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Created March 23, 2012 16:38
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Language of Physical Units
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
, NoImplicitPrelude
, PackageImports
, UnicodeSyntax
module Numeric.Units.Dimensional.TF.Parser.Unit
( UnitExp(..)
, parseUnitExp
) where
-- Imports
import "base" Control.Applicative ( (<*>) )
import "base" Control.Monad ( return )
import "base" Data.Either ( Either )
import "base" Data.Function ( ($), id )
import "base" Data.Functor ( (<$>) )
import "base" Data.Int ( Int )
import "base" Data.String ( String )
import "base" Prelude ( negate )
import "base" Text.Show ( Show )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Prelude.Unicode ( (⋅) )
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Char ( char, letter, oneOf, string )
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Combinator ( between, many1, eof )
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Error ( ParseError, Message(Message), newErrorMessage )
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Expr
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Language ( emptyDef )
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Pos ( initialPos )
import "parsec" Text.Parsec.Prim
( Parsec, Stream, parse, (<|>), (<?>), try, getParserState )
import qualified "parsec" Text.Parsec.Token as P
import "transformers" Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
-- Debug
import Prelude
-- Language of Physical Units
data UnitExp =
UEName String -- "metre"
| UEMul UnitExp UnitExp -- "newton * metre"
| UEDiv UnitExp UnitExp -- "metre / second"
| UEPow UnitExp Integer -- "metre ^ 3"
deriving Show
infixr 8 `UEPow`
infixl 7 `UEMul`
infixl 7 `UEDiv`
-- | Less strict version of the language that is easier to
-- parse. Allows nonsensical things with the power operator and with
-- integer literals.
data UnitExpRaw =
UERName String -- "metre"
| UERInt Integer -- "3"
| UERMul UnitExpRaw UnitExpRaw -- "newton * metre"
| UERDiv UnitExpRaw UnitExpRaw -- "metre / second"
| UERPow UnitExpRaw UnitExpRaw -- "metre ^ 3"
deriving Show
infixr 8 `UERPow`
infixl 7 `UERMul`
infixl 7 `UERDiv`
convertRawExp ∷ UnitExpRaw → Maybe UnitExp
convertRawExp (UERName n) = Just $ UEName n
convertRawExp (UERInt i) = Nothing
convertRawExp (UERMul x y) = UEMul <$> convertRawExp x <*> convertRawExp y
convertRawExp (UERDiv x y) = UEDiv <$> convertRawExp x <*> convertRawExp y
convertRawExp (UERPow x (UERInt i)) = (`UEPow` i) <$> convertRawExp x
convertRawExp (UERPow x _) = Nothing
-- Lexer
unitDef ∷ P.LanguageDef st
unitDef = emptyDef
{ P.commentStart = ""
, P.commentEnd = ""
, P.commentLine = ""
, P.nestedComments = False
, P.identStart = P.identLetter unitDef
, P.identLetter = letter
, P.opStart = P.opLetter unitDef
, P.opLetter = oneOf ['*', '·', '/', '^']
, P.reservedNames = []
, P.reservedOpNames = []
, P.caseSensitive = True
lexer ∷ P.GenTokenParser String u Identity
lexer = P.makeTokenParser unitDef
-- Unit parser
parseUnitExp ∷ String → Either ParseError UnitExp
parseUnitExp str =
case parse unitExp "" str of
Left err → Left err
Right uer →
case convertRawExp uer of
Just ue → Right ue
Nothing → Left $ newErrorMessage (Message "Illegal expression")
(initialPos "")
unitExp ∷ Parsec String () UnitExpRaw
unitExp = do ue ← buildExpressionParser table term
return ue
table = [ [ binOp "^" UERPow AssocRight ]
, [ binOp "*" UERMul AssocLeft
, binOp "·" UERMul AssocLeft
, binOp "/" UERDiv AssocLeft
term = (P.parens lexer unitExp <?> "group")
<|> try (UERPow <$> unitName <*> unitSuperExp)
<|> unitName
<|> UERInt <$> P.integer lexer
unitName = UERName <$> (P.identifier lexer <?> "unit name")
unitSuperExp = UERInt <$> (superDecimal <?> "superscript decimal")
binOp name fun assoc = Infix (P.reservedOp lexer name >> return fun) assoc
superDecimal ∷ (Num α) ⇒ Parsec String () α
superDecimal = do
digits ← many1 superDigit
return $ foldl (\x d → 10⋅x + d) 0 digits
superDigit ∷ (Num α) ⇒ Parsec String () α
superDigit = (char '⁰' >> return 0)
<|> (char '¹' >> return 1)
<|> (char '²' >> return 2)
<|> (char '³' >> return 3)
<|> (char '⁴' >> return 4)
<|> (char '⁵' >> return 5)
<|> (char '⁶' >> return 6)
<|> (char '⁷' >> return 7)
<|> (char '⁸' >> return 8)
<|> (char '⁹' >> return 9)
superSign ∷ (Num α) ⇒ Parsec String () (α → α)
superSign = (char '⁻' >> return negate)
<|> (char '⁺' >> return id)
<|> return id
tests ∷ [String]
tests = map (\s → s ++ "\n" ++ show (parseUnitExp s) ++ "\n")
[ "a"
, "(a"
, "a)"
, "(a)"
-- , "((c))"
-- , "d/e"
-- , "((f)/(g))"
-- , "h^1 * i^-1"
-- , "j·k⁻¹"
-- , "l/(m·m)"
-- , "n/o²"
-- , "x^3"
-- , "x³"
-- , "m²·kg·s⁻³·A⁻²" -- Ω
-- , "m/s·s"
-- , "m/(s·s)"
-- , "m/s^2"
-- , "m/s²"
-- , "x / y / z "
-- , "m * s * m"
-- -- These should fail:
-- , "(m/s)²"
-- , "a @@@@"
-- , "2"
-- , "2/3"
-- , "m^s"
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