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Created May 3, 2011 19:50
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code generator
var indentChar = ' '; //4 spaces
function idt (lvl) {
if (lvl < 0) lvl = 0;
return Array(lvl+1).join(indentChar);
var codegens = exports.nodes = {
'Empty': function Empty_codegen () {
return '';
'EmptyStmt': function Empty_codegen () {
return '';
'LiteralExpr': function LiteralExpr_codegen () {
switch (this.type) {
case 'null':
return 'null';
case 'string':
return '"'+this.value+'"';
return this.value.toString();
'RegExpExpr': function RegExpExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return "/"+this.body+"/"+this.flags;
'DataProp': function DataProp_codegen (lvl) {
return '"''": '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1)
'GetterSetterProp': function GetterSetterProp_codegen (lvl) {
return this.op+" "
+' ('+ this.children[0].toJS() + ') '
+'{\n'+idt(lvl)+genStmts(this.children.slice(1), lvl) +'\n'+idt(lvl-1)+'}';
'ObjectExpr': function ObjectExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children.length ? "{\n"+idt(lvl){return node.toJS(lvl+1)}).join(',\n'+idt(lvl))+'\n'+idt(lvl-1)+'}':
'ThisExpr': function ThisExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return 'this';
'ArrayExpr': function ObjectExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return "["{return node.toJS(lvl+1)}).join(', ')
+(this.children.length && this.children[this.children.length-1].nodeType === 'Empty' ? ',':'')
'IdExpr': function IdExpr_codegen (lvl) {
'IdPatt': function IdPatt_codegen (lvl) {
'MemberExpr': function MemberExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +
(this.brackets ?
'['+this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1)+']' :
'NewExpr': function MemberExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return 'new '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +
(this.children.length > 1 ?
'('+this.children.slice(1).map(function(node){return node.toJS(lvl+1)}).join(', ')+')' : '()');
'CallExpr': function CappExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +
(this.children.length > 1 ?
'('+this.children.slice(1).map(function(node){return node.toJS(lvl+1)}).join(', ')+')' : '()');
'InvokeExpr': function InvokeExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +
(this.brackets ?
'['+this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1)+']' :
'.'+this.children[1].value) +
(this.children.length > 2 ?
'('+this.children.slice(2).map(function(node){return node.toJS(lvl+1)}).join(', ')+')' : '()');
'CountExpr': function CountExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.isPrefix ?
this.op + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) :
this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) + this.op;
'DeleteExpr': function DeleteExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return 'delete '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'VoidExpr': function VoidExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return 'void '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'TypeofExpr': function TypeofExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return 'typeof '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'UnaryPlusExpr': function UnaryPlusExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return '+ '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'NegateExpr': function NegateExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return '- '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'BitwiseNotExpr': function BitwiseNotExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return '~'+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'LogicalNotExpr': function LogicalNotExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return '!'+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'MultExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'DivExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'ModExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'AddExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'SubExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'LeftShiftExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'RightShiftExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'URightShiftExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'LessExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'GreaterExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'LessEqExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'GreaterEqExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'InstanceofExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'InExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'EqualExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'NotEqualExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'StrictEqualExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'StrictNotEqualExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'BitwiseXORExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'BitwiseORExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'BitwiseANDExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'LogicalORExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'LogicalANDExpr': binaryExprCodegen,
'ConditionalExpr': function ConditionalExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) + ' ? ' +
this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1) +' : '+
'AssignExpr': function AssignExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +' '+ this.op +' '+
'BinaryExpr': function BinaryExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) + this.op +' '+ this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1);
'BlockStmt': function BlockStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children.length ? "{\n"+idt(lvl)+genStmts(this.children, lvl)+"\n"+idt(lvl-1)+"}" :
'{ }';
'VarDecl': function VarDecl_codegen (lvl) {
return "var "{return node.toJS(lvl);}).join(',\n'+idt(lvl+1));
'ConstDecl': function ConstDecl_codegen (lvl) {
return "const "{return node.toJS(lvl);}).join(',\n'+idt(lvl+1));
'InitPatt': function InitPatt_codegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl) +' = '+
'IfStmt': function IfStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'if (' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +') '+ this.children[1].blockgen(lvl+1)
+ (this.children[2].nodeType === 'EmptyStmt' ? '' :
' else '+this.children[2].blockgen(lvl));
'DoWhileStmt': function DoWhileStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'do '+this.children[0].blockgen(lvl+1) + ' while (' + this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1) +')';
'WhileStmt': function WhileStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'while (' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +') '+ this.children[1].blockgen(lvl+1);
'ForStmt': function ForStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'for (' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +
';' + this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1) +
';' + this.children[2].toJS(lvl+1) +') '+ this.children[3].blockgen(lvl+1);
'ForInStmt': function ForStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'for (' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +
' in ' + this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1) +') '+ this.children[2].blockgen(lvl+1);
'ContinueStmt': function ContinueStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'continue' + (this.label ? ' '+this.label : '');
'BreakStmt': function BreakStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'break' + (this.label ? ' '+this.label : '');
'ReturnStmt': function ReturnStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'return' + (this.children.length ? ' '+this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) : '');
'WithStmt': function WithStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'with (' +this.children[0].toJS() + ') ' + this.children[1].blockgen(lvl);
'SwitchStmt': function SwitchStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'switch ('+this.children[0].toJS()+') {\n'+idt(lvl)
+this.children.slice(1).map(function(node){return node.toJS(lvl+1)}).join('\n'+idt(lvl))
'Case': function Case_codegen (lvl) {
return 'case ' +this.children[0].toJS()+':\n'+idt(lvl)+this.children.slice(1).map(function(node){return node.blockgen(lvl+1)}).join('\n'+idt(lvl));
'DefaultCase': function DefaultCase_codegen (lvl) {
return 'default:\n'+idt(lvl){return node.blockgen(lvl+1)}).join('\n'+idt(lvl));
'LabelledStmt': function LabelledStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'labelled:\n'+idt(lvl) +this.children[0].blockgen(lvl+1);
'ThrowStmt': function ThrowStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'throw ' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1);
'TryStmt': function TryStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'try ' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1)
+(this.children.length === 3 ?
' finally '+this.children[2].toJS(lvl+1) : '');
'CatchClause': function CatchClause_codegen (lvl) {
return ' catch (' + this.children[0].toJS(lvl) +') '+this.children[1].toJS(lvl);
'DebuggerStmt': function DebuggerStmt_codegen (lvl) {
return 'debugger';
'FunctionDecl': function FunctionDecl_codegen (lvl) {
return 'function ' + this.children[0].toJS() +' ('
+this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1) + ') '
+'{\n'+idt(lvl)+genStmts(this.children.slice(2), lvl) +'\n'+idt(lvl-1)+'}';
'FunctionExpr': function FunctionExpr_codegen (lvl) {
return 'function' + (this.children[0].nodeType === 'Empty' ? '' : ' '+this.children[0].toJS()) +' ('
+this.children[1].toJS() + ') '
+'{\n'+idt(lvl)+genStmts(this.children.slice(2), lvl) +'\n'+idt(lvl-1)+'}';
'ParamDecl': function ParamDecl_codegen (lvl) {
return{return node.toJS(lvl)}).join(', ');
'Program': function Program_codegen (lvl) {
return{return node.blockgen(lvl+1)}).join('\n')+'\n';
function binaryExprCodegen (lvl) {
return this.children[0].toJS(lvl+1) +' '+ this.op +' '+ this.children[1].toJS(lvl+1);
// convenience function for generating a list of statements
function genStmts (nodes, lvl) {
return{return node.blockgen(lvl)}).join('\n'+idt(lvl));
// convenience function for generating code as a statement (default is expr)
function blockgen () { return this.stmtWrap(this.toJS.apply(this, arguments)); }
// Most statements end with a semicolon
function defaultStmtWrap (source) { return source+';'; }
// But some (like while-loop, if-then, etc) do not
function idWrap (source) { return source; }
// Wrap epressions in parens if they were in original source
function curryParenWrap (fun) { return function (lvl) { return this.parens ? '(', lvl)+')' :, lvl); }; }
// Overwrite defaultStmtWrap for specific nodes
var wraps = {
// objects must be wrapped with parens to disambiguate from blocks
'ObjectExpr': function (source) { return defaultStmtWrap(this.parens ? source : '('+source+')'); },
'BlockStmt': idWrap,
'WhileStmt': idWrap,
'WithStmt': idWrap,
'ForStmt': idWrap,
'ForInStmt': idWrap,
'IfStmt': idWrap,
'SwitchStmt': idWrap,
'LabelledStmt': idWrap,
'TryStmt': idWrap,
// func-expr must be wrapped with parens to disambiguate from func-decl
'FunctionExpr': function (source) { return defaultStmtWrap(this.parens ? source : '('+source+')'); },
'FunctionDecl': idWrap,
'Program': idWrap
// Extend the node prototypes to include code generation functions
exports.extend = function extend (protos) {
var type;
protos.base.stmtWrap = defaultStmtWrap;
protos.base.blockgen = blockgen;
for (type in codegens) {
protos[type].toJS = curryParenWrap(codegens[type]);
if (type in wraps) protos[type].stmtWrap = wraps[type];
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