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Created March 27, 2019 05:49
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import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import numba
import pandas as pd
from obspy.geodetics import kilometers2degrees
def _interp_over_lon_lat(data2d, lon_awap, lat_awap, lon_wrf_plus, lon_wrf_minus, lat_wrf_plus, lat_wrf_minus):
Private low-level function written using numba to speed-up the computation
data2d : 2darray
Input observational data to interpolate
lon_awap : 1darray
Longitudinal coordinates of data
lat_awap : 1darray
Latitudinal coordinates of data
lon_wrf_plus :
Longitudinal coordinates of
lon_wrf_minus :
Longitudinal coordinates of
lat_wrf_plus :
Latitudinal coordinates of
lat_wrf_minus :
Latitudinal coordinates of
data_interp : 2darray
Data filtered on grid_out
ny, nx = np.shape(lat_wrf_plus)
data2d_interp = np.zeros([ny, nx])
for la in range(ny):
for lo in range(nx):
cond = ((lat_awap >= lat_wrf_minus[la,lo])
& (lat_awap <= lat_wrf_plus[la,lo])
& (lon_awap >= lon_wrf_minus[la,lo])
& (lon_awap <= lon_wrf_plus[la,lo]))
if np.sum(cond) != 0:
data2d_interp[la, lo] = np.mean(data2d[np.where(cond)])
data2d_interp[la, lo] = np.nan
return data2d_interp
def _loop_over_time(data3d, lon_awap, lat_awap, lon_wrf_plus, lon_wrf_minus, lat_wrf_plus, lat_wrf_minus):
ny, nx = np.shape(lat_wrf_plus)
nt = len(data3d)
data3d_interp = np.zeros([nt, ny, nx])
for t in range(nt):
data3d_interp[t, :, :] = _interp_over_lon_lat(data3d[t, :, :], lon_awap, lat_awap, lon_wrf_plus, lon_wrf_minus, lat_wrf_plus, lat_wrf_minus)
return data3d_interp
def interp_awap_by_mean(ds_awap, grid_wrf_file):
Perform an interpolation based on the mean of WRF grid cells
ds_awap : xr.Dataset (dims time, lat, lon)
Input observational data to interpolate
mask_awap: xr.DataArray
Input observational mask
grid_wrf_file : xr.Dataset
wrf_output grid on which interpolate the observations
data_interp : xr.DataArray
Data interpolated on wrf grid
lat_min, lat_max =,
lon_min, lon_max = ds_awap.lon.min(), ds_awap.lon.max()
cond = (grid_wrf_file.XLONG_M >= lon_min) & (grid_wrf_file.XLONG_M <= lon_max) & (grid_wrf_file.XLAT_M >= lat_min) & (grid_wrf_file.XLAT_M <= lat_max)
grid_file = grid_wrf_file.where(cond, drop=True).isel(Time=0)
#ds = grid_file.isel(west_east=slice(1, None), south_north=slice(None, -1))
ds = grid_file.isel(west_east=slice(1, None), south_north=slice(1, None))
dx_wrf, dy_wrf = latlon2dydxWRF(ds['XLAT_M'], ds['XLONG_M'])
lat_wrf = grid_file.XLAT_M[1:-1,1:-1].data
lon_wrf = grid_file.XLONG_M[1:-1,1:-1].data
dlon_wrf = kilometers2degrees(dx_wrf, radius=6371 * 1e3)
dlat_wrf = kilometers2degrees(dy_wrf, radius=6371 * 1e3)
lon_wrf_plus = np.asarray(lon_wrf + dlon_wrf/2)
lon_wrf_minus = np.asarray(lon_wrf - dlon_wrf/2)
lat_wrf_plus = np.asarray(lat_wrf + dlat_wrf/2)
lat_wrf_minus = np.asarray(lat_wrf - dlat_wrf/2)
#create lat lon in 2d for awap
lat2d, lon2d = xr.broadcast(, ds_awap.lon)
lat_awap = np.asarray(lat2d)
lon_awap = np.asarray(lon2d)
time_awap = np.asarray(ds_awap.time)
data3d = np.asarray(ds_awap.precip)
res = _loop_over_time(data3d, lon_awap, lat_awap,
lon_wrf_plus, lon_wrf_minus,
lat_wrf_plus, lat_wrf_minus)
data_interp = xr.DataArray(res, name='precip',
dims=('time', 'south_north', 'west_east'),
return data_interp
def test_interp2d(ds_awap, grid_wrf_file):
Perform an interpolation based on the mean of WRF grid cells
ds_awap : xr.Dataset (2D field : lat, lon)
Input observational data to interpolate
mask_awap: xr.DataArray
Input observational mask
grid_wrf_file : xr.Dataset
wrf_output grid on which interpolate the observations
data_interp : xr.DataArray
Data interpolated on wrf grid
lat_min, lat_max =,
lon_min, lon_max = ds_awap.lon.min(), ds_awap.lon.max()
cond = (grid_wrf_file.XLONG_M >= lon_min) & (grid_wrf_file.XLONG_M <= lon_max) & (grid_wrf_file.XLAT_M >= lat_min) & (grid_wrf_file.XLAT_M <= lat_max)
grid_file = grid_wrf_file.where(cond, drop=True).isel(Time=0)
ds = grid_file.isel(west_east=slice(1, None), south_north=slice(1, None))
dx_wrf, dy_wrf = latlon2dydxWRF(ds['XLAT_M'], ds['XLONG_M'])
lat_wrf = grid_file.XLAT_M[1:-1,1:-1].data
lon_wrf = grid_file.XLONG_M[1:-1,1:-1].data
dlon_wrf = kilometers2degrees(dx_wrf, radius=6371 * 1e3)
dlat_wrf = kilometers2degrees(dy_wrf, radius=6371 * 1e3)
lon_wrf_plus = np.asarray(lon_wrf + dlon_wrf/2)
lon_wrf_minus = np.asarray(lon_wrf - dlon_wrf/2)
lat_wrf_plus = np.asarray(lat_wrf + dlat_wrf/2)
lat_wrf_minus = np.asarray(lat_wrf - dlat_wrf/2)
#create 2d lat lon for awap
lat2d, lon2d = xr.broadcast(, ds_awap.lon)
lat_awap = np.asarray(lat2d)
lon_awap = np.asarray(lon2d)
data2d = np.asarray(ds_awap.precip)
res = _interp_over_lon_lat(data2d, lon_awap, lat_awap,
lon_wrf_plus, lon_wrf_minus,
lat_wrf_plus, lat_wrf_minus)
data2d_interp = xr.DataArray(res, name='precip',
dims=('south_north', 'west_east'),
return data2d_interp
def latlon2dydxWRF(lat, lon, label='upper'):
Convert latitude and longitude arrays to elementary displacements in dy
and dx of wrf_output files
lat : array-like
Latitudinal spherical coordinates
lon : array-like
Longitudinal spherical coordinates
dim : str
Dimension along which the differentiation is performed, generally
associated with the time dimension.
label : {'upper', 'lower'}, optional
The new coordinate in dimension dim will have the values of
either the minuend\u2019s or subtrahend\u2019s coordinate for values \u2018upper\u2019
and \u2018lower\u2019, respectively.
dy : array-like
Zonal elementary displacement in cartesian coordinates
dx : array-like
Meridional elementary displacement in cartesian coordinates
EARTH_RADIUS = 6371 * 1e3
dlat = lat.diff('south_north', label=label)
dlon = lon.diff('west_east', label=label)
dy = np.pi / 180. * EARTH_RADIUS * dlat
# Need to slice the latitude data when there are duplicate values
if label is 'upper':
dx = (np.cos(np.pi / 180. * lat.isel(**{'west_east': slice(1, None)})) *
np.pi / 180. * EARTH_RADIUS * dlon)
dy = dy.isel(**{'west_east': slice(1, None)})
dx = dx.isel(**{'south_north': slice(1, None)})
elif label is 'lower':
dx = (np.cos(np.pi / 180. * lat.isel(**{'west_east': slice(None, -1)})) *
np.pi / 180. * EARTH_RADIUS * dlon)
dy = dy.isel(**{'west_east': slice(None, -1)})
dx = dx.isel(**{'south_north': slice(None, -1)})
return dy, dx
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