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Created July 30, 2012 16:18
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Testing Tempo via Direct & Numerical Integration
(ns explore_overtone.diffeq)
;; we start with a differential equation:
;; tempo = f(beat) or dx/dt = bps-fn(x)
;; Solving the diff eq via separable eq. gives: (thanks to Tony Grabowski for his help)
;; dt = dx/bps-fn(x) so t = Integrate 1/bps-fn(x) dt or Integrate spb-fn(x) dt
;; t = log(b + mx) / m - log(b) (since we set t = 0 at x = 0)
;; Then, algebra gives
;; x = (b^m)(e^(mt) - b)/m
;; But, we should also still be able to solve the same equation via numerical means:
;; beat = integrate bps-fn() dt
;; and
;; time = integrate spb-fn() dBeats
(defn lin
"dx/dt = m x + b"
[m b x]
(+ b (* m x)))
(defn lin-beat2time
"WolframAlpha: 't = Integrate 1/(mx+b) dx' t = log(b + mx) / m + C. C=-log(b)"
[m b x]
(- (/ (Math/log (+ b (* m x))) m) (Math/log b)))
(defn lin-time2beat
"given t = log(b + mx) / m - log(b). Algebra to solve for x = (b^m)(e^(mt) - b)/m. On WolframAlpha 'Solve ( t = log(b + m*x)/m - log(b)) for x'"
[m b t]
(/ (- (* (Math/pow b m) (Math/exp (* m t))) b) m))
;; Integration functions from John Lawrence Aspden blog discussion
;; See:
(defn booles-rule [f a b]
(let [midpoint1 (/ (+ a a a b) 4)
midpoint2 (/ (+ a a b b) 4)
midpoint3 (/ (+ a b b b) 4)]
(* 1/90
(- b a)
(+ (* 7 (f a))
(* 32 (f midpoint1))
(* 12 (f midpoint2))
(* 32 (f midpoint3))
(* 7 (f b))))))
(defn adaptive-rule-recurse [rule f a b desired-error]
(let [guess (rule f a b)
midpoint (/ (+ a b) 2)
better-guess (+ (rule f a midpoint) (rule f midpoint b))
error-estimate (- guess better-guess)
abs-error-estimate (if (> error-estimate 0) error-estimate (- error-estimate))]
(if (< abs-error-estimate desired-error) better-guess
(let [half-desired-error (/ desired-error 2)]
(+ (adaptive-rule-recurse rule f a midpoint half-desired-error)
(adaptive-rule-recurse rule f midpoint b half-desired-error))))))
(defn integrate [f a b]
(adaptive-rule-recurse booles-rule f a b 0.01))
;; Euler's method
(defn euler [f t0 y0 h its]
(if (> its 0)
(let [t1 (+ t0 h)
y1 (+ y0 (* h (f y0)))]
(recur f t1 y1 h (dec its)))
(defn do-euler [f t]
(euler f 0.0 0.0 (/ 1.0 10000) (* 10000 t)))
;; Simple Test #1
;; bps (y) 1.0 -> 2.0 over beat (x) from 0.0 to 100.0
;; bps = (1/100) * x + 1.0 = 0.01 * x + 1.0
(def bps-fn (partial lin 0.01 1.0))
(defn spb-fn [b] (/ 1.0 (bps-fn b)))
(def beat2time1 (partial lin-beat2time 0.01 1.0))
(def time2beat1 (partial lin-time2beat 0.01 1.0))
;; numerical analysis needs two different methods...
(def beat2time2 (partial integrate spb-fn 0.0))
(def time2beat2 (partial do-euler bps-fn))
;; look at it over beats 0, 10, ... 90
(dotimes [x 10]
(let [cur-beat (* 10.0 x)
cur-bps (bps-fn cur-beat)
cur-spb (spb-fn cur-beat)
cur-time1 (beat2time1 cur-beat) ;; via direct calc
cur-beat1 (time2beat1 cur-time1) ;; via direct calc
cur-time2 (float (beat2time2 cur-beat)) ;; via numerical integration
cur-beat2 (float (time2beat2 cur-time2))] ;; via numerical integration
(format "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f"
cur-beat cur-bps cur-spb cur-time1 cur-beat1 cur-time2 cur-beat2))
;; Now, with the proper algorithm (Euler's method), we get
;; expected results from all calculations of time or beat.
;;cur-beat bps spb time1 beat1 time2 beat2
;; 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
;; 10.000 1.100 0.909 9.531 10.000 9.531 10.000
;; 20.000 1.200 0.833 18.232 20.000 18.232 20.000
;; 30.000 1.300 0.769 26.236 30.000 26.236 30.000
;; 40.000 1.400 0.714 33.647 40.000 33.647 40.000
;; 50.000 1.500 0.667 40.547 50.000 40.547 50.000
;; 60.000 1.600 0.625 47.000 60.000 47.000 60.000
;; 70.000 1.700 0.588 53.063 70.000 53.063 70.000
;; 80.000 1.800 0.556 58.779 80.000 58.779 80.000
;; 90.000 1.900 0.526 64.185 90.000 64.185 90.000
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