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Programming Assignment
First of all Karo, This is really cool that you are trying to do this. Programming can be a very exciting journey and I hope
this small assignment will help you understand the surface layer well enough
There will be two projects I would like you to do over the course of next 7-10 days
1. Guess the number. Rules are described here ( )
2. Hangman game. Rules again are easily googleable. No need of fancy animations. Just implement the logic. You can use this for
reference ( )
1. Use the programming language "python". I would like you to figure out how to install and run python by yourself
2. Use `` for sharing your code with me
Considering that both project solutions are easily searchable, I would like you to resist that feeling and stick to implementing
them from scratch. You might use them as reference though
During this journey you will learn the following things
1. What's a programming language?
2. What's a code editor?
3. What's running program means?
4. Basic concepts of programming languages. Variables, Conditions, loops
5. Running / debugging your program
It will be fun but can be frustrating too sometimes. If any doubts, please feel free to reach out to me and I will try my best
to help you
Good luck and have fun. May the code be with you ;)
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