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Last active July 5, 2022 13:36
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  • Save rogerallen/5992549 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rogerallen/5992549 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(ns explore-overtone.violin
(:use []))
;; From the second article in the 4-part series...
;; See Image 5/Figure 4 as a good orientation point.
;; 1) we used the synth to generate a sawtooth wave, and filtered it
;; using the internal low-pass and high-pass filters.
;; 2) we chose contour settings that create a slight 'bowing' attack
;; to the beginning of the sound, and which sustain it for as long as
;; a key is depressed.
;; 3a) in an attempt to reduce the rather synthetic nature of the
;; sound, we added delayed vibrato,
;; 3b) plus a smidgen of portamento to make the transitions between
;; notes less like an organ and more like an unfretted instrument.
;; 4) we passed the result through a three-band parametric 'formant'
;; filter that provides a rough emulation of the most prominent body
;; resonances of the real instrument.
;; Love this quote:
;; So, does it now sound like a real violin? Don't be silly -- it
;; still sounds like a 1970s synth patch of a violin. [LOL!]
;; this is a straight translation the articles give some great ideas
;; on using other types of controllers for more expressiveness.
(defsynth violin
"violin inspired by Sound On Sound April-July 2003 articles."
[pitch {:default 60 :min 0 :max 127 :step 1}
amp {:default 1.0 :min 0.0 :max 1.0 :step 0.01}
gate {:default 1 :min 0 :max 1 :step 1}
out-bus {:default 0 :min 0 :max 127 :step 1}]
(let [freq (midicps pitch)
;; 3b) portamento to change frequency slowly
freqp (slew:kr freq 100.0 100.0)
;; 3a) vibrato to make it seem "real"
freqv (vibrato :freq freqp :rate 6 :depth 0.02 :delay 1)
;; 1) the main osc for the violin
saw (saw freqv)
;; 2) add an envelope for "bowing"
saw0 (* saw (env-gen (adsr 1.5 1.5 0.8 1.5) :gate gate :action FREE))
;; a low-pass filter prior to our filter bank
saw1 (lpf saw0 4000) ;; freq???
;; 4) the "formant" filters
band1 (bpf saw1 300 (/ 3.5))
band2 (bpf saw1 700 (/ 3.5))
band3 (bpf saw1 3000 (/ 2))
saw2 (+ band1 band2 band3)
;; a high-pass filter on the way out
saw3 (hpf saw2 30) ;; freq???
(out out-bus (pan2 (* amp saw3)))))
;; just playing around...
(def v0 (violin :pitch 60))
(ctl v0 :pitch 64)
(ctl v0 :pitch 67)
(ctl v0 :pitch 72)
(ctl v0 :pitch 60)
(ctl v0 :gate 0)
;; let's make a violin we control via keyboard & mouse
;; keyboard instantiates the note & starts/stops it
;; vibrato comes from mouse-x
;; amplitude comes from mouse-y
(defsynth mouse-violin
"violin inspired by Sound On Sound April-July 2003 articles."
[note {:default 60 :min 0 :max 127 :step 1}
amp {:default 1.0 :min 0.0 :max 1.0 :step 0.01}
gate {:default 1 :min 0 :max 1 :step 1}
out-bus {:default 0 :min 0 :max 127 :step 1}]
(let [freq (midicps note)
;; 3b) portamento to change frequency slowly
freqp (slew:kr freq 100.0 100.0)
;; 3a) mouse-controlled vibrato to make it seem "real"
freqv (+ freqp (* (mouse-x) 0.05 freqp (sin-osc (+ 5 (* 3 (mouse-x))))))
;; 1) the main osc for the violin
saw (saw freqv)
;; 2) add an envelope for "bowing"
;; adsr is just instant on/off. mouse-y controls amp, really
saw0 (* saw (- 1.0 (mouse-y)) (env-gen (adsr 0.01 0.01 1.0 0.01) :gate gate :action FREE))
;; a low-pass filter prior to our filter bank
saw1 (lpf saw0 3000) ;; freq???
;; 4) the "formant" filters
band1 (bpf saw1 300 (/ 3.5))
band2 (bpf saw1 700 (/ 3.5))
band3 (bpf saw1 3000 (/ 2))
saw2 (+ band1 band2 band3)
;; a high-pass filter on the way out
saw3 (hpf saw2 300) ;; freq???
(out out-bus (pan2 (* amp saw3)))))
;; NOTE: with this, portamento goes out the window since we are creating
;; a new note with each 'note-on'
(def player (midi-poly-player mouse-violin))
;; when you want to stop
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