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Created December 26, 2018 15:00
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Alert Telegram bot for once you become active witness on bitshares (run as crontab) (will ping everytime, dumb script, could use some STATE for saving - e.g. pickle) Need to add telegram_token & telegram_id and update "myname" to yours
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from bitshares import BitShares
from bitshares.blockchain import Blockchain
from bitshares.account import Account
from bitshares.instance import set_shared_bitshares_instance
from bitshares.witness import Witness
import requests
websocket = "wss://"
bitshares = BitShares(websocket)
#witness accountname to monitor:
myname = "roelandp"
telegram_token = "STRING" # Create your Telegram bot at @BotFather (
telegram_id = INT # Get your telegram id at @MyTelegramID_bot (
# Telegram barebones apicall
def telegram(method, params=None):
url = ""+telegram_token+"/"
params = params
r = requests.get(url+method, params = params).json()
return r
# Telegram notifyer
def alert_witness(msg):
payload = {"chat_id":telegram_id, "text":msg,"parse_mode":"HTML"}
m = telegram("sendMessage", payload)
for wid in Blockchain().config()['active_witnesses']:
w = Witness(wid)
a = Account(w['witness_account'])
if == myname:
alert_witness("you have become active again on bitshares! Check your pricefeeds!")
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