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Forked from RomelSan/ListPrivilegedServices.ps1
Last active September 8, 2023 23:39
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List privileged services that don't come with Windows 11
# updated for Win11
# List privileged services that don't come with Windows 11
# Exclusion List for Win11 built in
$exclusion = @('ALG', 'AppVClient', 'COMSysApp', 'diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service',
'edgeupdate', 'edgeupdatem', 'gcs', 'MicrosoftEdgeElevationService', 'MSDTC',
'msiserver', 'NetTcpPortSharing', 'perceptionsimulation', 'PerfHost', 'RpcLocator', 'SecurityHealthService',
'Sense', 'SensorDataService', 'SgrmBroker', 'SNMPTrap', 'spectrum', 'Spooler', 'sppsvc', 'TieringEngineService',
'TrustedInstaller', 'UevAgentService', 'uhssvc', 'vds', 'VSS', 'wbengine', 'WdNisSvc', 'WinDefend', 'wmiApSrv',
'WMPNetworkSvc', 'WSearch', 'WslService')
# Get Service List with Exclusions
gcim win32_service | ? {$exclusion -notcontains $_.Name -and (($_.StartName -eq 'LocalSystem' -or $_.StartName -Like 'NT AUTHORITY*' -or $_.StartName -Like '*Administrator') -and $_.PathName -ne 'C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe' -and $_.PathName -NotLike 'C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k*')} | select Name,DesktopInteract,ErrorControl,StartMode | fl
# display almost all
gcim win32_service | ? {($_.StartName -eq 'LocalSystem' -or $_.StartName -Like 'NT AUTHORITY*' -or $_.StartName -Like '*Administrator') -and $_.PathName -ne 'C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe' -and $_.PathName -NotLike 'C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k*'} | select Name,DesktopInteract,ErrorControl,StartMode | fl
# do more : verify important properties of privileged services that come with Win11
sc.exe qsidtype name
sc.exe qprivs name
sc.exe qprotection name
sc.exe sdshow name
sc.exe qfailure name
gp hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\*\Parameters | ? { $_.servicedll } | select psparentpath, servicedll | fl
gp hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\* | ? { $_.imagepath } | select description, displayname | fl
# show file version info
gci imagepath | % versioninfo | select * | fl
gci servicedll | % versioninfo | select * | fl
Get-AuthenticodeSignature imagepath -Verbose | select *
Get-AuthenticodeSignature servicedll -Verbose | select *
# verify if symbolic link
gci | ? Target | select LinkType, FullName, Target
Get-Service name | select ServiceType
Get-Acl imagepath -Verbose | select * | fl
Get-Acl servicedll -Verbose | select * | fl
Get-Acl hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\name -Verbose | select * | fl
Get-Acl hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\name\Parameters -Verbose | select * | fl
Get-Acl hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\name\Security -Verbose | select * | fl
# verify blake3 hash
b3sum_windows_x64_bin.exe imagepath
b3sum_windows_x64_bin.exe servicedll
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