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Created April 15, 2015 21:46
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Longest word (from a list of words) which can be found in the input grid while making a KNIGHT's stride
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Find longest word (from a list of words) which can be found in the
input grid while making a KNIGHT's stride.
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import isfile
from string import punctuation
from re import compile, findall
from sys import argv
(-2, -1), (-2, +1),
(+2, -1), (+2, +1),
(-1, -2), (-1, +2),
(+1, -2), (+1, +2)]
PATTERN = compile(r'[A-Za-z]+')
def find_word(grid, row, col, word):
Recursively searches for 'word' in the grid. The motion of cursor depends
on the value generated by 'KNIGHT_MOVES'. With every recursive step, a
character from the beginning (of 'word') is stripped and tested against the
character pointed to by grid[row][col]. If either (row, col) fall outside
'grid', or the characters don't match, the search is abandoned. The search
concludes when all the characters from 'word' are processed.
if not word:
return True
if row < 0 or row >= len(grid) or col < 0 or col >= len(grid[0]) or\
grid[row][col] != word[0]:
return False
return any([find_word(grid, row + x, col + y, word[1:])
for x, y in KNIGHT_MOVES])
def word_lookup(grid, words):
Main driver function for finding which words (from the list 'words')
are present in the 'grid'.
for word in words:
for row in range(len(grid)):
for col in range(len(grid[0])):
if grid[row][col] == word[0]:
if find_word(grid, row, col, word):
return word
def normalize(data):
Given an either a list of list or a list of string, it converts all the
constituents to lowercase.
if all([data, type(data) == list, type(data[0]) == list]):
for row in range(len(data)):
for col in range(len(data[0])):
data[row][col] = data[row][col].lower()
elif all([data, type(data) == list, type(data[0]) == str]):
for i in range(len(data)):
data[i] = data[i].lower()
return data
def generate_words(fname):
Provided the absolute file-path as 'fname', this functions breaks the
contents into words and returns a dictionary where key is the length
of words encountered and value is a set of words which are as long as
the key.
words = defaultdict(set)
if isfile(fname):
with open(fname) as file_input:
for line in file_input:
line = line.strip()
if line:
for punc in punctuation:
line = line.replace(punc, '')
for word in findall(PATTERN, line):
return words
if __name__ == '__main__':
GRID1 = [
# Populate at will.
WORDS1 = ["algol", "fortran", "simula"]
GRID1 = normalize(GRID1)
WORDS1 = normalize(WORDS1)
print word_lookup(GRID1, sorted(WORDS1, key=len, reverse=True))
GRID2 = [
# Populate at will.
if len(argv) == 2:
WORDS2 = generate_words(argv[1])
GRID2 = normalize(GRID2)
for word_len in sorted(WORDS2, reverse=True):
result = word_lookup(GRID2, WORDS2[word_len])
if result:
print result
print 'Invalid number of arguments passed. The program expects'
print 'absolute file-path of the Love’s Labour’s Lost'
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