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Created May 2, 2017 23:11
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Conditionals and Loops


  • Explain how if statements work.
  • Chain an if statement using else if and end with an else statement.
  • Explain how while loops work.
  • Build a while loop.
  • Describe how to avoid building an infinite loop.
  • Explain how for loops work, and explain what the setup, condition, and increment are.
  • Be able to answer why someone would choose to build a while or for loop.

Lesson framework

Explain how if statements work.


Turn to your neighbor and how if statements worl

Chain an if statement using else if and end with an else statement.


Chain if statements for print a letter grade given a number between 0-100

90-100 "A"
80-89 "B"
70-79 "C"
60-69 "D"
0-59 "F"

Explain how while loops work.


Write down and explination of how while loops work

Build a while loop.


Build a while loop that counts from 1 to 10

Describe how to avoid building an infinite loop.


Turn to your neighbor and discuss what an infinite loop is and you avoid creating them.

Explain how for loops work, and explain what the setup, condition, and increment are.


Create a for loop that counts from 1 to 10. Talk to your neighbor about what each of the for loop are.

Be able to answer why someone would choose to build a while or for loop.


Turn and talk with your neighbor about why someone would choose to use a while or a for loop.
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