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Created February 7, 2013 04:19
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Leipzig poly-player. Translate live midi playing in one key into another key entirely. Allows you to play "the white keys" on a keyboard and hear a different key without breaking your brain on manual transposition.
(ns explore-overtone.leipzig-poly-player
(:require [ :as o]
[overtone.inst.sampled-piano :as p]))
;; "un-scale" -- the inverse translations to go from raw pitches 60,
;; 62, etc. to scale indices 0, 1, etc. Then, you can "re-scale" in
;; leipzig to get into any scale you would like. (some of this
;; duplicates private code in lepizig.scale.)
(defmacro defs {:private true} [names values]
`(do ~@(map
(fn [name value] `(def ~name ~value))
names (eval values))))
(defn- from [base] (partial + base))
(defn- sum-n [series n] (apply + (take n series)))
(defn- unfrom [base] (partial + (- base)))
(defs [unC unD unE unF unG unA unB]
(comp unfrom (from 60) major)
(defmulti unscale-of
(fn [intervals degree-sum]
;; FIXME? (not= degree (floor degree)) :fraction
(neg? degree-sum) :negative
:otherwise :natural)))
(defmethod unscale-of :natural [intervals degree-sum]
(count (take-while #(<= % degree-sum) (reductions + (cycle intervals)))))
(defmethod unscale-of :negative [intervals degree-sum]
(- (count (take-while #(<= % (- degree-sum)) (reductions + (cycle (reverse intervals)))))))
(defn unscale [intervals] (partial unscale-of intervals))
(def unMajor (unscale [2 2 1 2 2 2 1]))
[unIonian unDorian unPhrygian unLydian unMixolydian unAeolian unLocrian]
(map (partial mode unMajor) (range)))
(def unMinor unAeolian)
;;(major 5) -> 9
;;(unMajor 9) -> 5
;;(major -4) -> -7
;;(unMajor -7) -> -4
;;((comp unMajor unC) 50) -> 5
;; let's take a live midi input and rescale the white keys on the piano
;; into something you wouldn't normally expect...
(def lpp (o/midi-poly-player
(fn [& {:keys [note velocity]}]
;; transpose the C major scale (white keys)
(let [pitch-index ((comp unMajor unC) note) ;; also can try "unMinor unA"
;; into D mixolydian
new-note ((comp D mixolydian) pitch-index)]
(p/sampled-piano :note new-note
:velocity velocity)))))
;; (o/midi-player-stop) use this when changing the
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ctford commented Feb 10, 2013

Very cool. I hadn't thought of being able to reverse the process of rendering onto a scale...

No longer will musicians have to learn the fingering for more than one scale!

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[I swear I just posted this I'm doubly irritated with gists...losing an update & never notifying me of comments...sigh]

Yes, now anyone can play that tune in D mixolydian without breaking a sweat...

I could use some help on the naming, though. unMajor? unC? not exactly a pinnacle of clarity.

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