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Created February 13, 2013 16:13
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Bounds monitor
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module BoundsMonitor where
import "base" Control.Monad ( return )
import "base" Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar, modifyMVar_ )
import "base" Data.Bool ( Bool(False, True) )
import "base" Data.Function ( ($) )
import "base" Data.List ( map, maximum )
import "base" Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Nothing, Just) )
import "base" Data.Ord ( Ord, (<), (>) )
import "base" Data.String ( String )
import "base" Data.Tuple ( snd )
import "base" Prelude ( Double )
import "base" System.IO ( IO )
import "containers" Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( empty, insert, insertWith )
import "dimensional-tf" Numeric.Units.Dimensional.TF ( Time )
import "time" Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime, getCurrentTime )
type BoundsMonitor name = MVar (BM name)
data BM name =
{ bmVars ∷ Map name Variable
data Variable =
{ vSamples ∷ [Sample]
, vPredicates ∷ [Predicate]
type Sample = (UTCTime, Double)
data Predicate name =
{ predAnalysisType ∷ AnalysisType
, predFunc ∷ (Double → Bool)
, predMaxCheckDelay ∷ Maybe (Time Double)
-- ^ The predicate must be checked every predMaxCheckDelay time
-- units.
, predOnFail ∷ name → Predicate → IO ()
-- | Different types of analyses that can be performed on a variable.
data AnalysisType =
Absolute -- ^ The value of the last sample.
| TimeSinceLastUpdate
| Difference (Time Double)
-- ^ Difference between smallest and largest sample in a certain
-- time span.
| Frequency (Time Double)
-- ^ Update frequency in a certain time span.
mkBoundsMonitor ∷ (Ord name) ⇒ IO (BoundsMonitor name)
mkBoundsMonitor =
newMVar BM { bmVars = M.empty
startMonitor ∷ BoundsMonitor name → IO ()
startMonitor bm = return ()
stopMonitor ∷ BoundsMonitor name → IO ()
stopMonitor bm = return ()
add ∷ (Ord name) ⇒ name → BoundsMonitor name → IO ()
add varName bmMV =
modifyMVar_ bmMV $ \bm@BM{bmVars} → do
let newVar = Var {vSamples = []}
return bm {bmVars = M.insert varName newVar bmVars}
update ∷ (Ord name) ⇒ name → Double → BoundsMonitor name → IO ()
update varName value bmMV =
modifyMVar_ bmMV $ \bm@BM{bmVars} → do
t ← getCurrentTime
return bm {bmVars = updateVars bmVars (t, value)}
updateVars bmVars sample =
M.insertWith (\_ old → old {vSamples = sample : vSamples old})
(Var { vSamples = [sample]
predicate ∷ (Ord name) ⇒ name → Predicate name → BoundsMonitor name → IO ()
predicate varName pred bmMV = return ()
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