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Created January 17, 2016 08:29
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Exercising Go templates
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
Emails []string
Jobs []*Job
type Job struct {
Employer string
Role string
const templ = `The name is {{.Name}}.
{{$name := .Name}}
The age is {{.Age}}
{{range .Emails}}An email is {{.}}
{{range .Jobs}}{{$name}} is a {{.Role}} at {{if eq .Employer "Box Hill"}}{{.Employer | capitalize}}
func main() {
// Create some data
job1 := Job{Employer: "Monash", Role: "Honorary"}
job2 := Job{Employer: "Box Hill", Role: "Head of HE"}
person := Person {
Name: "Jan",
Age: 50,
Emails: []string{"", ""},
Jobs: []*Job{&job1, &job2},
t := template.New("Person template") // create a container
t = t.Funcs(template.FuncMap{"capitalize" : Capitalizer}) // add our custom template function
t, err := t.Parse(templ) // load template data into the container
err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, person) // apply an object to the template
// Custom pipeline function
func Capitalizer(args ...interface{}) string {
ok := false
var s string
if len(args) == 1 {
s, ok = args[0].(string)
if !ok {
s = fmt.Sprint(args...)
return strings.ToUpper(s)
func checkError(err error) {
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Fatal error", err.Error())
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