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Last active July 9, 2017 20:37
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Matlab function to calculate the DC delay (ramp delay) for a unity-gain transfer function (e.g. filter)
function td = dc_delay(sys)
%DC_DELAY(SYS) calculate the DC (ramp) delay for a transfer function
% DC_DELAY(SYS) calculates the delay for a ramp signal subject to a
% unit-gain transfer function. The delay is constant for the transfer
% function, so the sole argument is the transfer function, sys.
% Usage:
% Ts = 1e-2
% [B, A] = butter(2, 0.5*Ts/2);
% sysd = tf(B, A, Ts);
% td = dc_delay(sysd);
% udot = 10;
% u = t*udot;
% t = (0:Ts:10);
% y = filter(B, A, u); % u is a position at constant velocity
% u_est = y + td*mean(diff(u)/Ts);
% subplot(2, 1, 1)
% plot(t, [u, y, u_est])
% subplot(2, 1, 2)
% plot(t, u - u_est)
% See also: TF, DCGAIN
% Copyright 2017 Matt Roelle
assert(isa(sys, 'tf'), 'System must be a transfer function.');
assert(length(sys.den) == 1, 'System must be a single transfer function');
A = sys.den{1};
m = length(A);
B = [zeros(1, m - length(sys.num{1})), sys.num{1}]; % Zero pad B
if sys.Ts > 0
td = sys.Ts*(0:length(A) - 1)*(B-A)'/sum(A);
td = (A(m-1) - B(m-1))/A(m);
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