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Last active May 29, 2024 21:21
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Example of a possible Dart DSX (JSX like syntax) inspired by Templ in Go lang
import 'dart:io';
void main() {
final file = File('lib/hello.dsx');
final out = File('lib/hello.g.dart');
String convert(String raw) {
final result = StringBuffer();
final lines = raw.split('\n');
var isAsync = false;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.trimLeft().startsWith('template ')) {
isAsync = false;
if (line.contains(') async {')) {
isAsync = true;
line = line.replaceFirst('template ', 'Stream<String> ');
line = line.replaceAll(') async {', ') async* {');
} else {
line = line.replaceFirst('template ', 'Iterable<String> ');
line = line.replaceAll(') {', ') sync* {');
} else if (line.trimLeft().startsWith('<')) {
// Convert to string replace
result.write(" yield '");
void addRawTag(String tag) {
if (line.trimLeft().startsWith('<$tag')) {
line = lines[++i];
while (!line.trimLeft().startsWith('</$tag')) {
result.write(' yield "');
result.write(line.replaceFirst(' ', ''));
line = lines[++i];
result.write(" yield '");
const tags = ['style', 'script'];
for (final tag in tags) {
} else if (line.trimLeft().startsWith('@')) {
// Convert to string replace
result.write(' yield* ');
if (isAsync) {
result.write(' Stream.fromIterable(');
result.write(line.replaceFirst(' ', '').replaceFirst('@', ''));
if (isAsync) {
result.write(' )');
return result.toString();
template Hello(String name, {bool active = false}) {
<div>Hello, ${name}!</div>
if (active) {
<div class="badge">You are awesome!</div>
template Base(String title) async {
body {
font-family: 'Roboto';
@Hello('World', active: true)
template RemoteData(String path) async {
final response = await Future.value(0);
<div>Result: $response</div>
template Counter(int id, [int count = 0]) {
<h2>Counter: $id</h2>
<button id="counter-$id" data-count="$count">Count: $count</button>
const counter_$id = document.querySelector(`#counter-$id`);
counter_$id.addEventListener('click', inc, false);
function inc() {
let count = parseInt(counter_$id.getAttribute('data-count'));
count += 1;
counter_$id.innerHTML = `Count: \${count}`;
counter_$id.setAttribute('data-count', count);
template Counters(int count) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Iterable<String> Hello(String name, {bool active = false}) sync* {
yield '<div>Hello, ${name}!</div>';
if (active) {
yield '<div class="badge">You are awesome!</div>';
Stream<String> Base(String title) async* {
yield '<html>';
yield '<head>';
yield '<title>${title}</title>';
yield '<style>';
yield " body {";
yield " font-family: 'Roboto';";
yield " }";
yield '</style>';
yield '</head>';
yield '<body>';
yield* Stream.fromIterable( Hello('World', active: true) );
yield '</body>';
yield '</html>';
Stream<String> RemoteData(String path) async* {
final response = await Future.value(0);
yield '<div>Result: $response</div>';
Iterable<String> Counter(int id, [int count = 0]) sync* {
yield '<h2>Counter: $id</h2>';
yield '<button id="counter-$id" data-count="$count">Count: $count</button>';
yield '<script>';
yield " const counter_$id = document.querySelector(`#counter-$id`);";
yield " counter_$id.addEventListener('click', inc, false);";
yield "";
yield " function inc() {";
yield "let count = parseInt(counter_$id.getAttribute('data-count'));";
yield "count += 1;";
yield "counter_$id.innerHTML = `Count: \${count}`;";
yield "counter_$id.setAttribute('data-count', count);";
yield " }";
yield '</script>';
Iterable<String> Counters(int count) sync* {
yield '<h1>Counters</h1>';
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
yield* Counter(i);;
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