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Created October 24, 2016 13:04
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Failover script (original by jesta) modified to use telegram to notify you.
import os
import sys
import time
from piston.steem import Steem
from pprint import pprint
from steemtools.experimental import Transactions
# Steem connection and witness information
node = os.environ['steem_node']
witness = os.environ['steem_account']
wif = os.environ['steem_wif']
telegram_token = os.environ['feed_telegram_token']
telegram_id = os.environ['feed_telegram_id']
# Get your telegram id with the bot: MyTelegramID_bot
# setup a telegram bot (for the token) with bot: BotFather
def telegram(method, params=None):
url = ""+telegram_token+"/"
params = params
r = requests.get(url+method, params = params).json()
return r
# Establish the connection to steem
steem = Steem(node=node, keys=[wif])
# How many misses before we trigger the update, 0 for debugging (always trigger)
threshold = int(os.environ['threshold'])
# How often should we check for misses? (in seconds)
check_rate = int(os.environ['check_rate'])
# The signing key to swap to when the threshold is met
backup_key = os.environ['steem_backup']
# Properties to set on the witness update
props = {
"account_creation_fee": os.environ['steem_account_creation_fee'],
"maximum_block_size": int(os.environ['steem_maximum_block_size']),
"sbd_interest_rate": int(os.environ['steem_sbd_interest_rate']),
witness_url = os.environ['steem_witness_url']
# Check how many blocks a witness has missed
def check_witness():
status = steem.rpc.get_witness_by_account(witness)
missed = status['total_missed']
pprint("Missed = " + str(missed) + " | Failover if >= " + str(threshold) + " | Next Key: " + backup_key)
if missed >= threshold:
update_witness(witness, witness_url, backup_key, props)
# Update the witness to the new signing key
def update_witness(account, url, signing_key, props):
# Create the witness_update transaction and broadcast
t = Transactions(steem=steem)
tx = t.witness_update(witness, backup_key, witness_url, props, wif, sim_mode=False)
# Send SMS Notification of Failure
custom_keyboard = [["shit hit fan!"]]
reply_markup = json.dumps({"keyboard":custom_keyboard, "resize_keyboard": True})
payload = {"chat_id":telegram_id, "text":conf_msg, "reply_markup":reply_markup}
m = telegram("sendMessage", payload)
# Kill the script
raise SystemExit
# Main Loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
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