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Last active December 19, 2015 05:49
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A sonogram for Shadertone
// Sonogram.glsl for Shadertone
// Now with explicit commentary...feel free to ask questions!
// Use a call like this to start the window from Clojure & Shadertone.
// See similar code in
// (t/start "examples/sonogram.glsl"
// :width 1024 :height 512 ;; note width matches WIN_WIDTH, height is 1:1 with FFT data
// :textures [ :overtone-audio :previous-frame ]) ;; this puts the FFT data in iChannel0 and
// ;; a texture of the previous frame in iChannel1
// first 2 constants are for getting the speed of the cursor right.
float WIN_WIDTH = 1024.0; // match start :width call
float SEC_PER_SCREEN = 30.0; // cursor crosses the screen every 30 seconds
float AMP_SCALE = 4.0; // fft data should be in the 0-1 range, but everyone's sound level is
// slightly different. Scale the fft results for display.
// this routine is called once for every pixel in our window.
void main(void)
// gl_FragCoord.xy communicates the current pixel location to the shader.
// gl_FragCoord.x will range from [0,1024), .y ranges [0,512)
// iResolution.xy is a constant set to the window size = { 1024, 512 }
// [now as I write that I realize how silly I was to also use WIN_WIDTH, oh well] :^)
// setup uv for indexing into a texture where we need normalized [0.0,1.0) coordinate values.
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy;
// the iChannel0 texture is :overtone-audio and that data is a 512x2 array of sound data
// row 1 is the fft data and row 2 is the current sound wave data
// the texture2D call uses the 2nd argument to index into that data.
// the first arg is the current pixel's normalized Y location
// a value of 0.25 for the 2nd arg selects only FFT data
// change the last line to
// gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(fft),1.0);
// and see the full window filled with the same sonogram data.
float fft = (AMP_SCALE *
max(0.0, texture2D(iChannel0,vec2(uv.y,0.25)).x));
// But, we don't want the full screen to show the current FFT.
// We want to only update the data under the cursor.
// So, we use the iGlobalTime input to find a particular X value
// for a column we want to update. The following creates a
// value that ranges from [0,1024) over 30 seconds.
int cur_x = int(fract(iGlobalTime/SEC_PER_SCREEN)*WIN_WIDTH);
// For the data that is NOT under the cursor, we want the
// older sonogram data that we rendered into the framebuffer.
// get that from the iChannel1 :previous-frame texture.
// The uv coordinate provide a 1:1 mapping from old to new.
vec3 oc = texture2D(iChannel1,uv).rgb;
// At last, we can derive our current pixel's color.
// the ternary logic here just selects:
// if this pixel's x value is the cursor's x value
// the color is a greyscale of the current fft value
// else if this pixel is one to the right of the cursor
// draw a yellow pixel (makes a vertical line)
// else
// use the old color from the previous frame
// Note that cur_x and int(gl_FragCoord.x) are integers ranging [0,1024)
vec3 c = ((cur_x == int(gl_FragCoord.x)) ?
vec3(fft) :
(((cur_x+1) == int(gl_FragCoord.x)) ?
vec3(0.8,0.8,0.0) :
// finally, tell OpenGL what the color of this pixel is.
gl_FragColor = vec4(c,1.0);
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