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Last active December 17, 2015 18:09
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  • Save roguenet/5651658 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save roguenet/5651658 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alpha hit testing with minimal memory impact for a Starling + flump project. The alpha mask generation is super slow in actionscript, recommended to create the mask using similar code in a build process, and add it to the flump .zip for runtime loading instead of runtime generation. The loader here is for flashbang, but it should be easy enough …
package {
import aspire.util.Log;
import aspire.util.Map;
import aspire.util.Maps;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flashbang.resource.FlumpLibraryLoader;
import flump.display.LibraryLoader;
import flump.executor.load.LoadedImage;
import flump.mold.AtlasMold;
* A flump library loader that hooks into flump loading to allow the Images loaded from this
* library to have an improved hitTest method that uses the alpha from the original texture instead
* of the clip rect of the Image.
* In order to save space, only a single bit is stored per non-retina atlas pixel: whether that
* location is fully transparent or not. That is the test used to determine if a given hitTest()
* will pass or fail.
public class AlphaHitTestFlumpLibraryLoader extends FlumpLibraryLoader {
public function AlphaHitTestFlumpLibraryLoader (params :Object) {
override protected function createLibraryLoader () :LibraryLoader {
var loader :LibraryLoader = super.createLibraryLoader()
.setCreatorFactory(new AlphaHitTestCreatorFactory(_atlasMap));
return loader;
protected function pngAtlasLoaded (atlas :AtlasMold, image :LoadedImage) :void {
var start :int = getTimer();
var pixels :ByteArray = image.bitmapData.getPixels(new Rectangle(0, 0,
image.bitmapData.width, image.bitmapData.height));
var w :int = image.bitmapData.width;
var h :int = image.bitmapData.height;
pixels.position = 0;
var alphaBits :ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var current :int = 0;
var idx :int = 7;
var row :int = 0;
var rowsSkipped :int = 0;
var col :int = 0;
var colsSkipped :int = 0;
var numColumns :int = 0;
while (pixels.bytesAvailable > 0) {
var pixel :uint = pixels.readUnsignedInt();
if (pixel >> 24 != 0) current = current | (1 << idx);
if (idx == 0) {
current = 0;
idx = 7;
} else {
// skip pixels as necessary to maintain our logical scale factor
// Note: this won't work for scaleFactors < 1, it would need to be smart enough to
// skip multiple columns/rows at a time.
if (col / (col - colsSkipped) < atlas.scaleFactor) {
var newCol :int = Math.min(col + 1, w);
pixels.position += (newCol - col) * 4;
colsSkipped += newCol - col;
col = newCol;
if (col == w) {
if (numColumns != 0 && numColumns != col - colsSkipped) {
log.warning("Column sizes disagree!", "prev", numColumns, "new",
col - colsSkipped);
numColumns = col - colsSkipped;
col = 0;
colsSkipped = 0;
if (row / (row - rowsSkipped) < atlas.scaleFactor && row != h) {
pixels.position += w * 4;
if (row == h && pixels.bytesAvailable > 0) {
log.warning("Covered the full image, but bytes are available",
"size", "(" + w + ", " + h + ")", "avail", pixels.bytesAvailable);
// make sure we write the last byte
if (idx != 7) {
var mask :AlphaMask = new AlphaMask(alphaBits, numColumns, row - rowsSkipped);
// TODO: potential compile time process to precalculate these if this takes too long.
// Update: this is wicked slow, not acceptable for release, will need to precalculate
// for production builds. 5s on desktop, 14s on iPad2"finished calculating alpha bits", "name", atlas.file, "bitmapSize", pixels.length,
"maskSize", alphaBits.length, "time", getTimer() - start);
_atlasMap.put(atlas.file, mask);
protected var _atlasMap :Map = Maps.newMapOf(String); // <String, AlphaMask>
protected static const log :Log = Log.getLog(AlphaHitTestFlumpLibraryLoader);
import aspire.util.Log;
import aspire.util.Map;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flump.display.CreatorFactoryImpl;
import flump.display.ImageCreator;
import flump.display.Library;
import flump.mold.AtlasMold;
import flump.mold.AtlasTextureMold;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
import starling.display.Image;
import starling.textures.Texture;
class AlphaMask {
public var bits :ByteArray;
public var width :int;
public var height :int;
public function AlphaMask (bits :ByteArray, width :int, height :int) {
this.bits = bits;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
public function isOpaque (pos :Point) :Boolean {
var bitIdx :int = Math.floor(pos.y) * width + Math.floor(pos.x);
var byteMask :int = bits[Math.floor(bitIdx / 8)];
bitIdx = 7 - (bitIdx % 8);
return (byteMask & (1 << bitIdx)) > 0;
class AlphaHitTestCreatorFactory extends CreatorFactoryImpl {
public function AlphaHitTestCreatorFactory (alphaMasks :Map) {
_alphaMasks = alphaMasks;
override public function createImageCreator (mold :AtlasTextureMold, texture :Texture,
origin :Point, symbol :String) :ImageCreator {
var offset :Point = new Point();
offset.x = Math.floor(mold.bounds.x / _scaleFactor);
offset.y = Math.floor(mold.bounds.y / _scaleFactor);
return new AlphaHitTestImageCreator(texture, origin, symbol, _currentMask, offset);
override public function consumingAtlasMold (mold :AtlasMold) :void {
_scaleFactor = mold.scaleFactor;
_currentMask = _alphaMasks.get(mold.file);
if (_currentMask == null) {
log.error("No bits for atlas, Images generated will use default hit testing",
"atlas", mold.file);
protected var _scaleFactor :Number;
protected var _currentMask :AlphaMask;
protected var _alphaMasks :Map; // <String, AlphaMask>
protected static const log :Log = Log.getLog(AlphaHitTestCreatorFactory);
class AlphaHitTestImageCreator extends ImageCreator {
function AlphaHitTestImageCreator (texture :Texture, origin :Point, symbol :String,
alphaMask :AlphaMask, textureOffset :Point) {
super(texture, origin, symbol);
_alphaMask = alphaMask;
_textureOffset = textureOffset;
override public function create (library :Library) :DisplayObject {
const image :AlphaHitTestImage = new AlphaHitTestImage(texture, _alphaMask, _textureOffset);
image.pivotX = origin.x;
image.pivotY = origin.y; = symbol;
return image;
protected var _alphaMask :AlphaMask;
protected var _textureOffset :Point;
class AlphaHitTestImage extends Image {
function AlphaHitTestImage (texture :Texture, alphaMask :AlphaMask, baseOffset :Point) {
_alphaMask = alphaMask;
_baseOffset = baseOffset;
override public function hitTest (localPoint :Point, forTouch :Boolean = false) :DisplayObject {
var inBounds :Boolean = super.hitTest(localPoint, forTouch) == this;
if (!inBounds) return null;
// super says this is a hit, let's check the alpha map.
return _alphaMask.isOpaque(_baseOffset.add(localPoint)) ? this : null;
protected var _alphaMask :AlphaMask;
protected var _baseOffset :Point;
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I've written a separate version that builds an alphaMask during export. It is available at in the branch granular-pixel-correct-hit-test. To enable the the behavior, add "alphaMaskQuality" : to an export definition in your .flump file. A value of 1 is exactly pixel correct. A value of 2 compacts every 2x2 block of pixels to 1 alpha bit. A negative value creates a constant alphaMask size, regardless of source dimensions (i.e. -32 creates a 32x32 alpha mask that stretches over the bounds).

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