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Created September 24, 2018 07:31
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BitField Class Wrapper
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
template <class T = uint_least64_t, size_t size = 64, T first = 0, T last = first>
constexpr T genMask() {
static_assert(first <= last, "");
static_assert(first < size && last < size, "");
return (1ULL << last) | ((1ULL << (last - first)) - 1ULL) << first;
template <class T = uint_least64_t, T first = 0, T last = first>
class BitField {
T mask {genMask<T, sizeof(T) * 8, first, last>()};
T negMask {~mask};
T& value;
constexpr BitField(T& value) noexcept : value(value) {}
constexpr operator T() const noexcept {
return (this->value & mask) >> first;
BitField& operator = (T value) noexcept {
this->value &= negMask | ((value << first) & mask);
return *this;
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