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Last active August 11, 2021 13:49
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Sql Command parameter extraction
type WhiteSpace = ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' | '\f'
type Trim<S extends string> =
S extends `${WhiteSpace}${infer T}` ? Trim<T>
: S extends `${infer T}${WhiteSpace}` ? Trim<T>
: S
type SqlParamsUnion<T extends string, P extends string = '@'> =
T extends `${any}${P}${infer P}${WhiteSpace}${infer R}`
? Trim<P> | SqlParamsUnion<R>
: never;
type DbType = string | number | boolean | Date | null;
export type ParamType<T extends DbType = DbType> = T | { dbType: any, value: T }
export type SqlParamsObject<T extends string, P extends string = '@'> = {
[K in SqlParamsUnion<T, P>]: ParamType
import { SqlParamsObject } from './SqlParams.ts';
// this will enforce that each sql param for the command is passed in if listed in the command
// and if the type of the sql string is known at the callsite)
export const execSql = async <T extends string>(sql: T, params: SqlParamsObject<T>) => {
// stuff
const sql = `
from bbb
where = @id
and type = @hello
// This passes type checking:
execSql(sql, {
hello: 'world',
id: 10,
// These do not
execSql(sql, {
hello: 'world',
}); // Property 'id' is missing in type '{ hello: string; }'
execSql(sql, {
hello: 'world',
id: 10
something: 'else',
}); // Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'something' does not exist in type
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