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Last active April 20, 2019 10:47
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Solution for Ex20 on
Write a function that takes an ordered list of numbers (a list where the elements are in order from smallest to
largest) and another number. The function decides whether or not the given number is inside the list and returns
(then prints) an appropriate boolean.
Extras: Use binary search.
NOTE: I created an option to compare the time taken by three different search methods.
import random, time, sys
def main():
# Setup the data to search in, and search for
while True:
qty = input('How many items do you want in your list? (One or more) > ') # length of random list, can't be 0
if qty.isnumeric() and not qty == '0':
qty = int(qty)
while True:
# Set the range from which list will be populated
max_number = input('Random number choice should be between 1 and...? > ')
if max_number.isnumeric():
max_number = int(max_number)
start = time.perf_counter() # Start timing for performance measuring
my_list = []
print('Generating list. KeyboardInterrupt to stop') # Use KeyboardInterrupt to quit if it's taking too long
for i in range(qty):
my_list.append(random.randint(0, max_number))
end = time.perf_counter() # End timing
print('list generated in {} secs'.format(calc_elapsed_time(start, end)))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
end = time.perf_counter()
print('Exiting after {} secs with {} items in list'.format(calc_elapsed_time(start, end), len(my_list)))
while True:
target = input('Enter target number: > ') # The number our search functions will look for
if target.isnumeric():
target = int(target)
while True:
'\nSearch mode:\n1: Simple "if x in list" test\n2: "For i in list" loop\n3: Binary search\n4: All')
choice = input('Your choice > ')
if choice and choice in '1234':
# Functions are implemented for three different ways of searching, plus an option to try them all against the same
# data to compare performance. Get the desired method:
if choice == '1':
result, elapsed = check_number_using_isin(my_list, target) # Use "if x is in list" syntax
elif choice == '2':
result, elapsed = check_number_using_forloop(my_list,
target) # Loop through the list, test for equivalence with target
elif choice == '3':
result, elapsed = check_number_using_binary_search(my_list, target) # Use a binary search
elif choice == '4':
results = {}
print('getting results using "x in list" function...')
results['"x in list"'] = check_number_using_isin(my_list, target)
print('getting list using "for i in list" method...')
results['"for i in loop"'] = check_number_using_forloop(my_list, target)
print('getting list using binary search function...')
results['"binary search'] = check_number_using_binary_search(my_list, target)
for k, v in results.items():
print('{} function returned {}. Operation took {} secs'.format(k, str(v[0]).upper(), v[1]))
if choice in '123':
display_result(result, target, elapsed)
def display_result(result, target, elapsed):
if result:
t = 'is'
t = 'is not'
print('{} {} in the generated list'.format(target, t))
print('operation took {} secs'.format(elapsed))
def check_number_using_isin(my_list, target):
# Use standard "is in" syntax
start = time.perf_counter()
if target in my_list:
result = True
result = False
end = time.perf_counter()
return result, calc_elapsed_time(start, end)
def check_number_using_forloop(my_list, target):
# Go through each item in the list in turn, checking if it matches the target number
start = time.perf_counter()
result = False
for i in my_list:
if i == target:
result = True
end = time.perf_counter()
return result, calc_elapsed_time(start, end)
def check_number_using_binary_search(my_list, target):
# Use a binary search
# TODO - rewrite this as a recursive function
start = time.perf_counter()
while len(my_list) > 1:
mid = len(my_list) / 2
mid = int(mid)
lower = my_list[0:mid]
upper = my_list[mid:]
if target == my_list[mid]:
end = time.perf_counter()
return True, calc_elapsed_time(start, end)
elif target < my_list[mid]:
my_list = lower
elif target > mid:
my_list = upper
if my_list[0] == target:
result = True
result = False
end = time.perf_counter()
return result, calc_elapsed_time(start, end)
def calc_elapsed_time(start, end):
return end - start
if __name__ == '__main__':
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