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Created March 1, 2013 04:32
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Ray-Tracing in Clojure Bugfix
(ns onlrt.core
;; Ray-Tracing in Clojure from
(defstruct v3d-struct :x :y :z)
(defn v3d [x y z]
(struct v3d-struct x y z))
(defn sq [x]
(* x x))
(defn sqrt [x]
(Math/sqrt x))
(defn magnitude [u]
(sqrt (apply + (map sq (vals u)))))
(defn normalize [u]
(let [mag (magnitude u)]
(apply v3d (map #(/ % mag) (vals u)))))
(defn subtract [u v]
(apply v3d (map #(- %1 %2) (vals u) (vals v))))
(defn distance [u v]
(magnitude (subtract u v)))
(defn minroot [a b c]
(if (zero? a)
(/ (- c) b)
(let [disc (- (sq b) (* 4 a c))]
(if (> disc 0)
(let [discroot (sqrt disc)]
(min (/ (+ (- b) discroot) (* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) discroot) (* 2 a))))))))
(defstruct sphere-struct :color :radius :center)
(defn sphere [v r c]
(struct sphere-struct c r v))
(defn sphere-normal [s pt]
(normalize (subtract (:center s) pt)))
(defn sphere-intersect [s pt ray]
(let [c (:center s)
a (+ (sq (:x ray)) (sq (:y ray)) (sq (:z ray)))
b (* 2 (+ (* (- (:x pt) (:x c)) (:x ray))
(* (- (:y pt) (:y c)) (:y ray))
(* (- (:z pt) (:z c)) (:z ray))))
c (+ (sq (- (:x pt) (:x c)))
(sq (- (:y pt) (:y c)))
(sq (- (:z pt) (:z c)))
(- (sq (:radius s))))
n (minroot a b c)]
(if n
(v3d (+ (:x pt) (* n (:x ray)))
(+ (:y pt) (* n (:y ray)))
(+ (:z pt) (* n (:z ray)))))))
(defn lambert [s intersection ray]
(let [normal (sphere-normal s intersection)
l (max 0 (+ (* (:x ray) (:x normal))
(* (:y ray) (:y normal))
(* (:z ray) (:z normal))))]
(defn first-hit [world pt ray]
(->> (reduce (fn[h v]
(if-let [i (sphere-intersect v pt ray)]
(conj h [i v]) h)) [] world)
(sort-by #(distance (first %) pt))
(defn send-ray [world src ray]
(if-let [[loc obj] (first-hit world src ray)]
(* (lambert obj loc ray) (:color obj)) ;; BUGFIX
(defn color-at [world eye x y]
(let [ray (normalize (subtract (v3d x y 0) eye))
ray-color (send-ray world eye ray)
ray-color)) ;; 0-1 range
(defn ray-trace [world eye w h]
(let [buffered-image (java.awt.image.BufferedImage.
w h java.awt.image.BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)
coords (for [x (range 1 w) y (range 1 h)] [x y])
colors (pmap #(let [[x y] %]
[x y (color-at world eye x y)]) coords)]
(doseq [[x y c] colors]
(.setRGB buffered-image x y
(.getRGB (java.awt.Color.
(float c) (float c) (float c))))) ;; BUGFIX
(defn view [image]
(doto (javax.swing.JFrame. "Ray Tracing")
(.add (proxy [javax.swing.JPanel] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(.drawImage g image 0 0 this))))
(.setSize (.getWidth image) (.getHeight image))
(.setResizable false)
(.setVisible true)))
(defn run []
(let [eye (v3d 150 150 200)
world [(sphere (v3d 150 150 -600) 400 0.85)
(sphere (v3d 250 200 -600) 400 0.85)
(sphere (v3d 200 100 -600) 400 0.65)
image (ray-trace world eye 300 300)]
(view image)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println "Rendering...")
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