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Created May 27, 2019 23:05
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syntax = "proto3";
package main;
option go_package = "main";
service Chat {
// NewUser creates a new user account.
// It returns a token that acts as a password for
// the user and the IP address of the user client.
rpc NewUser(Username) returns (NewUserResponse) {}
// Say sends a chat message to the server.
// The message is authenticated by a user token
// as returned by NewUser.
rpc Say(User2Server) returns (Empty) {}
// Listen listens for any messages sent by anyone.
rpc Listen(Empty) returns (stream Server2User) {}
// Who returns a list of all the users.
rpc Who(Empty) returns (UserList) {}
// AnnounceRPCServer announces that a particular
// user has an RPC server running.
// The message is authenticated by a user token
// as returned by NewUser.
rpc AnnounceRPCServer(ServerAnnouncement) returns (Empty) {}
// Username holds a desired username.
message Username {
string Name = 1;
// NewUserResponse holds the response to a NewUser
// RPC call.
message NewUserResponse {
// Token holds a random token that will act as
// a password for authenticating the user.
// If you don't save this, you won't be able
// to act as the user.
string Token = 1;
// IPAddr holds the IP address (without port)
// of the originating machine.
string IPAddr = 2;
// Server2User holds a chat message send from the
// server to a listener.
message Server2User {
// Username holds the name of the user that
// sent the message.
string Username = 1;
// Text holds the text of the message.
string Text = 2;
// User2Server holds a chat message sent from
// a user to the server. It will be broadcast to
// all listeners.
message User2Server {
// Username holds the name of the user that's
// sending the message.
string Username = 1;
// Token holds the user's token (this acts as a
// password).
string Token = 2;
// Text holds the text of the message.
string Text = 3;
// Empty is used to signify an empty response.
message Empty {
message User {
// Name holds the user's name.
string Name = 1;
// ServerAddr holds the address and port of the
// server (e.g.
string ServerAddr = 2;
// ServerProtocol holds the .proto RPC description
// served by the server.
string ServerProtocol = 3;
// UserList holds a list of all the users.
message UserList {
repeated User Users = 1;
message ServerAnnouncement {
// Username holds the name of the user that's
// running the server.
string Username = 1;
// Token holds the user's token (this acts as a
// password).
string Token = 2;
// ServerAddr holds the address and port of the
// server (e.g.
string ServerAddr = 3;
// ServerProtocol holds the .proto RPC description
// served by the server.
string ServerProtocol = 4;
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