Before to start, please ensure to install on your local and ci machine so we can have a consistent environment between our machine for Ruby project installed.
To install Bundler for your local machine and ci.
$ gem install bundler
The next step is to generate a Gemfile from your local machine. So please run this following command:
$ bundler init
The last step will be setup our Gemfile by adding a Fastlane project
source ""
gem "fastlane"
Now, we need to install Fastlane with bundler by running this command line.
$ bundle install
The next step will be to setup a Fastfile for Android so we can have a multiple Fastlane lane to build easily an android flutter app, distribute and why not get a slack or what do you need from Fastlane plugin. So let's create our Fastfile project.
$ bundle exec fastlane init
You will be asked to have for the package name, the path json for delivery app to Google Play Store (I won't cover the delivery for TestFlight or AppStore because the goal of the articles is to ensure that you understand the concept how to set up the ci for a flutter project with GitLab CI or alternative) and also metadata so you can automate the process of updating your metadata from your git repository.
For the part of the Fastfile, we will create a lane to build an apk
platform :android do
desc "Build a Flutter apk"
lane :build do
Dir.chdir("../..") do
sh "flutter packages get"
sh "flutter clean"
sh "flutter build apk"
Let's test in our local machine if it's works by using this command line:
$ bundle exec fastlane build
The next part will be to create a lane deploy. So first, we need to add a new plugin AppCenter for Fastlane so we can upload our apk to AppCenter
$ fastlane add_plugin appcenter
Now let's go back to out Fastfile to add new lane call deploy
platform :android do
desc "Build a Flutter apk"
lane :build do
### BUILDING ###
desc "Submit a new Beta Build to AppCenter"
lane :deploy do
if File.exist?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "./../build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk")
api_token: "APP_CENTER_TOKEN", # Your secret api token from app center
owner_name: "APP_CENTER_USERNAME", # Your username on AppCenter
app_name: "APP_CENTER_APP_NAME", # Your AppCenter name
apk: "../build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk",
UI.message('Unable to find apk')
Now let's run the new lane we just created
$ bundle exec fastlane deploy
The next part it's to update our .gitlab-ci.yml so we can use fastlane to build apk and deploy easily
stage: build
- cd android
- bundle install --deployment
- bundle exec fastlane build
- build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
- flutter
stage: deploy
- cd android
- bundle install --deployment
- flutter_build_android
- bundle exec fastlane deploy_beta
- flutter
Commit and push your updated work and you should see in our job pipeline using fastlane building android part.
The next part we will talk is the iOS world where there is a little bit work to do but thanks to fastlane to simplify the job!
First, let's copy the same Gemfile from the android. The recommendation by Google it's to have Fastlane for each platfrom. (
$ cd android & cp ../android/Gemfile
$ bundle exec fastlane
Fastlane will ask "What would you like to use fastlane for?"
. Answer "4 - Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasks"
The first part will be to setup the way to build an iOS app. We will use all the action from fastlane to make a build.
platform :ios do
desc "Build an ipa"
lane :build do
Dir.chdir("../..") do
sh "flutter packages get"
sh "flutter clean"
sh "flutter build ios"
scheme: "Runner",
clean: true,
output_directory: './build',
export_options: {
method: "adhoc", #adhoc or enterprise
provisioningProfiles: {
The next step will be to deploy from fastlane
platform :ios do
# other lanes #
desc "Submit a new iOS build to AppCenter"
lane :deploy do
if File.exist?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "./build/Runner.ipa")
api_token: "APP_CENTER_TOKEN", # Your secret api token from app center
owner_name: "APP_CENTER_USERNAME", # Your username on AppCenter
app_name: "APP_CENTER_APP_NAME", # Your AppCenter name
ipa: "./build/Runner.ipa",
UI.message('Unable to find ipa')
And don't forget to commit and push. You should be able to run your lane from a local machine or CI machine. So it give your more options.
And that's it for all this series articles.