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Created October 30, 2012 00:15
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one chord progression
;; one chord progression to rule them all
;; The I - V - vi - IV (or C - G - Am - F)
;; iii?
;; Am F C G
;; C G Am F
;; G D Em C
;; D A Bm G
;; A E F#m D
;; E B C#m A
(ctl g :pre-amp 4.0 :distort 0.2
:lp-freq 4000 :lp-rq 0.75
:rvb-mix 0.35 :rvb-room 0.4 :rvb-damp 0.9)
(let [metro (metronome 80)
now (metro)]
(dotimes [n (* 2 3)]
(doseq [[i cur-chord] (map-indexed vector [:C :G :Am :F])]
(let [cur-dir (choose [:up :down])
cur-pattern (choose [dduud dduudu ddudu])] ;; ddduduud])]
(cur-pattern metro (+ (* 4 n) i) cur-chord))))))
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