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Last active August 6, 2019 11:48
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Like phyloseq::merge_samples() but retains chr and fct information in sample_data()
#' Like phyloseq::merge_samples() but retains chr and fct information in sample_data()
#' Merge/agglomerate the sample indices of a phyloseq object according to a categorical variable contained in a sample_data or a provided factor.
#' Unlike merge_samples() this function will only apply a `mean` to numeric variables in `samples_data()` and will retain all unique values of any non-numeric variable.
#' In case of conflicting entries for merged samples, both will be retained and separated by a ",".
#' @author Roey Angel
#' @usage MergeSamples(Ps_obj, grouping_name = "Description")
#' @param ps (Required). A phyloseq object that has sample indices.
#' @param grouping_name (Required). A single character string matching a variable name in
#' the corresponding sample_data of \code{ps}.
#' @param fun (Optional). The function that will be used to merge the values that
#' correspond to the same group for each variable.
#' Note that this is (currently) ignored for the otu_table, where the equivalent
#' function is \code{\link[base]{sum}}, but evaluated via \code{\link[base]{rowsum}}
#' for efficiency.
#' @return A merged phyloseq object with its sample indices merged according to the factor indicated by the \code{grouping_name} argument.
#' @seealso \code{\link{phyloseq::merge_samples}}
#' @export
MergeSamples <- function(ps = Ps_obj, grouping_name = "Description", fun = "mean") {
if (taxa_are_rows(ps)) {ps <- t(ps)} # needs to be in sample-by-species orientation
SD2merge <- as.tibble(sample_data(ps)) # grab sample_data
org_col_names <- colnames(SD2merge) # retain original sample_data variable order
grouping_col <- select(SD2merge, group = grouping_name) # grab grouping var
# grap factor variables
SD2merge %>%
select_if(is.factor) %>%
colnames() ->
# merge the OTU table
ps %>%
otu_table() %>%
as(., "matrix") %>%
rowsum(., as_vector(grouping_col)) %>%
# convert back to otu_table, and return
otu_table(., taxa_are_rows = FALSE) ->
# ps %>% # generalised form but very slow
# otu_table() %>%
# as(., "matrix") %>%
# as.tibble() %>%
# group_by(as_vector(grouping_col)) %>%
# summarise_all(., fun)
# merge numeric
SD2merge %>%
select_if(is.numeric) %>%
bind_cols(grouping_col, .) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise_all(., fun, na.rm = TRUE) ->
# merge other
SD2merge %>%
select_if(negate(is.numeric)) %>%
bind_cols(grouping_col, .) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise_all(list(~paste(unique(.), collapse = ","))) ->
# join merged numeric and other columns
full_join(numeric_cols, other_cols, by = "group") %>%
select(-group) %>%
select(org_col_names) %>% # order columns like they were
mutate_at(fct_vars, funs(factor(.))) %>% # return factor type to fct vars
column_to_rownames(var = grouping_name) ->
# build and return a phyloseq object
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