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Created November 6, 2014 15:39
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The code was modified so that you dont have to import any libraries or use external files :)
import numpy as np
import sys
#import Bio.PDB
#from scipy import linalg
from time import clock
# Cython Stuff #
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
from libc.math cimport sqrt
from libc.math cimport M_E
DTYPE = np.float64
ctypedef np.float64_t DTYPE_t
# Global Variables #
cdef float cutoff= .03
cdef np.ndarray derivativeEpsilonList= np.zeros(9, dtype=DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray epsilonList= np.zeros(3, dtype=DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray noiseFailure= np.empty(0, dtype=DTYPE)
# Functions #
cdef calcSimilarityMatrix(N, atomMode):
cdef np.ndarray RMSD=np.zeros((N,N), dtype=DTYPE)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i):
RMSD[i][j]=leastRMSD(i, j, atomMode)
return RMSD
cdef DTYPE_t leastRMSD(i, j, atomMode):
Calculates least RMSD between two structures using
##biopython omitted
return np.random.random()*3
cdef DTYPE_t createEpsilonLists(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] RMSD):
cdef DTYPE_t maxEpsilon=np.amax(RMSD)
print maxEpsilon
cdef DTYPE_t a=(3./7.)*maxEpsilon
cdef DTYPE_t b= (1./2.)*maxEpsilon
cdef DTYPE_t c=(4./7.)*maxEpsilon
epsilonList[0]= a
epsilonList[1]= b
epsilonList[2]= c
for i,v in enumerate(epsilonList):
derivativeEpsilonList[i*3]= v-.001
derivativeEpsilonList[i*3+1]= v
derivativeEpsilonList[i*3+2]= v+.001
return maxEpsilon
cdef np.ndarray calcEpsilonArray(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] RMSD):
1. Uses RMSD to get length of the available epsilons
2. Creates epsilon list and calculates optimal epsilon
value using getEpsilon()
cdef unsigned int N=RMSD.shape[0]
cdef np.ndarray epsilonArray=np.zeros(N, dtype=DTYPE)
cdef unsigned int xi
for xi in range(N):
epsilonArray[xi]=getEpsilon(xi, RMSD, derivativeEpsilonList, N)
return epsilonArray
cdef DTYPE_t getEpsilon(unsigned int xi, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] RMSD, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] derivativeEpsilonList, unsigned int N):
1. Calculates sorted eigenvalues for three different
epsilons using SVD method
2. Inputs eigenvalue matrix into getIntrinsicScaleAndDim()
3. Returns optimal epsilon value
cdef np.ndarray eigenvalues=np.zeros((len(derivativeEpsilonList),N), dtype= DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray neighbors = np.empty(0,
cdef np.ndarray neighborsMatrix
cdef np.ndarray A
cdef unsigned int i, j, x, y
cdef DTYPE_t e, k
cdef DTYPE_t eps
for i,e in enumerate(derivativeEpsilonList):
neighbors = np.zeros(N)
#find all models which are within RMSD dist e of model xi
for j in xrange(N):
np.insert(neighbors, 0, j)
if len(neighbors)>1:
#creates matrix of neighbors
for x in range(neighborsLength):
for y in range(neighborsLength):
A = np.linalg.svd(neighborsMatrix, compute_uv=False)
for j,k in enumerate(A):
print "maxEpsilon too small! Try again with a larger maxEpsilon value."
return derivativeEpsilonList[i+3]
eps= getIntrinsicScaleAndDim(xi,eigenvalues)
return eps
cdef DTYPE_t getIntrinsicScaleAndDim(xi, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] eigenvalues):
cdef np.ndarray statusVectors=np.zeros((len(epsilonList), eigenvalues.shape[1] ), dtype = DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray dStatusVectors=np.zeros((len(epsilonList), eigenvalues.shape[1]), dtype = DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray derivativeArray=np.zeros((len(epsilonList),len(eigenvalues[0])), dtype=DTYPE)
cdef unsigned int cols= eigenvalues.shape[1]
cdef unsigned int i, j, k
cdef int maxStart
#calculating the status vectors for the three epsilon values.
#the eigenvalues matrix has 9 rows with one value slightly above and one slightly below each of 3 epsilons to calculate the derivative.
#the status vector matrix only has 3 rows, one for each epsilon
#b*3+1 scales the 0-2 range to get the indicies 1, 4, 7 to get the eigenvalues corresponding to the correct epsilon
#each element N in the status vector for an epsilon e is calculated by subtrating the Nth eigenvalue for that epsilon from the N+1th eigenvalue
for i in xrange(epsilonList.shape[0]):
for j in range(cols-1):
#converting the status vector to discrete 1's and 0's
for i in xrange(epsilonList.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(cols-1):
if statusVectors[i][j]>2*statusVectors[i][j+1] and statusVectors[i][j]>2*statusVectors[i][j+2] and statusVectors[i][j]>2*statusVectors[i][j+3] and statusVectors[i][j]>2*statusVectors[i][j+4] and statusVectors[i][j]>2*statusVectors[i][j+5]:
#figure out seperation between noise and non-noise eigenvalues
for i in xrange(epsilonList.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(len(dStatusVectors[0])-2):
if(dStatusVectors[i][j]==1 and dStatusVectors[i][j+1]==1 and dStatusVectors[i][j+2]==0 and dStatusVectors[i][j+3]==0 and dStatusVectors[i][j+4]==0):
#print "start row %s = %s"%(i, start)
if start[i]==0:
#noiseFailure.append("atom "+str(xi)+" epsilon "+str(epsilonList[i]))
return epsilonList[0]
#calc derivative array
for i in range(maxStart, len(eigenvalues[0])):
for k in range(0,len(eigenvalues)/3):
#determine optimal epsilon value
for k in range(derivativeArray.shape[1]):
for i in range(derivativeArray.shape[0]):
for j in range(k,derivativeArray.shape[1]):
if derivativeArray[i][j]==0:
if convergence==True:
return epsilonList[i]
#print "ERROR"
cdef np.ndarray calcTransitionMatrix(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] RMSD, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] epsilonArray):
Constructs a Markov matrix P with three steps
1. Uses RMSD matrix and epsilon values to calculate kernal
matrix, K
2. Compute D using K matrix (summation), compute Ktilda
by using the formula Ktilda/sqrt(D*D), create Dtilda
matrix by computing summation
3. P = Ktilda/Dtilda
#getting data from input file
cdef int N = len(RMSD)
cdef np.ndarray K=np.zeros((N,N), dtype=DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray D=np.zeros(N, dtype=DTYPE)
#making sure matricies are the right size
#calculating K and D
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
K[i][j] = M_E**((-RMSD[i][j]**2)/(2*epsilonArray[i]*epsilonArray[j]))
D[i] += K[i][j]
#creating Ktilda matrix, Dtilda array, and outfile
cdef np.ndarray Ktilda=np.zeros((N,N), dtype=DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray Dtilda=np.zeros(N, dtype=DTYPE)
#calculating Ktilda and Dtilda
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(N):
#creating P matrix and writing P to outfile
cdef np.ndarray P=np.zeros((N,N), dtype=DTYPE)
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(N):
return P
# Mathematical Functions #
cdef unsigned int calculateDerivative(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] eigenValueArray, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] epsilonArray):
if derivative<cutoff:
return 1
return 0
cdef np.ndarray getProj(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] P, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] e_vecs):
cdef unsigned int i,j
for i in range(projMatrix.shape[0]):
for j in range(projMatrix.shape[1]):
return projMatrix
cdef np.ndarray dotProd(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] Pi, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] EVi):
return, EVi)
cdef np.ndarray calculateAccumulatedVariance(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] eigenvalues):
#accumulate variances
accVars = eigenvalues.copy()
nevals = accVars.shape[0]
for i in range(1, nevals):
previous = accVars[i-1]
accVars[i] += previous
for i in range(0, nevals):
accVars[i] /= accVars[nevals-1]
accVars[i] *= 100.0
return accVars
cdef np.ndarray removeNegatives(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] evals_sorted):
for i,v in enumerate(evals_sorted):
if v>0:
return evals_sorted_positive
cdef eigDecomposeTransMatrix(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] P, int order):
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and sorts them
Order=0 for ascending, Order = 1 for descending
cdef np.ndarray eigenvalues,eigenvectors
eigenvalues, eigenvectors= np.linalg.eig(P)
cdef np.ndarray evals_sorted = np.zeros(eigenvalues.size, dtype=DTYPE)
cdef np.ndarray evecs_sorted = np.zeros((eigenvectors.shape[0], eigenvectors.shape[1]), dtype=DTYPE)
if order == 0:
sorted_evals_idx = eigenvalues.argsort()
evals_sorted = eigenvalues[sorted_evals_idx]
evecs_sorted = eigenvectors[sorted_evals_idx]
if order == 1:
sorted_evals_idx = eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1]
evals_sorted = eigenvalues[sorted_evals_idx]
evecs_sorted = eigenvectors[sorted_evals_idx]
return [evals_sorted,evecs_sorted]
# Main #
def main(inFileName, atomMode, cutoff):
cdef np.ndarray RMSD=calcSimilarityMatrix(50, atomMode)
print "calculating epsilon array"
cdef np.ndarray epsilonArray=calcEpsilonArray(RMSD)
print "calculating transition matrix"
cdef np.ndarray P=calcTransitionMatrix(RMSD, epsilonArray)
print "eigen decomposition"
cdef np.ndarray evals_sorted, evecs_sorted
cdef np.ndarray evals_sorted_positive =removeNegatives(evals_sorted)
print "calculating accumulated variance"
cdef np.ndarray accumVar= calculateAccumulatedVariance(evals_sorted_positive)
elapsedTime= endTime - startTime
print "Elapsed time: %s seconds"%(elapsedTime)
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