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Last active May 4, 2020 11:07
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#! /bin/bash
# Set the country code (in lower case)
# Create the ipset
ipset create allowed_country hash:net
# Load the country set
wget -qO- "$cc.netset" | grep -v ^# | xargs -n1 ipset add allowed_country
# Create chain to restrict by country
iptables -N restrict_by_country
iptables -A restrict_by_country -m set --match-set allowed_country src -j ACCEPT
iptables -A restrict_by_country -j LOG
iptables -A restrict_by_country -j REJECT
# Replace ens32 with your interface
iptables -I INPUT -i ens32 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED -j restrict_by_country
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