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Last active September 17, 2023 10:52
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Size of binary tree
public static int getSize(Node node)
if(node == null){
return 0;
int left = getSize(node.left);
int right = getSize(node.right);
return left+right+1;
Height of binary tree
int height(Node node)
if(node == null){
return 0;
int left = height(node.left);
int right = height(node.right);
return Math.max(left,right)+1;
Sum of all nodes of binary tree
static int sumBT(Node node){
if(node == null){
return 0;
int left = sumBT(node.left);
int right = sumBT(node.right);
Maximum node in binary tree
public static int max(Node node) {
if(node == null){
return 0;
int left = max(node.left);
int right = max(node.right);
return Math.max(, Math.max(left,right));
Right And Left view of binary tree - Increase level
public class Solution {
int maxLevel = -1;
ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<Integer> solve(TreeNode A) {
return result;
public void getLevels(TreeNode A, int level){
if(A == null){
if(level > maxLevel){ //Increase the level for right only
maxLevel = level;
getLevels(A.right, level+1); //For left view - getLevels(A.left,level+1)
getLevels(A.left, level+1); //For left view - getLevels(A.right,level+1)
Minimum depth of tree - Root to leaf min path
public class Solution {
public int minDepth(TreeNode A) {
if(A == null){
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (A.left == null && A.right == null){ //leaf node
return 1;
int left = minDepth(A.left);
int right = minDepth(A.right);
return Math.min(left,right)+1; //get min of left and right and add 1 for current level
Target Sum from root to leaf node in binary tree
public class Solution {
public int hasPathSum(TreeNode A, int B) {
return checkNodeWithSum(A,B,0);
public int checkNodeWithSum(TreeNode node, int target, int currsum){
if(node == null){
return 0;
}else if(node.left == null && node.right == null){ //leaf node
if((currsum+node.val) == target){
return 1; //found the target
return 0;
int leftVal = checkNodeWithSum(node.left,target,currsum+node.val);
if(leftVal == 1) return 1;
int rightVal = checkNodeWithSum(node.right,target,currsum+node.val);
if(rightVal == 1) return 1;
return 0;
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