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Created October 15, 2019 20:49
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Save rohit-lakhanpal/ef8d3d3d83558c44817c7421d8bd9865 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A direct line bot user interface.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
body {
height: 100%
body {
margin: 0;
background-color: paleturquoise;
#webchat {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="webchat" role="main"></div>
(async function () {
// In this demo, we are using Direct Line token from MockBot.
// Your client code must provide either a secret or a token to talk to your bot.
// Tokens are more secure. To learn about the differences between secrets and tokens
// and to understand the risks associated with using secrets, visit
const token = '----ENTER TOKEN HERE ----';
// We are using a customized store to add hooks to connect event
const store = window.WebChat.createStore({}, ({ dispatch }) => next => action => {
if (action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/CONNECT_FULFILLED') {
// When we receive DIRECT_LINE/CONNECT_FULFILLED action, we will send an event activity using WEB_CHAT/SEND_EVENT
payload: {
name: 'webchat/join',
value: { language: window.navigator.language }
return next(action);
const styleOptions = {
//// Color and paddings
//backgroundColor: 'White',
//cardEmphasisBackgroundColor: '#F0F0F0',
//paddingRegular: PADDING_REGULAR,
//paddingWide: PADDING_REGULAR * 2,
//// Word break
//messageActivityWordBreak: 'break-word', // 'normal' || 'break-all' || 'break-word' || 'keep-all'
//// Fonts
//fontSizeSmall: '80%',
//monospaceFont: fontFamily(['Consolas', 'Courier New', 'monospace']),
//primaryFont: fontFamily(['Calibri', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Arial', 'sans-serif']),
//// Avatar
//avatarSize: 40,
//botAvatarBackgroundColor: '#b30d38', // defaults to accent color
//botAvatarImage: '',
botAvatarInitials: 'BOT',
userAvatarBackgroundColor: '', // defaults to accent color
//userAvatarImage: '',
userAvatarInitials: 'YOU',
//// Bubble
//// TODO: Should we make a bubbleFromBot*
//bubbleBackground: 'White',
//bubbleBorderColor: '#E6E6E6',
//bubbleBorderRadius: 2,
//bubbleBorderStyle: 'solid',
//bubbleBorderWidth: 1,
//bubbleFromUserBackground: 'White',
//bubbleFromUserBorderColor: '#E6E6E6',
//bubbleFromUserBorderRadius: 2,
//bubbleFromUserBorderStyle: 'solid',
//bubbleFromUserBorderWidth: 1,
//bubbleFromUserNubOffset: 'bottom',
//bubbleFromUserNubSize: 0,
//bubbleFromUserTextColor: 'Black',
//bubbleImageHeight: 240,
//bubbleMaxWidth: 480, // screen width = 600px
//bubbleMinHeight: 40,
//bubbleMinWidth: 250, // min screen width = 300px, Edge requires 372px (
//bubbleNubOffset: 'bottom',
//bubbleNubSize: 0,
//bubbleTextColor: 'Black',
//// Markdown
//markdownRespectCRLF: true,
//// Rich Cards
//richCardWrapTitle: false, // Applies to subtitles as well
//// Root
//rootHeight: '100%',
//rootWidth: '100%',
//// Scroll to end button
//hideScrollToEndButton: false,
//// Send box
//hideSendBox: false,
//hideUploadButton: false,
//microphoneButtonColorOnDictate: '#F33',
//sendBoxBackground: 'White',
//sendBoxButtonColor: undefined, // defaults to subtle
//sendBoxButtonColorOnDisabled: '#CCC',
//sendBoxButtonColorOnFocus: '#333',
//sendBoxButtonColorOnHover: '#333',
//sendBoxDisabledTextColor: undefined, // defaults to subtle
//sendBoxHeight: 40,
//sendBoxMaxHeight: 200,
//sendBoxTextColor: 'Black',
//// TODO: We should deprecate this because there isn't an easy way to make the width of the send box, narrower than the transcript
//sendBoxBorderBottom: '',
//sendBoxBorderLeft: '',
//sendBoxBorderRight: '',
//sendBoxBorderTop: 'solid 1px #E6E6E6',
//sendBoxPlaceholderColor: undefined, // defaults to subtle
//sendBoxTextWrap: false,
//// Visually show spoken text
//showSpokenText: false,
//// Suggested actions
//suggestedActionBackground: 'White',
//suggestedActionBorder: undefined, // split into 3, null
//suggestedActionBorderColor: undefined, // defaults to accent
//suggestedActionBorderStyle: 'solid',
//suggestedActionBoarderWidth: 2,
//suggestedActionBorderRadius: 0,
//suggestedActionImageHeight: 20,
//suggestedActionTextColor: null,
//suggestedActionDisabledBackground: undefined, // defaults to suggestedActionBackground
//suggestedActionDisabledBorder: null,
//suggestedActionDisabledBorderColor: '#E6E6E6',
//suggestedActionDisabledBorderStyle: 'solid',
//suggestedActionDisabledBorderWidth: 2,
//suggestedActionDisabledTextColor: undefined, // defaults to subtle
//suggestedActionHeight: 40,
//// Timestamp
//timestampColor: undefined, // defaults to subtle
//timestampFormat: 'relative', // 'absolute'
//// Transcript overlay buttons (e.g. carousel and suggested action flippers, scroll to bottom, etc.)
//transcriptOverlayButtonBackground: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)',
//transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnFocus: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
//transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnHover: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
//transcriptOverlayButtonColor: 'White',
//transcriptOverlayButtonColorOnFocus: undefined, // defaults to transcriptOverlayButtonColor
//transcriptOverlayButtonColorOnHover: undefined, // defaults to transcriptOverlayButtonColor
//// Video
//videoHeight: 270, // based on bubbleMaxWidth, 480 / 16 * 9 = 270
//// Connectivity UI
//connectivityIconPadding: PADDING_REGULAR * 1.2,
//connectivityMarginLeftRight: PADDING_REGULAR * 1.4,
//connectivityMarginTopBottom: PADDING_REGULAR * 0.8,
//connectivityTextSize: '75%',
//failedConnectivity: '#C50F1F',
//slowConnectivity: '#EAA300',
//notificationText: '#5E5E5E',
//typingAnimationBackgroundImage: null,
//typingAnimationDuration: 5000,
//typingAnimationHeight: 20,
//typingAnimationWidth: 64,
//spinnerAnimationBackgroundImage: null,
//spinnerAnimationHeight: 16,
//spinnerAnimationWidth: 16,
//spinnerAnimationPaddingRight: 12,
//enableUploadThumbnail: true,
//uploadThumbnailContentType: 'image/jpeg',
//uploadThumbnailHeight: 360,
//uploadThumbnailQuality: 0.6,
//uploadThumbnailWidth: 720
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({ token }),
disabled: false,
styleOptions: styleOptions
})().catch(err => console.error(err));
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