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Meowing Cat's Marshaling Utilities
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Meowing Cat's Marshaling Utilities
# Copyright (C) 2024 Oğuzhan Eroğlu <> (
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Marshaling utilities for database models and things.
# * @serializable_class is a decorator to make a class serializable.
# * It avoids infinite recursions by using the `recursion_alternative` parameter if it is provided
# * or if it is not provided, it avoids infinite recursions by using circular references.
# * For JSON serialization, you must avoid circular references too by using the `recursion_alternative` parameter.
* Usage:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import sys
from lib.marshal import serializable_class
class Kind:
id: int = 0
name: str = ""
is_active: bool = False
cats: list = []
def __init__(self, p_id: int, p_name: str = "", p_is_active: bool = False, p_cats: list = []) -> None: = p_id = p_name
self.is_active = p_is_active
self.cats = p_cats
class Cat:
id: int = 0
name: str = ""
is_active: bool = False
kind: Kind
def __init__(self, p_id: int, p_name: str = "", p_is_active: bool = False, p_kind: Kind = None) -> None: = p_id = p_name
self.is_active = p_is_active
self.kind = p_kind
self.serializable_property("kind", p_recursion_alternative="id")
# self.serializable_property("kind") # .. or use for circular references.
# ... or
# self.serializable_property(self.kind, p_recursion_alternative=lambda kind:
# ... or
# self.serializable_property(self.kind, p_serializable_prop="...")
# ... or
# self.serializable_property(self.kind, p_serializable_prop=lambda kind:
# ... or
# self.serializable_property(self.kind, p_serializable_prop="...")
# if `p_recursion_alternative` is not provided, serialized data still will be recursive
# The `p_recursion_alternative` is called like this:
# ```python
# recursion_alternative(obj, level, serializeds)
# ```
kind = Kind(
p_id = 1,
p_name = "Tabby Cat",
p_is_active = True
instance = Cat(
p_id = 1,
p_name = "Meowing Cat",
p_is_active = True,
p_kind = kind
serialized = kind.serializable
print(json.dumps(serialized, indent=4))
from typing import Any, Callable, AnyStr, Hashable
def is_mutable(obj):
immutable_types = (int, float, bool, str, tuple, frozenset, bytes, type(None), range)
return not isinstance(obj, immutable_types)
class SerializableProperty:
name: AnyStr
value: AnyStr | Callable
recursion_alternative: AnyStr | Callable | None
def __init__(self, p_name: AnyStr, p_value: AnyStr | Callable, p_recursion_alternative: AnyStr | Callable | None = None): = p_name
self.value = p_value
self.recursion_alternative = p_recursion_alternative
def get_serializables(p_cls) -> dict:
if not hasattr(p_cls, "__serializables__"):
raise TypeError(f"{p_cls} is not a serializable class.\n\
Hint: Did you forget to add the @serializable_class decorator?")
return getattr(p_cls, "__serializables__", {})
def get_serializable_property(p_obj: Any, p_prop: AnyStr | None) -> SerializableProperty | None:
if not hasattr(p_obj, "__serializables__"):
return None
if p_prop is None:
return None
serializables = get_serializables(p_obj)
serializable_property = None
if p_prop in serializables.keys():
serializable_property = serializables[p_prop]
return serializable_property
def serializable_property(
p_obj: Any,
p_prop: AnyStr,
p_serializable_prop: AnyStr | Callable | None = None,
p_recursion_alternative: AnyStr | Callable | None = None
Makes a property serializable.
:param cls: The class to add the property to.
:param prop: The property to make serializable.
:param serializable_prop: The name of the serializable property.
If string, the provided property will be used.
If function, the provided function will be
called with the property's value.
If not provided, the property's itself will be used.
:param recursion_alternative: An alternative function to use for recursion.
If not provided, the default serialization
function will be used.
if not hasattr(p_obj, "__serializables__"):
raise TypeError(f"{p_obj} is not a serializable class.\n\
Hint: Did you forget to add the @serializable_class decorator?")
if not hasattr(p_obj, p_prop):
return None
serializable_property = SerializableProperty(
p_serializable_prop or getattr(p_obj, p_prop),
get_serializables(p_obj)[p_prop] = serializable_property
def hash_or_id(p_obj: Any) -> int:
if isinstance(p_obj, Hashable):
return hash(p_obj)
return id(p_obj)
def serialize(p_obj: Any, p_name: AnyStr = None, p_level=0, p_serializeds=None, p_parent=None):
Serialize an object to a dictionary.
:param obj: The object to serialize.
:param level: The current level of recursion.
if p_serializeds is None:
p_serializeds = {}
if not hasattr(p_obj, "__serializables__") and p_level == 0:
raise TypeError(f"{p_obj} is not a serializable property.\n\
Hint: Did you forget to add self.serializable_property(self.prop)?")
serialize_with_level = lambda obj, prop=None, parent=None: serialize(obj, prop, p_level + 1, p_serializeds, parent)
if hash_or_id(p_obj) in p_serializeds.keys():
obj_serializable = p_serializeds[hash_or_id(p_obj)]
serializable_property = get_serializable_property(p_parent, p_name)
if serializable_property:
if serializable_property.recursion_alternative is not None:
recursion_alternative = serializable_property.recursion_alternative
if isinstance(recursion_alternative, str):
return serialize_with_level(getattr(p_obj, recursion_alternative))
if callable(recursion_alternative):
return serialize_with_level(recursion_alternative(p_obj, p_level, p_serializeds))
if recursion_alternative is None:
return None
raise TypeError(f"Recursion alternative must be a string\
or a function, not {type(recursion_alternative)}")
return obj_serializable
if hasattr(p_obj, "__serializables__"):
serializables = get_serializables(p_obj)
serialized = {}
p_serializeds[hash_or_id(p_obj)] = serialized
for prop_name, prop in serializables.items():
serialized[] = serialize_with_level(getattr(p_obj,,, p_obj)
return serialized
if hasattr(p_obj, "serializable"):
return serialize_with_level(p_obj.serializable, p_name, p_parent)
if hasattr(p_obj, "__dict__"):
serialized = {}
for prop in p_obj.__dict__.keys():
if not prop.startswith("_") and not callable(getattr(p_obj, prop)):
serialized[prop] = serialize_with_level(getattr(p_obj, prop))
return serialized
if isinstance(p_obj, str):
return p_obj
if isinstance(p_obj, int):
return p_obj
if isinstance(p_obj, float):
return p_obj
if isinstance(p_obj, bool):
return p_obj
if isinstance(p_obj, list):
return [serialize_with_level(item) for item in p_obj]
if isinstance(p_obj, dict):
return {key: serialize_with_level(value) for key, value in p_obj.items()}
if isinstance(p_obj, tuple):
return tuple(serialize_with_level(item) for item in p_obj)
if isinstance(p_obj, set):
return {serialize_with_level(item) for item in p_obj}
if isinstance(p_obj, bytes):
return p_obj.decode("utf-8")
if p_obj is None:
return None
return str(p_obj)
def serializable_class(p_cls):
Decorator to make a class serializable.
:param cls: The class to make serializable.
setattr(p_cls, "__serializables__", {})
setattr(p_cls, "serializable", property(serialize))
setattr(p_cls, "serializable_property", serializable_property)
return p_cls
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