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Created February 23, 2018 09:35
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Squirrel msbuild target
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="myAssemblyInfo" />
<!-- If your .NET version is <3.5 and you get build error, move this ItemGroup outside of Target -->
<NuGetExe Include="..\packages\NuGet.CommandLine.*\tools\nuget.exe" />
<SquirrelExe Include="..\packages\Squirrel.Windows.*\tools\squirrel.exe" />
<!-- Extra optional params for squirrel. can be empty -->
<!-- Add some nice errors for the next person that comes along -->
<Error Condition="!Exists(%(NuGetExe.FullPath))" Text="You are trying to use the NuGet.CommandLine package, but it is not installed. Please install NuGet.CommandLine from the Package Manager." />
<Error Condition="!Exists(%(SquirrelExe.FullPath))" Text="You are trying to use the Squirrel.Windows package, but it is not installed. Please install Squirrel.Windows from the Package Manager." />
<!-- Build nupkg into the project local bin\Release\ directory temporarily -->
<Exec Command='"%(NuGetExe.FullPath)" pack $(TargetName).nuspec -Version $(SemVerNumber) -OutputDirectory $(OutDir) -BasePath $(OutDir)' />
<!-- Squirrelify into the release dir (usually at solution level. Change the property above for a different location -->
<Exec Command='"%(SquirrelExe.FullPath)" --releasify $(OutDir)MyApp.$(SemVerNumber).nupkg --releaseDir=$(ReleaseDir) $(SquirrelParams)' />
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