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Last active April 29, 2022 09:31
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# Compatibility with PS major versions <= 2
if(!$PSScriptRoot) {
$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Add Cmder modules directory to the autoload path.
$CmderModulePath = Join-path $PSScriptRoot "psmodules/"
if( -not $env:PSModulePath.Contains($CmderModulePath) ){
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath.Insert(0, "$CmderModulePath;")
try {
# Check if git is on PATH, i.e. Git already installed on system
Get-command -Name "git" -ErrorAction Stop >$null
} catch {
$env:Path += ";$env:CMDER_ROOT\vendor\git-for-windows\bin"
try {
Import-Module -Name "posh-git" -ErrorAction Stop >$null
$gitStatus = $true
} catch {
Write-Warning "Missing git support, install posh-git with 'Install-Module posh-git' and restart cmder."
$gitStatus = $false
function checkGit($Path) {
if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $Path '.git/') ) {
$SplitPath = split-path $path
if ($SplitPath) {
# Set up a Cmder prompt, adding the git prompt parts inside git repos
function global:prompt {
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "White"
Write-Host $pwd.ProviderPath -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "`nλ" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor "DarkGray"
return " "
# Load special features come from posh-git
if ($gitStatus) {
Start-SshAgent -Quiet
# Move to the wanted location
if (Test-Path Env:\CMDER_START) {
Set-Location -Path $Env:CMDER_START
} elseif ($Env:CMDER_ROOT -and $Env:CMDER_ROOT.StartsWith($pwd)) {
Set-Location -Path $Env:USERPROFILE
# Enhance Path
$env:Path = "$Env:CMDER_ROOT\bin;$env:Path;$Env:CMDER_ROOT"
function Internal-Change-Directory($cmd, $ShowCount){
if(!$ShowCount) {
$ShowCount = 10;
$global:CD_COMMAND_HISTORY_LIST = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
function Set-CDLocation($newLocation) {
$newLocation = get-item $newLocation;
Push-Location $newLocation
function Get-CommandList() {
$global:CD_COMMAND_HISTORY_LIST | sort -Unique
function Print-Extended-CD-Menu() {
$index = 1;
foreach($location in Get-CommandList){
Write-Host ("{0,6}) {1}" -f $index, $location)
if($index -gt $ShowCount){
switch($cmd) {
"" { Print-Extended-CD-Menu }
"?" { Print-Extended-CD-Menu }
"--help" { Print-Extended-CD-Menu }
"-" {
if($global:CD_COMMAND_HISTORY_LIST.Count -ge 2) {
default {
$newLocation = $cmd;
# Turn "cd ...." into "cd ../../../"
if ($newLocation -match "^\.*$" -and $newLocation.length -gt 2) {
$numberToChange = $newLocation.length - 1
$newLocation = ""
for($i = 0; $i -lt $numberToChange; $i++) {
$newLocation += "../"
# check to see if we're using a number command and get the correct directory.
[int]$cdIndex = 0;
if([system.int32]::TryParse($cmd, [ref]$cdIndex)) {
# Don't pull from the history if the index value is the same as a folder name
if( !(test-path $cdIndex) ) {
$results = (Get-CommandList);
if( ($results | measure).Count -eq 1 ){
$newLocation = $results
else {
$newLocation = $results[$cdIndex-1]
#If we are actually changing the dir.
if($pwd.Path -ne $newLocation){
# if the path exists
if( test-path $newLocation ){
# if it's a file - get the file's directory.
if( !(Get-Item $newLocation -Force).PSIsContainer ) {
$newLocation = (split-path $newLocation)
Set-CDLocation $newLocation
else {
if($force) {
$prompt = 'y'
else {
$prompt = Read-Host "Folder not found. Create it? [y/n]"
if($prompt -eq 'y' -or $prompt -eq 'yes') {
mkdir $newLocation
Set-CDLocation $newLocation
function Get-ChildItem-Color {
if ($Args[0] -eq $true) {
$ifwide = $true
if ($Args.Length -gt 1) {
$Args = $Args[1..($Args.length - 1)]
} else {
$Args = @()
} else {
$ifwide = $false
if (($Args[0] -eq "-a") -or ($Args[0] -eq "--all")) {
$Args[0] = "-Force"
$width = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
$items = Invoke-Expression "Get-ChildItem `"$Args`"";
$lnStr = $items | select-object Name | sort-object { "$_".length } -descending | select-object -first 1
$len = $
$cols = If ($len) {($width+1)/($len+2)} Else {1};
$cols = [math]::floor($cols);
if(!$cols){ $cols=1;}
$color_fore = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$compressed_list = @(".7z", ".gz", ".rar", ".tar", ".zip")
$executable_list = @(".exe", ".bat", ".cmd", ".py", ".pl", ".ps1",
".psm1", ".vbs", ".rb", ".reg", ".fsx")
$dll_pdb_list = @(".dll", ".pdb")
$text_files_list = @(".csv", ".lg", "markdown", ".rst", ".txt")
$configs_list = @(".cfg", ".config", ".conf", ".ini")
$color_table = @{}
foreach ($Extension in $compressed_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Yellow"
foreach ($Extension in $executable_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Blue"
foreach ($Extension in $text_files_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Cyan"
foreach ($Extension in $dll_pdb_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Darkgreen"
foreach ($Extension in $configs_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "DarkYellow"
$i = 0
$pad = [math]::ceiling(($width+2) / $cols) - 3
$nnl = $false
$items |
if ($_.GetType().Name -eq 'DirectoryInfo') {
$c = 'Red'
$length = ""
} else {
$c = $color_table[$_.Extension]
if ($c -eq $none) {
$c = $color_fore
$length = $_.length
# get the directory name
if ($_.GetType().Name -eq "FileInfo") {
$DirectoryName = $_.DirectoryName
} elseif ($_.GetType().Name -eq "DirectoryInfo") {
$DirectoryName = $_.Parent.FullName
if ($ifwide) { # Wide (ls)
if ($LastDirectoryName -ne $DirectoryName) { # change this to `$LastDirectoryName -ne $DirectoryName` to show DirectoryName
if($i -ne 0 -AND $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.X -ne 0){ # conditionally add an empty line
write-host ""
Write-Host -Fore $color_fore ("`n Directory: $DirectoryName`n")
$nnl = ++$i % $cols -ne 0
# truncate the item name
$towrite = $_.Name
if ($towrite.length -gt $pad) {
$towrite = $towrite.Substring(0, $pad - 3) + "..."
Write-Host ("{0,-$pad}" -f $towrite) -Fore $c -NoNewLine:$nnl
write-host " " -NoNewLine
} else {
If ($LastDirectoryName -ne $DirectoryName) { # first item - print out the header
Write-Host "`n Directory: $DirectoryName`n"
Write-Host "Mode LastWriteTime Length Name"
Write-Host "---- ------------- ------ ----"
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $c
Write-Host ("{0,-7} {1,25} {2,10} {3}" -f $_.mode,
([String]::Format("{0,10} {1,8}",
$length, $
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $color_fore
++$i # increase the counter
$LastDirectoryName = $DirectoryName
if ($nnl) { # conditionally add an empty line
Write-Host ""
function Get-ChildItem-Format-Wide {
$New_Args = @($true)
$New_Args += "$Args"
Invoke-Expression "Get-ChildItem-Color $New_Args"
function NuGetClearAll {
Invoke-Expression "nuget locals all -clear"
function RestoreAndBuild {
Invoke-Expression "Nuget.exe restore $arg"
Invoke-Expression "MSBuild.exe $arg"
function GitClean {
Invoke-Expression "git clean -d -f -x"
function DockerStopAll{
Invoke-Expression "docker stop $(docker ps -aq)"
function DockerRemoveAllContainers{
Invoke-Expression "docker rm $(docker ps -aq)"
function DockerRemoveAllImages{
Invoke-Expression "docker rmi $(docker images -q)"
function DockerStopAndRemoveAllContainers{
Invoke-Expression "docker stop $(docker ps -aq)"
Invoke-Expression "docker rm $(docker ps -aq)"
function DockerCleanAll{
Invoke-Expression "docker stop $(docker ps -aq)"
Invoke-Expression "docker rm $(docker ps -aq)"
Invoke-Expression "docker rmi $(docker images -q)"
Set-Alias l Get-ChildItem-Color -option AllScope
Set-Alias ls Get-ChildItem-Format-Wide -option AllScope
Set-Alias nugetclear NuGetClearAll
Set-Alias open start
Set-Alias rb RestoreAndBuild
Set-Alias clean GitClean
Set-Alias docker-stop DockerStopAll
Set-Alias docker-rm DockerRemoveAllContainers
Set-Alias docker-rmi DockerRemoveAllImages
Set-Alias docker-srm DockerStopAndRemoveAllContainers
Set-Alias docker-srmi DockerCleanAll
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