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Last active November 21, 2016 19:43
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module Tests exposing (..)
import Test exposing (..)
import Expect exposing (..)
import Fuzz exposing (list, int, tuple, string)
import String
import ElmTestBDDStyle exposing (..)
all : Test
all =
describe "Sample Test Suite"
[ describe "Unit test examples"
[ it "can add things" <|
expect (3 + 7) to equal 10
, it "gets the first letter" <|
expect "a" to equal (String.left 1 "abcdefg")
, it "fails - you should remove it" <|
fail "Failed as expected!"
, describe "Fuzz test examples, using randomly generated input"
[ fuzz (list int) "Lists always have positive length" <|
\aList ->
expect (List.length aList) toBe atLeast 0
, fuzz (list int) "Sorting a list does not change its length" <|
\aList ->
expect (List.sort aList |> List.length) to equal (List.length aList)
, fuzzWith { runs = 1000 } int "List.member will find an integer in a list containing it" <|
\i ->
expect (List.member i [ i ]) toBe true "If you see this, List.member returned False!"
, fuzz2 string string "The length of a string equals the sum of its substrings' lengths" <|
\s1 s2 ->
expect (s1 ++ s2 |> String.length) to equal (String.length s1 + String.length s2)
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