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Last active May 18, 2016 11:13
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A5 Authentication functions for a PhoneGap app (requires Alpha Apps Server)
//''------------------------- Authentication Functions
function authenticate(){
var data = getLoginDetails();
type: "GET",
url: {dialog.object}.appVars.appURL + "ajax.a5w",
timeout: 30000,
error: function(x,t,m) {
var msg = getMessage('AUTH_NOCONNECTION');
message(msg, 'long', 'center');
message(t + ": " + m);
//alert("x="+ x + ", t=" + t + ", m=" + m);
processData: false,
dataType: "script",
data: "_action=login&" + data,
//success: function() {alert("successFunction!");}
function getLoginDetails() {
//Get entered username and password, prep for query
var UN = {dialog.Object}.getValue('Username');
var PW = {dialog.Object}.getValue('Password');
var query = "un=" + escape(UN) + "&pw=" + escape(PW);
return query;
function resp_auth(res, un, dn, co) {
//Called by ajax response from ajax.a5w following authentication call
if (typeof(res) == 'boolean') {
//Authentication successful
{dialog.object}.appVars.userId = un;
{dialog.object}.appVars.displayName = dn;
{dialog.object} = co;
$('spanUser').innerHTML = ", " + dn;
sun = {dialog.object}.getValue('SEARCH_UserId');
if (sun != un) {dialog.object}.setValue('SEARCH_UserId', un);
{dialog.object}.getControl('INCIDENTLIST').searchList({searchMode : 'auto'});
{dialog.object}.setValue('Authenticated', true);
//Check for latest version (silently)
} else {
//Authentication failed
{dialog.object}.appVars.userId = '';
{dialog.object}.appVars.displayName = '';
{dialog.object}.setValue('Authenticated', false);
var msg = getMessage('AUTH_INCORRECT');
message(msg, 'long', 'center');
//alert('Login failed');
function logout(){
if({dialog.object}.appVars.testing == false) {
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