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Last active August 4, 2023 07:07
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  • Save rogpeppe/7de05eef4dd774056e9cf175d8e6a168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rogpeppe/7de05eef4dd774056e9cf175d8e6a168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
go get binary@version
# This command installs binaries at specified versions
# into $GOBIN, $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/bin.
# It assumes Go 1.11.
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
usage: vgoget cmdpackage[@version]... >&2
exit 2
d=`mktemp -d`
cd "$d"
echo 'module temp' > go.mod
for i; do
pkg=`echo $i | sed 's/@.*//'`
go get "$i" &&
go install "$pkg" &&
echo installed `go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}@{{.Module.Version}}' "$pkg"`
rm -r "$d"
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