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Created May 13, 2015 17:57
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\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript
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pdftitle={A Module Type System for Embedded System Synthesis},
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\title{A Module Type System for Embedded System Synthesis}
\author{Rohit Ramesh}
% ,graphs
% ,graphdrawing}
\DeclareDocumentCommand \todo {D[]{} +m} {
\oldtodo[size=\tiny,#1]{\emph{Todo:} #2}
\port <east> (etest) {eport};
\port[supprequ] <east> (etest2) {eportd};
\port <north> (ntest) {nport};
\port <north> (ntest2) {nport2};
\port[supp] <west> (wtest) {wport};
\port[requ] <west> (wtest2) {westport};
\port <south> (stest) {sport};
\port <south> (stest2) {spor3t};
\node[draw,right=of modfoo] (testnode) {testnode};
\fittedmodule[thick][outer sep = 1cm]
<modfoo,testnode> (testfit) {test label $\aleph$} {
\port <east> (eteest) {eport};
\port[supprequ] <east> (eteset2) {eportd};
\port <north> (nteset) {nport};
\port <north> (nteset2) {nport2};
\port[supp] <west> (wteset) {wport};
\port[requ] <west> (wteset2) {westport};
\port <south> (steset) {sport};
% A Latex Package for creating Module Type System Block
% Diagrams
% TODO : I have no clue which of these libraries I actually need :V if anyone
% wants to cull the useless ones I'd appreciate it.
shapes.misc,% wg. rounded rectangle
decorations.pathmorphing,% /pgf/decoration/random steps | erste Graphik
% ### Default Styles ###
% The depth of the notches for the various port shapes
,notch depth/.initial = 2pt
% The ammount of buffer space to have on either side of a module's
% center box to leave aside for port placement.
,module center overrun/.initial = 15pt
% Styles applied to every mtd diagram
remember picture
% The default style for the wrapper object that allows MTD modules to
% be positioned as single objects.
,inner sep = 0pt
,outer sep = 0pt
% The style for the center box of an MTD module
,rounded corners
,inner sep = 3pt
,align = center
% Default Style for the boxes that contain a set of ports
,inner sep = 0pt
,outer sep = 0pt
,node distance = 4pt
% Default style for a single port
,inner sep = 3pt
,align = center
,inner sep = 0pt
,outer sep = 0pt
,node distance = 4pt
,parent-innerfit/.style={above=of ##1.north}
\tikzstyle{supplier requester}=[
\tikzstyle{normal port}=[
% Shortcut style options, these are just light aliases to other styles that
% are easier to type out
\tikzstyle{norm}=[normal port]
\tikzstyle{supprequ}=[supplier requester]
\tikzstyle{rc}=[rounded coreners]
% Directional Style Options, if you need to change these for styling
% purposes you are doing it wrong. They mostly exist to provide shims for
% tikz workarounds, and to cleanly encapsulate certains heirarchies.
% ### Do Not Edit Below This Line ###
% If flags for modifying Ports
% Directional Flags
% Default settings the user should not be able to override
% (at least if they don't edit the bits they're not supposed to edit)
,mtd diagram/.append style={
,remember picture
,mtd-portbox-north/.append style={
,mtd-portbox-south/.append style={
,mtd-portbox-east/.append style={
,mtd-portbox-west/.append style={
,mtd-port-east/.append style={
,previous-port/.style={below=of ##1.sw,anchor=nw}
,mtd-port-west/.append style={
,mtd-port-north/.append style={
,mtd-port-south/.append style={
% Boolean flags for direction
,port-info/is north/.initial = false
,port-info/is north/.is if=@isnorth
,port-info/is north/.default = false
,port-info/is south/.initial = false
,port-info/is south/.is if=@issouth
,port-info/is south/.default = false
,port-info/is east/.initial = false
,port-info/is east/.is if=@iseast
,port-info/is east/.default = false
,port-info/is west/.initial = false
,port-info/is west/.is if=@iswest
,port-info/is west/.default = false
% Switch for Direction and Flag settings
,port-dir/.is choice
,port-info/is north = true
,port-info/is south = false
,port-info/is east = false
,port-info/is west = false
,port-info/is north = false
,port-info/is south=true
,port-info/is east = false
,port-info/is west = false
,port-info/is north = false
,port-info/is south = false
,port-info/is east = false
,port-info/is west = true
,port-info/is north = false
,port-info/is south = false
,port-info/is east = true
,port-info/is west = false
,port-info/is north = false
,port-info/is south = false
,port-info/is east = false
,port-info/is west = false
,port-type/.is choice
,port-type/.initial = normal
% Advance a point in direction theta for distance r
% #1 = x
% #2 = y
% #3 = theta
% #4 = r
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@advancepoint {m m m m}{
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@xo}{sin(#3) * #4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@yo}{cos(#3) * #4}
\pgfmathsetmacro{#1}{#1 + \mts@xo}
\pgfmathsetmacro{#2}{#2 + \mts@yo}
% Copy a point into a pair of new macros.
% #1 = destx
% #2 = desty
% #3 = srcx
% #4 = srcy
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@copypoint {m m m m}{
% A command to draw a normal ine between two points
% as poart of a PGF Backgroun Path process, assumes
% that a the startx and y are where the path is at
% the beginning of the command.
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@normline {m m m m}{
% returns the connection point for each side of a normal block
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@normconn {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% xc,yc := the point in the middle of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@xc}{(\mts@xa + \mts@xb) * 0.5}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@yc}{(\mts@ya + \mts@yb) * 0.5}
% Actualize point
% Draw the bowed out line for supplires in the correct
% direction, assumes that the line is going counter clockwise.
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@suppline {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/notch depth}{\mts@notchdepth}
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
% theta_a := the angle along the path of the line -
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetaa}{atan2(\mts@yb - \mts@ya,\mts@xb - \mts@xa)}
% theta_b := the angle perpendicular to the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetab}{\mts@thetaa - 90}
% Get points for current line
% Actualize Line
% returns the connection point for each side of a supplier
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@suppconn {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/notch depth}{\mts@notchdepth}
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
% theta_a := the angle along the path of the line -
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetaa}{atan2(\mts@yb - \mts@ya,\mts@xb - \mts@xa)}
% theta_b := the angle perpendicular to the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetab}{\mts@thetaa - 90}
% xc,yc := the point in the middle of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@xc}{(\mts@xa + \mts@xb) * 0.5}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@yc}{(\mts@ya + \mts@yb) * 0.5}
% move center point correctly
% Actualize point
% Draw the bowed in line for requesters in the correct
% direction, assumes that the line is going counter clockwise.
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@requline {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/notch depth}{\mts@notchdepth}
% theta_a := the angle along the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetaa}{atan2(\mts@yb - \mts@ya,\mts@xb - \mts@xa)}
% theta_b := the angle perpendicular to the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetab}{\mts@thetaa - 90}
% Get points for current line
% Actualize Line
% returns the connection point for each side of a requester
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@requconn {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/notch depth}{\mts@notchdepth}
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
% theta_a := the angle along the path of the line -
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetaa}{atan2(\mts@yb - \mts@ya,\mts@xb - \mts@xa)}
% theta_b := the angle perpendicular to the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetab}{\mts@thetaa - 90}
% xc,yc := the point in the middle of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@xc}{(\mts@xa + \mts@xb) * 0.5}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@yc}{(\mts@ya + \mts@yb) * 0.5}
% Actualize point
% Draw the wavy line for supp/receivers in the correct
% direction, assumes that the line is going counter clockwise.
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@supprequline {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/notch depth}{\mts@notchdepth}
% theta_a := the angle along the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetaa}{atan2(\mts@yb - \mts@ya,\mts@xb - \mts@xa)}
% theta_b := the angle perpendicular to the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetab}{\mts@thetaa - 90}
% hnd := half the notch depth
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@hnd}{\mts@notchdepth * 0.5}
% xc,yc := the point in the middle of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@xc}{(\mts@xa + \mts@xb) * 0.5}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@yc}{(\mts@ya + \mts@yb) * 0.5}
% Get points for current line
% Actualize Line
% returns the connection point for each side of a supplier/requester
% #1 = x1
% #2 = y1
% #3 = x2
% #4 = y2
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@supprequconn {m m m m}{
% Initial setup
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/notch depth}{\mts@notchdepth}
% Calculate key constants / gather variables
% theta_a := the angle along the path of the line -
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetaa}{atan2(\mts@yb - \mts@ya,\mts@xb - \mts@xa)}
% theta_b := the angle perpendicular to the path of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@thetab}{\mts@thetaa - 90}
% xc,yc := the point in the middle of the line
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@xc}{(\mts@xa + \mts@xb) * 0.5}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mts@yc}{(\mts@ya + \mts@yb) * 0.5}
% move center point correctly
\@advancepoint{\mts@xc}{\mts@yc}{\mts@thetab}{(0.5 * \mts@notchdepth)}
% Actualize point
% #1 = shape name
% #2 = special line command
% #3 = special conn point command
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@initportshape {m m m} {
\inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle] % this is nearly a rectangle
% store lower right in xa/ya and upper right in xb/yb
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
% construct main path
% Anchors defined by sensible people in a language that is
% only the devil's 3rd cousin
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
% Initialize the various port types
% some helper / wrapper commands around \pgfplacenodelater
% #1 = identifier for nodes to be placed later
% #2 = elements to be placed
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@placenodelater {r() +m}{
\cs_new_protected:cpn {mtd@#1-save}
% Save Necessary Registers
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-name} \pgfpositionnodelatername
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-minx} \pgfpositionnodelaterminx
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-miny} \pgfpositionnodelaterminy
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-maxx} \pgfpositionnodelatermaxx
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-maxy} \pgfpositionnodelatermaxy
\box_if_exist:cF{mtd@#1-box} {\box_new:c {mtd@#1-box}}
\box_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-box} \pgfpositionnodelaterbox
% Calculate Length and Width as well
{\pgfpositionnodelatermaxx - \pgfpositionnodelaterminx}
{\pgfpositionnodelatermaxy - \pgfpositionnodelaterminy}
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-height} \mtd@temphei
\cs_gset_eq:cN {mtd@#1-width} \mtd@tempwid
\exp_args:Nc \pgfpositionnodelater {mtd@#1-save} #2
% #1 = identifier for nodes already saved by \@placenodelater
% #2 = location for the node to be placed at
\DeclareDocumentCommand \@placenodenow {r() +m}{
\cs_gset_eq:Nc \pgfpositionnodelatername {mtd@#1-name}
\cs_gset_eq:Nc \pgfpositionnodelaterminx {mtd@#1-minx}
\cs_gset_eq:Nc \pgfpositionnodelaterminy {mtd@#1-miny}
\cs_gset_eq:Nc \pgfpositionnodelatermaxx {mtd@#1-maxx}
\cs_gset_eq:Nc \pgfpositionnodelatermaxy {mtd@#1-maxy}
\box_gset_eq:Nc \pgfpositionnodelaterbox {mtd@#1-box}
% Provide Outer Modular diagram environment
% #1 = options to pass to tikz
% The specifier for a module that contains a number of ports
% #1 = outerbox styles
% #2 = innerbox styles
% #3 = outerbox name
% #4 = innerbox content
% #5 = port specifiers
\DeclareDocumentCommand \module {D[]{} D[]{} r() +m +m}{
\node[mtd-module-wrap,#1] (#3) {
% Initialize Local Variables
% Initialise Data Structures and the like to store ports
\seq_clear_new:c {#3-north-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#3-south-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#3-east-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#3-west-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#3-port-cleanup}
% Run port specifiers to store ports into relevant structures
% Construct each side's portboxes and save into temporary scopes
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[remember~picture]{ \seq_use:cn {#3-north-ports}{;} }
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[]{ \seq_use:cn {#3-south-ports}{;} }
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[]{ \seq_use:cn {#3-east-ports}{;} }
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[]{ \seq_use:cn {#3-west-ports}{;} }
% Construct the central box using information on each portboxes's
% length and width
,\use:c{mtd@#3-south-portbox-width}) + \mtd@mco}
,\use:c{mtd@#3-west-portbox-height}) + \mtd@mco}
% Place port boxes relative to the central box
% Active any cleanup code that's to be run after placement
\seq_use:cn {#3-port-cleanup}{}
% The command to create a fit module, which will be placed around a
% set of elements.
% #1 = Styles to be exported to every element inside the fitted module.
% Should not have position specifiers or anything that will 'draw' or
% 'fill' as those will be applied to everything from the top down.
% #2 = Styles to be exported to the innerfit box, meant for things like
% transperancies and borders. All other styles can be added in with the
% port specifiers using the local name information.
% #3 = Tikz elements to fit around
% #4 = Fit module name
% #5 = Label content
% #6 = port specifiers
\DeclareDocumentCommand \fittedmodule { D[]{} D[]{} r<> r() +m +m}{
% Set local variables
% Gather elements to fit around into list
\seq_clear_new:c {#4-fit-elements}
\seq_set_from_clist:cn {#4-fit-elements} {#3}
% Initialise Data Structures and the like to store ports
\seq_clear_new:c {#4-north-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#4-south-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#4-east-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#4-west-ports}
\seq_clear_new:c {#4-port-cleanup}
% Run port specifiers to store ports into relevant structures
% Place the inner fit node
,fit=(\seq_use:cn {#4-fit-elements} {)(})
] (#4-innerfit){};
% Place the label above the inner fitted node
% Construct each side's portboxes and save into temporary scopes
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[#1]{ \seq_use:cn {#4-north-ports}{;} }
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[#1]{ \seq_use:cn {#4-south-ports}{;} }
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[#1]{ \seq_use:cn {#4-east-ports}{;} }
% Local variables
% Get all the ports from the list
\tikz[#1]{ \seq_use:cn {#4-west-ports}{;} }
% Construct the central box using information on each portboxes's
% length and width
,\use:c{mtd@#4-south-portbox-width}) + \mtd@mco}
,\use:c{mtd@#4-west-portbox-height}) + \mtd@mco}
% Place the center
% Place port boxes relative to the central box
% Active any cleanup code that's to be run after placement
\seq_use:cn {#4-port-cleanup}{}
% Place the module wrapper that we'll use for positioning mainly.
% The command to add a port to a module, should only work within
% a module's port specifier block.
% #1 = port styles
% #2 = position specifier
% #3 = port name
% #4 = port content
\DeclareDocumentCommand \port {D[]{} r<> r() +m}{
% Code that is run on the creation of a node
\seq_put_right:cn {\currentmodulename-#2-ports} {
% Add previous node info to current style data
% Generate Nod
] (#3) {#4};
% Bootstrap for next section,
% Generate Forward and Reverse "Pseudo-Anchors"
\coordinate(#3-conn) at (#3.northconn);
\coordinate(#3-rear) at (#3.south);
\coordinate(#3-conn) at (#3.southconn);
\coordinate(#3-rear) at (#3.north);
\coordinate(#3-conn) at (#3.eastconn);
\coordinate(#3-rear) at (#3.west);
\coordinate(#3-conn) at (#3.westconn);
\coordinate(#3-rear) at (#3.east);
% Code that is run after all the elements are placed.
\seq_put_left:co {\currentmodulename-port-cleanup}{
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