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Last active October 20, 2024 04:06
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Get full version of StarUML 6.2.2 + Remove Watermark

StarUML Full License & Exporting Diagrams in High Resolution

This guide will walk you through how to license StarUML and export diagrams without watermarks in high resolution. Follow each step carefully to ensure success.


1. Install StarUML

Download the latest version of StarUML from the official website.

2. Install asar

Next, install asar, a utility to manage .asar files. Open your terminal as an administrator and run the following command:

npm i asar -g


Make sure to have the LTS version of Node.js installed to ensure compatibility and avoid errors when running npm commands. You can download the LTS version from

This will install asar globally.

3. Extract app.asar

To access the files needed to modify the license and export settings, extract the app.asar file.

Navigate to the StarUML directory. By default, it’s located at:

  • Windows: C:/Program Files/StarUML/resources
  • MacOS: /Applications/
  • Linux: /opt/staruml/resources

You can use the cd command to navigate to your specific directory. For example:

cd "C:/Program Files/StarUML/resources"

Run the following command in your terminal as an Administrator (Git Bash, PowerShell, or CMD):

asar e app.asar app

This will extract the app.asar file into a folder called app.

4. Modify the License Manager

In the extracted files, navigate to the following path:

Program Files/StarUML/resources/app/src/engine/license-manager.js

Open the license-manager.js file in your preferred code editor and paste this modified license manager code here.

const { EventEmitter } = require("events"); 
const fs = require("fs"); 
const path = require("path"); 
const crypto = require("crypto"); 
const UnregisteredDialog = require("../dialogs/unregistered-dialog"); 
const packageJSON = require("../../package.json");

const SK = "DF9B72CC966FBE3A46F99858C5AEE";

// Check License When File Save 


var status = false; 
var licenseInfo = null;

Set Registration Status
This function is out of LicenseManager class for the security reason
(To disable changing License status by API)
@param {boolean} newStat
@return {string} 
function setStatus(licenseManager, newStat) { 
    if (status !== newStat) { 
        status = newStat; 
        licenseManager.emit("statusChanged", status); 

class LicenseManager extends EventEmitter { 
    constructor() { 
        this.projectManager = null; 

    isProDiagram(diagramType) { 
        return PRO_DIAGRAM_TYPES.includes(diagramType); 

    Get Registration Status
    @return {string} 
    getStatus() { 
        return status; 

    Get License Infomation
    @return {Object} 
    getLicenseInfo() { 
        return licenseInfo; 

    findLicense() { 
        var licensePath = path.join(app.getUserPath(), "/license.key"); 
        if (!fs.existsSync(licensePath)) { 
            licensePath = path.join(app.getAppPath(), "../license.key"); 
        if (fs.existsSync(licensePath)) { 
            return licensePath; 
        } else { 
            return null; 

    Check license validity
    @return {Promise} 
    validate() { 
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
            try { 
                // Local check 
                var file = this.findLicense(); 
                if (!file) { 
                    reject("License key not found"); 
                } else { 
                    var data = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); 
                    licenseInfo = JSON.parse(data); 
                    if (licenseInfo.product !== packageJSON.config.product_id) { 
                        app.toast.error(`License key is for old version (${licenseInfo.product})`); 
                        reject(`License key is not for ${packageJSON.config.product_id}`); 
                    } else { 
                        var base = SK + + SK + licenseInfo.product + "-" + licenseInfo.licenseType + SK + licenseInfo.quantity + SK + licenseInfo.timestamp + SK; 
                        var _key = crypto.createHash("sha1").update(base).digest("hex").toUpperCase(); 
                        if (_key !== licenseInfo.licenseKey) { 
                            reject("Invalid license key"); 
                        } else { 
                            // Server check 
                            $.post(app.config.validation_url, { licenseKey: licenseInfo.licenseKey, }) 
                                .done((data1) => { 
                                .fail((err) => { 
                                    if (err && err.status === 499) { 
                                        /* License key not exists */ 
                                    } else { 
                                        // If server is not available, assume that license key is valid 
            } catch (err) { 

    Return evaluation period status
    @return {number} Remaining days 
    checkEvaluationPeriod() { 
        const file = path.join(, ""); 
        if (!fs.existsSync(file)) { 
            const timestamp =; 
            fs.writeFileSync(file, timestamp.toString()); 
        try { 
            const timestamp = parseInt(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")); 
            const now =; 
            const remains = 30 - Math.floor((now - timestamp) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); 
            return remains; 
        } catch (err) { 
        return -1; // expired 

    async checkLicenseValidity() { 
        // Instead of validating the license, always set status to true
        setStatus(this, true); 

    Check the license key in server and store it as license.key file in local
    @param {string} licenseKey 
    register(licenseKey) { 
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
            $.post(app.config.validation_url, { licenseKey: licenseKey }) 
                .done((data) => { 
                    if (data.product === packageJSON.config.product_id) { 
                        var file = path.join(app.getUserPath(), "/license.key"); 
                        fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(data, 2)); 
                        licenseInfo = data; 
                        setStatus(this, true); 
                    } else { 
                        setStatus(this, false); 
                        reject("unmatched"); /* License is for old version */ 
                .fail((err) => { 
                    setStatus(this, false); 
                    if (err.status === 499) { 
                        /* License key not exists */ 
                    } else { 

    htmlReady() {}

    appReady() { 

module.exports = LicenseManager;

5. Exporting Diagrams in High Resolution (Without Watermarks)

To export diagrams in high resolution without watermarks, locate and modify the following file:

Program Files/StarUML/resources/app/src/diagram-export.js

Open the diagram-export.js file and replace the export code with this high-resolution export logic:

const fs = require("fs-extra");
const filenamify = require("filenamify");
const PDFDocument = require("pdfkit");
const { Point, ZoomFactor, Canvas } = require("../core/graphics");
const { PDFCanvas } = require("./pdf-graphics");
const { Context } = require("svgcanvas");


const PDF_MARGIN = 30;
const PDF_DEFAULT_ZOOM = 1; // Default Zoom Level

 * @private
 * Get Base64-encoded image data of diagram
 * @param {Editor} editor
 * @param {string} type (e.g. 'image/png')
 * @return {string}
function getImageData(diagram, type) {
  // Crear un nuevo canvas para generar la imagen
  var canvasElement = document.createElement("canvas");
  var canvas = new Canvas(canvasElement.getContext("2d"));
  var boundingBox = diagram.getBoundingBox(canvas);

  // Initialize new canvas
  // Expandir el boundingBox para asegurar que se incluya todo el diagrama
  // Ajustar el origen del canvas para no recortar el diagrama
  canvas.origin = new Point(-boundingBox.x1, -boundingBox.y1);
  canvas.zoomFactor = new ZoomFactor(1, 1);
  // Aquí calculamos el tamaño real del canvas antes de aplicar la relación de píxeles
  canvasElement.width = boundingBox.getWidth(); // Anchura real
  canvasElement.height = boundingBox.getHeight(); // Altura real

  // Configuración para pantallas de alta DPI (Retina)
  if (window.devicePixelRatio) {
    var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio * 2; // Ajustar el ratio para alta calidad
    canvasElement.width *= ratio;  // Aumentar la anchura según el ratio
    canvasElement.height *= ratio; // Aumentar la altura según el ratio
    canvas.context.scale(ratio, ratio);  // Escalar el contexto del canvas

  // Dibujar un fondo blanco solo para JPEG (para evitar el fondo transparente)
  if (type === "image/jpeg") {
    canvas.context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
    canvas.context.fillRect(0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height);

  // Dibujar el diagrama en el nuevo canvas

  // Devolver los datos del canvas en base64
  var data = canvasElement.toDataURL(type, 1.0).replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpeg);base64,/, "");
  return data;

 * @private
 * Get SVG image data of editor.diagram
 * @param {Diagram} diagram
 * @return {string}
function getSVGImageData(diagram) {
  const boundingBox = diagram.getBoundingBox(canvas);
  const w = boundingBox.getWidth();
  const h = boundingBox.getHeight();

  // Make a new SVG canvas for making SVG image data
  var ctx = new Context(w, h);
  var canvas = new Canvas(ctx);

  // Initialize new SVG Canvas
  canvas.origin = new Point(-boundingBox.x1, -boundingBox.y1);
  canvas.zoomFactor = new ZoomFactor(2, 2);  // Aplicamos un zoom adicional para mayor calidad

  // Draw diagram to the new SVG Canvas

  // Return the SVG data
  var data = ctx.getSerializedSvg(true);
  return data;

 * @private
 * Export Diagram as PNG
 * @param {Diagram} diagram
 * @param {string} fullPath
function exportToPNG(diagram, fullPath) {
  var data = getImageData(diagram, "image/png");
  var buffer = Buffer.from(data, "base64");
  fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, buffer);

 * @private
 * Export Diagram as JPEG
 * @param {Diagram} diagram
 * @param {string} fullPath
function exportToJPEG(diagram, fullPath) {
  var data = getImageData(diagram, "image/jpeg");
  var buffer = Buffer.from(data, "base64");
  fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, buffer);

 * @private
 * Export Diagram as SVG
 * @param {Diagram} diagram
 * @param {string} fullPath
function exportToSVG(diagram, fullPath) {
  var data = getSVGImageData(diagram);
  fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, data, "utf8");

 * @private
 * Export a list of diagrams
 * @param {string} format One of `png`, `jpg`, `svg`.
 * @param {Array<Diagram>} diagrams
 * @param {string} basePath
function exportAll(format, diagrams, basePath) {
  if (diagrams && diagrams.length > 0) {
    const path = basePath + "/" + format;
    diagrams.forEach((diagram, idx) => {
      var fn =
        path +
        "/" +
        filenamify(diagram.getPathname()) +
        "_" +
        idx +
        "." +
      switch (format) {
        case "png":
          return exportToPNG(diagram, fn);
        case "jpg":
          return exportToJPEG(diagram, fn);
        case "svg":
          return exportToSVG(diagram, fn);

function drawWatermarkPDF(doc, xstep, ystep, text) {
  for (var i = 0, wx =; i < wx; i += xstep) {
    for (var j = 0, wy =; j < wy; j += ystep) {
      doc.text(text, i, j, { lineBreak: false });

 * @private
 * Export diagrams to a PDF file
 * @param{Array<Diagram>} diagrams
 * @param{string} fullPath
 * @param{Object} options
function exportToPDF(diagrams, fullPath, options) {
  var doc = new PDFDocument(options);
  for (var name in app.fontManager.files) {
    const path = app.fontManager.files[name];
    doc.registerFont(name, path);
  var i, len;
  for (i = 0, len = diagrams.length; i < len; i++) {
    var canvas = new PDFCanvas(doc);
    if (i > 0) {
    var diagram = diagrams[i];
    var box = diagram.getBoundingBox(canvas);
    var w = - PDF_MARGIN * 2;
    var h = - PDF_MARGIN * 2;
    var zoom = Math.min(w / box.x2, h / box.y2);
    canvas.baseOrigin.x = PDF_MARGIN;
    canvas.baseOrigin.y = PDF_MARGIN;
    canvas.baseScale = Math.min(zoom, PDF_DEFAULT_ZOOM);

    diagram.drawDiagram(canvas, false);

    if (options.showName) {
      canvas.textOut(0, -10, diagram.getPathname());

exports.getImageData = getImageData;
exports.getSVGImageData = getSVGImageData;
exports.exportToPNG = exportToPNG;
exports.exportToJPEG = exportToJPEG;
exports.exportToSVG = exportToSVG;
exports.exportAll = exportAll;
exports.exportToPDF = exportToPDF;

6. Repack app.asar

Once you have edited the necessary files, you need to repack the app.asar file. Navigate back to the resources directory and run the following command:

asar pack app app.asar

This will repack your modified app folder back into a .asar file.

7. Clean Up

After repacking the app.asar, you can safely remove the extracted app folder to clean up your directory.

Remove the app folder:

  • For Windows:

    rmdir /s /q app
  • For Linux or Mac:

    rm -rf app

8. Launch StarUML

Now that everything is set up, launch StarUML by running the StarUML.exe file from your installation directory or through the desktop shortcut.


Congratulations! You now have StarUML fully licensed and can export diagrams in high resolution without watermarks.


This guide applies to StarUML version 6.2.2. Ensure you are using the correct version for compatibility.

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I'm on mac and i keep getting the error "“StarUML” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.".

Try to reinstall and don't do step 5.

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ByFocus commented Oct 16, 2024

I'm on mac and i keep getting the error "“StarUML” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.".

Try to reinstall and don't do step 5.

I have the same error as claudia and even skipping step 5, it throws the same error. Any other ideas?

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I'm on mac and i keep getting the error "“StarUML” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.".

Try to reinstall and don't do step 5.

I have the same error as claudia and even skipping step 5, it throws the same error. Any other ideas?

If you get the error "StarUML is damaged and can't be opened" on Mac, try running in Terminal: sudo xattr -rd /Applications/ You can also go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and click "Open Anyway." If it still doesn’t work, reinstall the app from the official website. As a last option, disable Gatekeeper with sudo spctl --master-disable and reactivate it with sudo spctl --master-enable.

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