals accessed from within a computed callback change, the computed callback is re-executed and its new return value becomes the computed signal's value.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final name = signal("Jane");
/// final surname = signal("Doe");
/// final fullName = computed(() => name.value + " " + surname.value);
/// // Logs: "Jane Doe"
/// print(fullName.value);
/// // Updates flow through computed, but only if someone
/// // subscribes to it. More on that later.
/// name.value = "John";
/// // Logs: "John Doe"
/// print(fullName.value);
/// ```
/// Any signal that is accessed inside the `computed`'s callback function will be automatically subscribed to and tracked as a dependency of the computed signal.
ReadonlySignal<T> computed<T>(
ComputedCallback<T> compute, {
String? debugLabel,
}) {
final instance = Computed<T>(compute, debugLabel: debugLabel);
return instance;
void cleanupEffect(Effect effect) {
final cleanup = effect._cleanup;
effect._cleanup = null;
if (cleanup != null) {
// Run cleanup functions always outside of any context.
final prevContext = evalContext;
evalContext = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
effect._flags &= ~RUNNING;
effect._flags |= DISPOSED;
} finally {
evalContext = prevContext;
void disposeEffect(Effect effect) {
for (var node = effect._sources; node != null; node = node._nextSource) {
effect._compute = null;
effect._sources = null;
void endEffect(Effect effect, Listenable? prevContext) {
if (evalContext != effect) {
throw Exception('Out-of-order effect');
evalContext = prevContext;
effect._flags &= ~RUNNING;
if ((effect._flags & DISPOSED) != 0) {
typedef EffectCleanup = void Function();
typedef EffectCallback = Function();
Effect? currentEffect;
class Effect implements Listenable {
EffectCallback? _compute;
final String? debugLabel;
final int globalId;
Function? _cleanup;
Node? _sources;
Effect? _nextBatchedEffect;
int _flags;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Effect && globalId == other.globalId;
int get hashCode {
return globalId.hashCode;
Effect(EffectCallback compute, {this.debugLabel})
: _flags = TRACKING,
_compute = compute,
_cleanup = null,
globalId = ++_lastGlobalId;
void _callback() {
final finish = _start();
try {
if ((_flags & DISPOSED) != 0) return;
if (_compute == null) return;
currentEffect = this;
final cleanup = _compute!();
currentEffect = null;
if (cleanup is Function) {
_cleanup = cleanup;
} finally {
EffectCleanup _start() {
if ((_flags & RUNNING) != 0) {
_flags |= RUNNING;
_flags &= ~DISPOSED;
final prevContext = evalContext;
evalContext = this;
return () => endEffect(this, prevContext);
void _notify() {
if (!((_flags & NOTIFIED) != 0)) {
_flags |= NOTIFIED;
_nextBatchedEffect = batchedEffect;
batchedEffect = this;
void _dispose() {
_flags |= DISPOSED;
if (!((_flags & RUNNING) != 0)) {
/// The `effect` function is the last piece that makes everything reactive. When you access a signal inside its callback function, that signal and every dependency of said signal will be activated and subscribed to. In that regard it is very similar to [`computed(fn)`](#computedfn). By default all updates are lazy, so nothing will update until you access a signal inside `effect`.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final name = signal("Jane");
/// final surname = signal("Doe");
/// final fullName = computed(() => name.value + " " + surname.value);
/// // Logs: "Jane Doe"
/// effect(() => print(fullName.value));
/// // Updating one of its dependencies will automatically trigger
/// // the effect above, and will print "John Doe" to the console.
/// name.value = "John";
/// ```
/// You can destroy an effect and unsubscribe from all signals it was subscribed to, by calling the returned function.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:preact_signals/preact_signals.dart';
/// final name = signal("Jane");
/// final surname = signal("Doe");
/// final fullName = computed(() => name.value + " " + surname.value);
/// // Logs: "Jane Doe"
/// final dispose = effect(() => print(fullName.value));
/// // Destroy effect and subscriptions
/// dispose();
/// // Update does nothing, because no one is subscribed anymore.
/// // Even the computed `fullName` signal won't change, because it knows
/// // that no one listens to it.
/// surname.value = "Doe 2";
/// ```
EffectCleanup effect(EffectCallback compute, {String? debugLabel}) {
final effect = Effect(compute, debugLabel: debugLabel);
try {
} catch (e) {
// Return a bound function instead of a wrapper like `() => effect._dispose()`,
// because bound functions seem to be just as fast and take up a lot less memory.
return effect._dispose;
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