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Created November 21, 2012 15:54
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* Laravel Generator
* Rapidly create models, views, migrations + schema, assets, tests, etc.
* Add this file to your Laravel application/tasks directory
* and call the methods with: php artisan generate:[model|controller|migration] [args]
* See individual methods for additional usage instructions.
* @author Jeffrey Way <>
* @license haha - whatever you want.
* @version 0.8
* @since July 26, 2012
class Generate_Task
* Set these paths to the location of your assets.
public static $css_dir = 'css/';
public static $sass_dir = 'css/sass/';
public static $less_dir = 'css/less/';
public static $js_dir = 'js/';
public static $coffee_dir = 'js/coffee/';
* The content for the generate file
public static $content;
* As a convenience, fetch popular assets for user
* php artisan generate:assets jquery.js <---
public static $external_assets = array(
// JavaScripts
'jquery.js' => '',
'backbone.js' => '',
'underscore.js' => '',
'handlebars.js' => '',
// CSS
'normalize.css' => ''
* Time Savers
public function c($args) { return $this->controller($args); }
public function m($args) { return $this->model($args); }
public function mig($args) { return $this->migration($args); }
public function v($args) { return $this->view($args); }
public function a($args) { return $this->assets($args); }
public function t($args) { return $this->test($args); }
public function r($args) { return $this->resource($args); }
* Simply echos out some help info.
public function help() { $this->run(); }
public function run()
echo <<<EOT
\n=============GENERATOR COMMANDS=============\n
generate:controller [name] [methods]
generate:model [name]
generate:view [name]
generate:migration [name] [field:type]
generate:test [name] [methods]
generate:assets [asset]
generate:resource [name] [methods/views]
* Generate a controller file with optional actions.
* php artisan generate:controller Admin
* php artisan generate:controller Admin index edit
* php artisan generate:controller Admin index index:post restful
* @param $args array
* @return string
public function controller($args)
if ( empty($args) ) {
echo "Error: Please supply a class name, and your desired methods.\n";
// Name of the class and file
$class_name = str_replace('.', '/', ucwords(array_shift($args)));
// Where will this file be stored?
$file_path = $this->path('controllers') . strtolower("$class_name.php");
// Admin/panel => Admin_Panel
$class_name = $this->prettify_class_name($class_name);
// Begin building up the file's content
Template::new_class($class_name . '_Controller', 'Base_Controller');
$content = '';
// Let's see if they added "restful" anywhere in the args.
if ( $restful = $this->is_restful($args) ) {
$args = array_diff($args, array('restful'));
$content .= 'public $restful = true;';
// Now we filter through the args, and create the funcs.
foreach($args as $method) {
// Were params supplied? Like index:post?
if ( strpos($method, ':') !== false ) {
list($method, $verb) = explode(':', $method);
$content .= Template::func("{$verb}_{$method}");
} else {
$action = $restful ? 'get' : 'action';
$content .= Template::func("{$action}_{$method}");
// Add methods/actions to class.
Content::add_after('{', $content);
// Prettify
// Create the file
* Generate a model file + boilerplate. (To be expanded.)
* php artisan generate:model User
* @param $args array
* @return string
public function model($args)
// Name of the class and file
$class_name = is_array($args) ? ucwords($args[0]) : ucwords($args);
$file_path = $this->path('models') . strtolower("$class_name.php");
// Begin building up the file's content
Template::new_class($class_name, 'Eloquent' );
// Create the file
* Generate a migration file + schema
* - Separate each word with an underscore
* - Name your migrations according to what you're doing
* - Try to use the `table` keyword, to hint at the table name: create_users_table
* - Use the `add`, `create`, `update` and `delete` keywords, according to your needs.
* - For each field, specify its name and type: id:integer, or body:text
* - You may also specify additional options, like: age:integer:nullable, or email:string:unique
* php artisan generate:migration create_users_table
* php artisan generate:migration create_users_table id:integer email:string:unique age:integer:nullable
* php artisan generate:migration add_user_id_to_posts_table user_id:integer
* php artisan generate:migration delete_active_from_users_table active:boolean
* @param $args array
* @return string
public function migration($args)
if ( empty($args) ) {
echo "Error: Please provide a name for your migration.\n";
$class_name = array_shift($args);
// Determine what the table name should be.
$table_name = $this->parse_table_name($class_name);
// Capitalize where necessary: a_simple_string => A_Simple_String
$class_name = implode('_', array_map('ucwords', explode('_', $class_name)));
// Let's create the path to where the migration will be stored.
$file_path = $this->path('migrations') . date('Y_m_d_His') . strtolower("_$class_name.php");
$this->generate_migration($class_name, $table_name, $args);
return $this->write_to_file($file_path);
* Create any number of views
* php artisan generate:view home show
* php artisan generate:view home.index
* @param $args array
* @return void
public function view($paths)
if ( empty($paths) ) {
echo "Warning: no views were specified. Add some!\n";
foreach( $paths as $path ) {
$file_path = $this->path('views') . str_replace('.', '/', $path) . '.blade.php';
self::$content = "This is the $file_path view";
* Create assets in the public directory
* php artisan generate:assets style1.css some_module.js
* @param $assets array
* @return void
public function asset($assets) { return $this->assets($assets); }
public function assets($assets)
if( empty($assets) ) {
echo "Please specify the assets that you would like to create.";
foreach( $assets as $asset ) {
// What type of file? CSS, JS?
$ext = File::extension($asset);
if( !$ext ) {
// Hmm - not sure what to do.
echo "Warning: Could not determine file type. Please specify an extension.";
// Set the path, dependent upon the file type.
switch ($ext) {
case 'js':
$path = self::$js_dir . $asset;
case 'coffee':
$path = self::$coffee_dir . $asset;
case 'scss':
case 'sass':
$path = self::$sass_dir . $asset;
case 'less':
$path = self::$less_dir . $asset;
case 'css':
$path = self::$css_dir . $asset;
if ( $this->is_external_asset($asset) ) {
} else { self::$content = ''; }
$this->write_to_file(path('public') . $path, '');
* Create PHPUnit test classes with optional methods
* php artisan generate:test membership
* php artisan generate:test membership can_disable_user can_reset_user_password
* @param $args array
* @return void
public function test($args)
if ( empty($args) ) {
echo "Please specify a name for your test class.\n";
$class_name = ucwords(array_shift($args));
$file_path = $this->path('tests');
if ( isset($this->should_include_tests) ) {
$file_path .= 'controllers/';
$file_path .= strtolower("{$class_name}.test.php");
// Begin building up the file's content
Template::new_class($class_name . '_Test', 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase');
// add the functions
$tests = '';
foreach($args as $test) {
// Don't worry about tests for non-get methods for now.
if ( strpos($test, ':') !== false ) continue;
if ( $test === 'restful' ) continue;
// make lower case
$func = Template::func("test_{$test}");
// Only if we're generating a resource.
if ( isset($this->should_include_tests) ) {
$func = Template::test($class_name, $test);
$tests .= $func;
// add funcs to class
Content::add_after('{', $tests);
// Create the file
$this->write_to_file($file_path, $this->prettify());
* Determines whether the asset that the user wants is
* contained with the external assets array
* @param $assets string
* @return boolean
protected function is_external_asset($asset)
return array_key_exists(strtolower($asset), static::$external_assets);
* Fetch external asset
* @param $url string
* @return string
protected function fetch($url)
self::$content = file_get_contents(static::$external_assets[$url]);
return self::$content;
* Prepares the $name of the class
* Admin/panel => Admin_Panel
* @param $class_name string
protected function prettify_class_name($class_name)
return preg_replace_callback('/\/([a-zA-Z])/', function($m) {
return "_" . strtoupper($m[1]);
}, $class_name);
* Creates the content for the migration file.
* @param $class_name string
* @param $table_name string
* @param $args array
* @return void
protected function generate_migration($class_name, $table_name, $args)
// Figure out what type of event is occuring. Create, Delete, Add?
list($table_action, $table_event) = $this->parse_action_type($class_name);
// Now, we begin creating the contents of the file.
/* The Migration Up Function */
$up = $this->migration_up($table_event, $table_action, $table_name, $args);
/* The Migration Down Function */
$down = $this->migration_down($table_event, $table_action, $table_name, $args);
// Add both the up and down function to the migration class.
Content::add_after('{', $up . $down);
return $this->prettify();
protected function migration_up($table_event, $table_action, $table_name, $args)
$up = Template::func('up');
// Insert a new schema function into the up function.
$up = $this->add_after('{', Template::schema($table_action, $table_name), $up);
// Create the field rules for for the schema
if ( $table_event === 'create' ) {
$fields = $this->set_column('increments', 'id') . ';';
$fields .= $this->add_columns($args);
$fields .= $this->set_column('timestamps', null) . ';';
else if ( $table_event === 'delete' ) {
$fields = $this->drop_columns($args);
else if ( $table_event === 'add' || $table_event === 'update' ) {
$fields = $this->add_columns($args);
// Insert the fields into the schema function
return $this->add_after('function($table) {', $fields, $up);
protected function migration_down($table_event, $table_action, $table_name, $args)
$down = Template::func('down');
if ( $table_event === 'create' ) {
$schema = Template::schema('drop', $table_name, false);
// Add drop schema into down function
$down = $this->add_after('{', $schema, $down);
} else {
// for delete, add, and update
$schema = Template::schema('table', $table_name);
if ( $table_event === 'delete' ) {
$fields = $this->add_columns($args);
// add fields to schema
$schema = $this->add_after('function($table) {', $fields, $schema);
// add schema to down function
$down = $this->add_after('{', $schema, $down);
else if ( $table_event === 'add' ) {
$fields = $this->drop_columns($args);
// add fields to schema
$schema = $this->add_after('function($table) {', $fields, $schema);
// add schema to down function
$down = $this->add_after('{', $schema, $down);
else if ( $table_event === 'update' ) {
// add schema to down function
$down = $this->add_after('{', $schema, $down);
return $down;
* Generate resource (model, controller, and views)
* @param $args array
* @return void
public function resource($args)
if ( $this->should_include_tests($args) ) {
$args = array_diff($args, array('with_tests'));
// Pluralize controller name
if ( !preg_match('/admin|config/', $args[0]) ) {
$args[0] = Str::plural($args[0]);
// If only the resource name was provided, let's build out the full resource map.
if ( count($args) === 1 ) {
$args = array($args[0], 'index', 'index:post', 'show', 'edit', 'new', 'update:put', 'destroy:delete', 'restful');
// Singular for everything else
$resource_name = Str::singular(array_shift($args));
// Should we include tests?
if ( isset($this->should_include_tests) ) {
$this->test(array_merge(array(Str::plural($resource_name)), $args));
if ( $this->is_restful($args) ) {
// Remove that restful item from the array. No longer needed.
$args = array_diff($args, array('restful'));
$args = $this->determine_views($args);
// Let's take any supplied view names, and set them
// in the resource name's directory.
$views = array_map(function($val) use($resource_name) {
return "{$resource_name}.{$val}";
}, $args);
* Figure out what the name of the table is.
* Fetch the value that comes right before "_table"
* Or try to grab the very last word that comes after "_" - create_*users*
* If all else fails, return a generic "TABLE", to be filled in by the user.
* @param $class_name string
* @return string
protected function parse_table_name($class_name)
// Try to figure out the table name
// We'll use the word that comes immediately before "_table"
// create_users_table => users
preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+)_table/', $class_name, $matches);
if ( empty($matches) ) {
// Or, if the user doesn't write "table", we'll just use
// the text at the end of the string
// create_users => users
preg_match('/_([a-zA-Z]+)$/', $class_name, $matches);
// Hmm - I'm stumped. Just use a generic name.
return empty($matches)
: $matches[1];
* Write the contents to the specified file
* @param $file_path string
* @param $content string
* @param $type string [model|controller|migration]
* @return void
protected function write_to_file($file_path, $success = '')
$success = $success ?: "Create: $file_path.\n";
if ( File::exists($file_path) ) {
// we don't want to overwrite it
echo "Warning: File already exists at $file_path\n";
// As a precaution, let's see if we need to make the folder.
if ( File::put($file_path, self::$content) !== false ) {
echo $success;
} else {
echo "Whoops - something...erghh...went wrong!\n";
* Try to determine what type of table action should occur.
* Add, Create, Delete??
* @param $class_name string
* @return aray
protected function parse_action_type($class_name)
// What type of action? Creating a table? Adding a column? Deleting?
if ( preg_match('/delete|update|add(?=_)/i', $class_name, $matches) ) {
$table_action = 'table';
$table_event = strtolower($matches[0]);
} else {
$table_action = $table_event = 'create';
return array($table_action, $table_event);
protected function increment()
return "\$table->increments('id')";
protected function set_column($type, $field = '')
return empty($field)
? "\$table->$type()"
: "\$table->$type('$field')";
protected function add_option($option)
return "->{$option}()";
* Add columns
* Filters through the provided args, and builds up the schema text.
* @param $args array
* @return string
protected function add_columns($args)
$content = '';
// Build up the schema
foreach( $args as $arg ) {
// Like age, integer, and nullable
@list($field, $type, $setting) = explode(':', $arg);
if ( !$type ) {
echo "There was an error in your formatting. Please try again. Did you specify both a field and data type for each? age:int\n";
// Primary key check
if ( $field === 'id' and $type === 'integer' ) {
$rule = $this->increment();
} else {
$rule = $this->set_column($type, $field);
if ( !empty($setting) ) {
$rule .= $this->add_option($setting);
$content .= $rule . ";";
return $content;
* Drop Columns
* Filters through the args and applies the "drop_column" syntax
* @param $args array
* @return string
protected function drop_columns($args)
$fields = array_map(function($val) {
$bits = explode(':', $val);
return "'$bits[0]'";
}, $args);
if ( count($fields) === 1 ) {
return "\$table->drop_column($fields[0]);";
} else {
return "\$table->drop_column(array(" . implode(', ', $fields) . "));";
public function path($dir)
return path('app') . "$dir/";
* Crazy sloppy prettify. TODO - Cleanup
* @param $content string
* @return string
protected function prettify()
$content = self::$content;
$content = str_replace('<?php ', "<?php\n\n", $content);
$content = str_replace('{}', "\n{\n\n}", $content);
$content = str_replace('public', "\n\n\tpublic", $content);
$content = str_replace("() \n{\n\n}", "()\n\t{\n\n\t}", $content);
$content = str_replace('}}', "}\n\n}", $content);
// Migration-Specific
$content = preg_replace('/ ?Schema::/', "\n\t\tSchema::", $content);
$content = preg_replace('/\$table(?!\))/', "\n\t\t\t\$table", $content);
$content = str_replace('});}', "\n\t\t});\n\t}", $content);
$content = str_replace(');}', ");\n\t}", $content);
$content = str_replace("() {", "()\n\t{", $content);
self::$content = $content;
public function add_after($where, $to_add, $content)
// return preg_replace('/' . $where . '/', $where . $to_add, $content, 1);
return str_replace($where, $where . $to_add, $content);
protected function is_restful($args)
$restful_pos = array_search('restful', $args);
return $restful_pos !== false;
protected function should_include_tests($args)
$tests_pos = array_search('with_tests', $args);
if ( $tests_pos !== false ) {
return $this->should_include_tests = true;
return false;
protected function determine_views($args)
$views = array();
foreach($args as $arg) {
$bits = explode(':', $arg);
$name = $bits[0];
if ( isset($bits[1]) && strtolower($bits[1]) === 'get' || !isset($bits[1]) ) {
$views[] = $name;
return $views;
class Content {
public static function add_after($where, $to_add)
Generate_Task::$content = str_replace($where, $where . $to_add, Generate_Task::$content);
class Template {
public static function test($class_name, $test)
return <<<EOT
public function test_{$test}()
\$response = Controller::call('{$class_name}@$test');
\$this->assertEquals('200', \$response->foundation->getStatusCode());
\$this->assertRegExp('/.+/', (string)\$response, 'There should be some content in the $test view.');
public static function func($func_name)
return <<<EOT
public function {$func_name}()
public static function new_class($name, $extends_class = null)
$content = "<?php class $name";
if ( !empty($extends_class) ) {
$content .= " extends $extends_class";
$content .= ' {}';
Generate_Task::$content = $content;
public static function schema($table_action, $table_name, $cb = true)
$content = "Schema::$table_action('$table_name'";
return $cb
? $content . ', function($table) {});'
: $content . ');';
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