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Go generics at runtime (part 2 of 2)

Go generics at runtime (part 2 of 2)

In my previous post, I talked about some of the underlying runtime concepts behind generics in Go.

Here I'll go a bit deeper into how we might, in principle, be able to compile a generic function once for many instantiated types.

What functions do we need to compile?

Before we can start compiling functions, we'd like to know what the type parameters are to the functions. If a generic function is only ever called with a single type, there wouldn't be much point in compiling it with generic code that could work with any type at all.

There are two crucial restriction with generic types that make it possible to determine the set of all possible type parameters at compile time:

  • there is no way to take a type from a dynamic value and turn it into a type parameter.

In an interface value, the type lives inside the value, but there's no way to get at that type without naming an existing type that is compatible with it.

  • it is not possible to have dynamic values or closures that are generic.

Generic methods are not allowed, and there's no way to have a value (as opposed to a type or a top level function) that has a type parameter.

For example, consider this program:

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

func foo(type T)(x T) {
	bar(make(chan T))

func bar(type T)(x T) {

The arcs of the call graph look something like this:

main() -> foo(int)
main() -> foo(string)
foo(T) -> bar(*T)
foo(T) -> bar(chan T)

By traversing the call graph from the root (main) and keeping track of the types we end up with, we can determine all the possible type parameters for each function. Pseudo-code for a naive algorithm might look something like this:

addInstantiations(function, types) {
	add (function, types) to set of instantiations
	for each generic call in function body {
		addInstantiations(target of call, types passed to call)

We'd obtain the following set of instantiations:

bar(chan int)
bar(chan string

One problem with this is that it falls down when functions are recursive, because the algorithm will never terminate. In fact, as is pointed out in the "unfortunate" BigArray example in the Go generics overview, the final set of types might be infinite.

That's reasonable straightforward to solve though. We can make it illegal to create cycles like this that can result in an arbitrarily large set of types. That is, if we find a recursive call where the types aren't the same as the types passed to the original call, we can give a compiler error. A modified algorithm might look something like this:

addInstantiations(function, types, stack) {
	add (function, types) to set of instantiations
	if function is in stack {
		if types in stack are not the same as types {
			compiler error: "infinite type cycle"
	for each generic call in function body {
		push (function, types) onto stack
		addInstantiations(target of call, types passed to call, stack)
		pop stack

Sharing code

Now that we've determined all the types that a generic function can be bound to, we have to decide what code to generate.

There is one easy option: each item in the set of instantiations gets compiled separately, so in the previous example, instead of a single compiled instance of main, foo and bar, we'd have main, two copies of foo and four copies of bar.

In a large program with many type combinations, this approach can result in huge binaries and runtime inefficiency when instruction caches overflow. So we'd like to avoid it, if possible.

Another possibility is that we could merge some generated implementations for types where we can generate identical code, with small runtime cost.

Specifically, it should be possible to merge two instantiations if all their argument types have the same size and pointer layout.

For example, let's look at our earlier example with this in mind. On a 64 bit architecure, the sizes and pointer maps look like this:

Instantiation Size Pointer map
foo(int) 8 [false]
foo(string) 16 [true, false]
bar(*int) 8 [true]
bar(chan int) 8 [true]
bar(*string) 8 [true]
bar(chan string) 8 [true]

We can see although bar is invoked with 4 different type parameters, they all have the same size and pointer map. As long as bar only copies the value around or creates new zero instances of it (and that's all the contract of T allows), we can generate only one instance of it.

The generated instance might look like this:

func bar(x unsafe.Pointer) {
		word: x,

However, this has omitted one important detail - bar calls fmt.Println, which requires that we take the generically typed x value and turn it into an interface value. For that we need its type, which the above implementation does not have access to.

Naively, one might think that the caller of a generic function could pass any generic types as explicit parameter. So the generated bar code might look like this:

func bar(T reflect.Type, x unsafe.Pointer) {
		typ: T,
		word: x,

There's a problem with that though, which is that functions have access to more types than just those in its type parameters. For example, the above foo function is passed the single type T but uses that to create both *T and chan T.

Theoretically a function could use the reflect package's functions (SliceOf, StructOf, etc) to dynamically construct the types, but this would be prohibitively inefficient.

But there's a neat alternative. As we've already generated a table of all the possible instantations of each function, we can store some representation of that table in a global variable. Then all the static information about a particular instantiation can be obtained with just one integer index into the table.

The whole program might now look something like this. Note that when we've generated separate versions of a function, there's no need to pass it an instance index because each version "knows" which set of types it was instantiated with.

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

func foo__int(x int) {
	bar(0, &x)
	bar(1, make(chan int))

func foo__string(x string) {
	bar(2, &x)
	bar(3, make(chan string))

type instance {
	types []reflect.Type

var _barInstances = []instance{{
	types: []reflect.Type{
}, {
	types: []reflect.Type{
		reflect.TypeOf((chan int)(nil)),
}, {
	types: []reflect.Type{
}, {
	types: []reflect.Type{
		reflect.TypeOf((chan string)(nil)),

func bar(_instance int, x unsafe.Pointer) {
		typ: _barInstances[_instance].types[0],
		word: x,

What happens if bar calls another generic function that has a shared implementation? We can add more information to the instance type above. Given an instance and a specific call in the function, we know which function is being called, which tells us which instance of that function we require and hence the instance index to use when calling that function.

type instance {
	types []reflect.Type
	// calls holds the instance index for each call site.
	calls []int

When a function has both shared and non-shared instances, we'd need to generate a stub for the non-shared instance to absorb the unneeded instance index parameter.

Operations on generic values

Being able to have shared instances of generic functions is good, but there's one important omission so far. We can't do anything with the generic values.

Luckily, the instance table global variable can be used here too. Inside the instance struct we can store a set of function pointers, one for each operation that the function's contracts allow. Consider the following code, for example:

contract comparer(t T) {
	t == t
func indexOf(type T comparer)(xs []T, v T) int {
	for i, x := range xs {
		if x == v {
			return i
	return -1

The only operation allowed by the contract is ==, and that's easily represented with a function; for example:

func intEqual(a, b int) int {
	return a == b

When the contract allows an interface type, there's no need to generate a new function - we already know how to generate runtime call tables for interfaces and the generated call can just invoke that.

For more complex operations permitted by the new generics design, such as range and field indexing, it may not be possible to express them as a function call. In this case it's always possible to fall back to generating one instance per set of type parameters.

I believe they should be disallowed but that's a matter for further discussion.

In summary, I believe that we can use shared implementations for Go generic functions, solving Russ's generic dilemma, and that the runtime cost can be very small.

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Merovius commented Sep 4, 2018

If a generic function is only ever called with a single type, there wouldn't be much point in compiling it with generic code that could work with any type at all.

I don't believe this thinking works. It is at odds with compiling packages in isolation, bottom-up (i.e. leafs in the dependency graphs first). What you present here is a whole-program analysis, so it only really can happen at link-time. I'm not sure exactly how much work the Go toolchain is deferring to link-time, but this approach can only really work, if you essentially defer all the compilation work for generic functions to link-time, at which point you reduce the amount of work that can be cached. I think in essence you have a separate, link-time optimization pass, where generically compiled code is heuristically specialized for some subset of functions.

TBH, I don't think you're really solving the generic dilemma. I think you are still simply opting for slow compilers here.

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rogpeppe commented Sep 4, 2018

I don't believe this thinking works. It is at odds with compiling packages in isolation, bottom-up (i.e. leafs in the dependency graphs first). What you present here is a whole-program analysis, so it only really can happen at link-time. I'm not sure exactly how much work the Go toolchain is deferring to link-time, but this approach can only really work, if you essentially defer all the compilation work for generic functions to link-time, at which point you reduce the amount of work that can be cached. I think in essence you have a separate, link-time optimization pass, where generically compiled code is heuristically specialized for some subset of functions.

You make a perfectly valid point. Note that this is exactly what any implementation of generics that expands code inline must do, though.

I think it would be possible to compile once for all type, but it would be rather inefficient.

For example, when type sizes are unknown at compile time, either the stack frame must be variable in size (which I believe is currently a no-no) or all the values must be allocated as pointers from the stack. Moreover instructions which in non-generic code would be either immediate (e.g. field lookup) or direct (array index) addressing would need to obtain their offsets from the instance table. It also means that any operation on a generic value (including arithmetic operations) will incur the overhead of a function call. Maybe this might turn out OK for many cases, but it would definitely have significant impact in tight loops. Compiling once for all types is definitely an option, but I don't think it should be the main one.

Another possibility is to compile a small number of versions of the code, one general version that can handle any type, and maybe one more for a single pointer and/or one for a single word-sized value. Then if you call with any other set of types than which it's compatible, you get the slow version. You could use the clauses in the contract to guide which size/pointer-map combinations to optimize for.

Note that inline functions are already compiled with inter-package analysis - that is, the source code is available when the compiler sees the call. So that could happen with generic functions too, although by contrast with inlinable functions, generic functions may well be large.

In summary, I guess from your perspective, yes, we've still got the generics dilemma, but I think that's fundamental. At least we have the possibility to move the (code bloat, slow compiler, fast execution) <-> (small code, fast compiler, slow execution) slider in either direction if we choose.

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Merovius commented Sep 4, 2018

Note that this is exactly what any implementation of generics that expands code inline must do, though. I think it would be possible to compile once for all type, but it would be rather inefficient.

Hence the generic dilemma :)

At least we have the possibility to move the (code bloat, slow compiler, fast execution) <-> (small code, fast compiler, slow execution) slider in either direction if we choose.

To clarify, are you saying that is contingent on the changes you proposed? Because IMO it's possible in Ian/Roberts design too (that's what I like about it).

FTR, I do really like the descriptions you give in these couple posts. I think they describe a couple of the important concepts really well. :)

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rogpeppe commented Sep 4, 2018

To clarify, are you saying that is contingent on the changes you proposed? Because IMO it's possible in Ian/Roberts design too (that's what I like about it).

I think the changes I proposed make it easier to avoid code duplication, because the contract implications
are clearer (there's no method/field or range ambiguity, for example) which means your shared generated
code can be more efficient, but no, I don't think it's contingent on the changes I proposed, which
are mostly about usability.

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