Roger Peppe 2018-09-03
[Edit 2018-09-11 Reworked following feedback from @jba]
In his Go generics feedback document, Dominic Honnef writes "Contracts are nice, but where is the operator overloading?". In this document, I set down some thoughts about how operator overloading might be added to Go within the context of the new generics design, layered on top of the current design.
The central part would be a new package in the standard library. This package would hook a type-parameterized type up to chosen Go operators. The Go compiler would know how to rewrite operator syntax into method call syntax on associated interface methods. How that's done is implementation-defined, and the API itself is defined by a package, but contracts supply a way of reasoning about available operators without defining the mapping between operators and method names.
The compiler would be responsible for making sure existing values are reused when possible (hence the reason for the mutation semantics of method calls, akin to those in the math/big package).
// Package op defines a set of types that allow
// user-defined values to be operated on with Go
// operators.
package op
// NumericInterface defines a set of methods that a type
// may implement to provide operator overloading
// functionality.
// Most operations mutate the receiver. The zero value
// of T must be OK to use as a receiver.
type NumericInterface(type T) interface{
// Set sets the receiver to the value of a. If the receiver
// is changed later, a should not be changed as a result.
Set(a T)
// Add corresponds to the + operator. It
// adds the two values a and b and stores the result
// in the receiver.
Add(a, b T)
// Neg corresponds to the unary - operator. It sets
// the reveiver to the negation of a.
Neg(a T)
Mul(a, b T)
Div(a, b T)
// EqZero reports whether the receiver is zero.
EqZero() bool
// etc
contract NumericContract(t T) {
// Numeric defines the contract that's fulfilled by the Num
// type. It's also fulfilled by all the built in Go numeric
// types.
type Numeric contract(t T) {
t + t
t * t
t / t
t == t
t > t
t != t
t = 0
// etc
// Num provides values that can be operated with
// all the usual Go arithmetic operations.
type Num(type T NumericValueContract) struct {
An example package that implements operator overloading for a given
type. It's layered on top of the existing math/big
package (hence
the need for the double pointer indirection, as that package uses
pointers already).
package bigop
import (
type Int = op.Num(bigInt)
type BigInt struct {
func (z *BigInt) ensure() *big.Int {
if z.Int == nil {
z.Int = new(big.Int)
return z
func (z *BigInt) Set(a BigInt) {
func (z *BigInt) Add(a, b BigInt) {
z.ensure().Add(a.Int, b.Int)
func (z *BigInt) Neg(a BigInt)
func NewInt(x int64) Int {
return op.Num(BigInt){big.NewInt(z)}
In order to make it clear in code that arithmetic operations might mean something unusual,
we define a new keyword, operators
, that allows a type that satisfies a contract with
operators to use those operators in Go code. The syntax is:
operators Type Contract
where Type is a Go type and Contract is the name of a contract with one type argument. The operator overloading applies only to the file that the keyword appears in (similar to module identifier scope). Operators on the type mentioned in the contract are allowed in the code.
This is how one might use it:
package main
import (
operators bigop.BigInt op.Numeric
func main() {
x := bigop.NewInt(5)
y := bigop.NewInt(7)
z := x + y * bigop.NewInt(2)
This would de-sugar into something like the following code:
package main
import "math/bigop"
func main() {
x := bigop.NewInt(5)
y := bigop.NewInt(7)
z := new(bigop.BigInt)
z.Mul(y, bigop.NewInt(2))
z.Add(x, z)
We could consider all the standard Go operators to be implicitly defined in each file:
operators int, float, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint64, etc op.Numeric
but maybe that's going a bit far. :-)
The above pointer-based interface might be considered inconvenient. Why can't we just return values instead of setting a value inside a pointer? The reason for having it this way is that it allows the compiler to be clever about allocating temporaries. Just as the big.Int
type is designed that way - we can reuse existing values to avoid memory allocation overhead.
However, if we want a more convenient interface, it's not too hard to provide one:
// ByValue is the type of value expected by the ByValueNum adaptor.
type ByValue(type T) interface {
Copy(a T) T
Add(a T) T
Neg() T
Mul(a T) T
Div(a T) T
EqZero() bool
Zero() T
// etc
// ByValueNum adapts a value that implenents the ByValue interface
// into a value that implements NumericInterface.
type ByValueNum(type T ByValue) struct {
func (z *ByValueNum(T)) Set(a ByValueNum(T)) {
*z =
func (z *ByValueNum(T)) Add(a, b ByValueNum(T)) {
*z =
func (z *ByValueNum(T)) Neg(a ByValueNum(T)) {
*z =
func (z *ByValueNum(T)) new(a T) ByValueNum(T) {
return ByValueNum(T){a}
// etc
is more general than it should be. A Go operator must have operands and a result of the same type.NumericValue(T)
is satisfied by any typeU
that implements it, even ifU
is different thanT
.That interface and its
implementation don't match the de-sugared code you write later. For instance,Add
takes two arguments in the first two but only one in the last.