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Puppeteer Definition Types for Typescript
declare module 'puppeteer' {
export interface ConnectOptions {
browserWSEndpoint?: string
// a browser websocket endpoint to connect to
ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean
// Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to `false`
export interface LaunchOptions {
ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean
// Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to false
headless?: boolean
// Whether to run Chromium in headless mode. Defaults to true.
executablePath?: string
// Path to a Chromium executable to run instead of bundled Chromium. If executablePath is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
slowMo?: number
// Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on.
args?: Array<string>
// Additional arguments to pass to the Chromium instance. List of Chromium flags can be found here.
dumpio?: boolean
// Whether to pipe browser process stdout and stderr into process.stdout and process.stderr. Defaults to false.
export interface ViewPort {
width: number
height: number
deviceScaleFactor?: number
isMobile?: boolean
hasTouch?: boolean
isLandscape?: boolean
export type GoBackOptions = {
timeout?: number
} | {
timeout?: number
waitUntil: 'load'
} | {
timeout?: number
waitUntil: 'networkidle'
networkIdleInflight?: number
export type GoForwardOptions = {
timeout?: number
} | {
timeout?: number
waitUntil: 'load'
} | {
timeout?: number
waitUntil: 'networkidle'
networkIdleInflight?: number
export type GotoOptions = GoForwardOptions
export type ReloadOptions = GoForwardOptions
export interface PDFOptions {
* The file path to save the image to.
* The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension.
* If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
* If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk
path?: string
* default 1
scale?: number
* default false
displayHeaderFooter?: boolean
* default false
printBackground?: boolean
* default false
landscape?: boolean
* 1-5,8,11-13
pageRanges?: string
format?: 'Letter' | 'Legal' | 'Tabloid' | 'Ledger' | 'A0' | 'A1' | 'A2' | 'A3' | 'A4' | 'A5' // default Letter
width?: string | number
height?: string | number
margin?: {
top: string | number
right: string | number
bottom: string | number
left: string | number
export interface ScreenShotOptions {
* The file path to save the image to.
* The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension.
* If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
* If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk
path?: string
* Specify screenshot type, could be either jpeg or png.
* Defaults to 'png'
type?: 'jpeg' | 'png'
* The quality of the image, between 0-100.
* Not applicable to png images.
quality?: number
* When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Defaults to false
fullPage?: boolean
* An object which specifies clipping region of the page.
* Should have the following fields:
* - x <number> x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
* - y <number> y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
* - width <number> width of clipping area
* - height <number> height of clipping area
clip?: {
x?: number
y?: number
width?: number
height?: number
export interface Browser {
close(): void
// Closes browser with all the pages (if any were opened). The browser object itself is considered to be disposed and could not be used anymore.
newPage(): Promise<Page>
version(): Promise<string>
wsEndpoint(): string
export interface Page {
on(event: 'console', callback: (...args: string[]) => any): void
on(event: 'dialog', callback: (dialog: Dialog) => any): void
on(event: 'error', callback: (err: Error) => any): void
on(event: 'frameattached', callback: (frame: Frame) => any): void
on(event: 'framedetached', callback: (frame: Frame) => any): void
on(event: 'framenavigated', callback: (frame: Frame) => any): void
on(event: 'load', callback: () => any): void
on(event: 'pageerror', callback: (msg: string) => any): void
on(event: 'request', callback: (request: Request) => any): void
on(event: 'requestfailed', callback: (request: Request) => any): void
on(event: 'requestfinished', callback: (request: Request) => any): void
on(event: 'response', callback: (request: Response) => any): void
$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandler>
addScriptTag(url: string): Promise<void>
click(selector: string, options?: {
button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
clickCount?: number
delay?: number
}): Promise<void>
close(): Promise<void>
emulate(options: {
viewport: ViewPort
userAgent: string
}): Promise<void>
evaluate<T>(pageFunction: ((...args: any[]) => T) | string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
evaluateOnNewDocument<T>(pageFunction: ((...args: any[]) => T) | string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
exposeFunction(name: string, puppeteerFunction: Function): void
focus(selector: string): Promise<void>
frames(): Promise<Frame[]>
goBack(options?: GoBackOptions): Promise<Response>
goForward(options?: GoForwardOptions): Promise<Response>
goto(url: string, options?: GotoOptions): Promise<Response>
hover(selector: string): Promise<void>
injectFile(filePath: string): Promise<void>
keyboard: Keyboard
mainFrame(): Frame
mouse: Mouse
* ### All possible units are:
* - px - pixel
* - in - inch
* - cm - centimeter
* - mm - millimeter
* ### The format options are:
* - Letter: 8.5in x 11in
* - Legal: 8.5in x 14in
* - Tabloid: 11in x 17in
* - Ledger: 17in x 11in
* - A0: 33.1in x 46.8in
* - A1: 23.4in x 33.1in
* - A2: 16.5in x 23.4in
* - A3: 11.7in x 16.5in
* - A4: 8.27in x 11.7in
* - A5: 5.83in x 8.27in
pdf(options?: PDFOptions): Promise<Buffer>
plainText(): Promise<string>
press(key: string, options?: {
text?: string
delay?: number
}): Promise<void>
reload(options: ReloadOptions): Promise<Response>
screenshot(options?: ScreenShotOptions): Promise<Buffer>
setContent(html: string): Promise<void>
setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: any): Promise<void>
setRequestInterceptionEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>
setUserAgent(userAgent: string): Promise<void>
setViewport(viewPort: ViewPort): Promise<void>
title(): Promise<string>
tracing: Tracing
type(text: string, options?: {
* Time to wait between key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
delay: number
}): Promise<void>
* @param selector A selector to a file input
* @param filePaths Sets the value of the file input these paths. If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to current working directory.
uploadFile(selector: string, ...filePaths: string[]): Promise<void>
url(): string
viewport(): ViewPort
* @param selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout A selector of an element to wait for
* @param options Optional waiting parameters
* - visible <boolean> wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have display: none or visibility: hidden CSS properties. Defaults to false.
* - timeout <number> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: string, options?: {
visible?: boolean
timeout?: number
}): Promise<void>
waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Function, options?: {
* polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
* If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
* - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
* - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
* maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
timeout?: number
}): Promise<void>
* if selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout is a number, than the first argument is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the timeout
waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: number): Promise<void>
waitForFunction(func: string | Function, options?: {
* polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
* If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
* - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
* - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
* maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
timeout?: number
}, ...args: any[]): Promise<void>
waitForNavigation(options: {
timeout?: number
waitUntil?: 'load' | 'networkidle'
networkIdleInflight?: number
networkIdleTimeout?: number
}): Promise<Response>
waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: {
visible?: boolean
timeout?: number
}): Promise<void>
export interface Dialog {
accept(promptText: string): Promise<void>
defaultValue(): string
dismiss(): Promise<void>
message(): string
type: 'alert' | 'beforeunload' | 'confirm' | 'prompt'
* At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the page.mainFrame() and frame.childFrames() methods.
* Frame object's lifecycle is controlled by three events, dispatched on the page object:
* - 'frameattached' - fired when the frame gets attached to the page. Frame could be attached to the page only once.
* - 'framenavigated' - fired when the frame commits navigation to a different URL.
* - 'framedetached' - fired when the frame gets detached from the page. Frame could be detached from the page only once.
export interface Frame {
$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandler>
addScriptTag(url: string): Promise<void>
childFrames(): Frame[]
evaluate(pageFunction: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>
evaluate<T>(pageFunction: (...args: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
injectFile(filePath: string): Promise<void>
isDetached(): boolean
name(): string
parentFrame(): Frame
title(): Promise<string>
* @param selector A selector to a file input
* @param filePaths Sets the value of the file input these paths.
* If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to current working directory.
uploadFile(selector: string, ...filePaths: string[]): Promise<void>
url(): string
* @param selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout A selector of an element to wait for
* @param options Optional waiting parameters
* - visible <boolean> wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have display: none or visibility: hidden CSS properties. Defaults to false.
* - timeout <number> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: string, options?: {
visible?: boolean
timeout?: number
}): Promise<void>
waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Function, options?: {
* polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
* If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
* - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
* - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
* maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
timeout?: number
}): Promise<void>
* if selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout is a number, than the first argument is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the timeout
waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: number): Promise<void>
waitForFunction(func: string | Function, options?: {
* polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
* If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
* - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
* - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
* maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
timeout?: number
}, ...args: any[]): Promise<void>
* Wait for the selector to appear in page.
* If at the moment of calling the method the selector already exists, the method will return immediately.
* If the selector doesn't appear after the timeout milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw.
waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: {
visible?: boolean
timeout?: number
}): Promise<void>
* Whenever the page sends a request, the following events are emitted by puppeteer's page:
* - 'request' emitted when the request is issued by the page.
* - 'response' emitted when/if the response is received for the request.
* - 'requestfinished' emitted when the response body is downloaded and the request is complete.
* If request fails at some point, then instead of 'requestfinished' event (and possibly instead of 'response' event), the 'requestfailed' event is emitted.
* If request gets a 'redirect' response, the request is successfully finished with the 'requestfinished' event, and a new request is issued to a redirected url.
* Request class represents requests which are sent by page.
* Request implements Body mixin, which in case of HTTP POST requests allows clients to call request.json() or request.text() to get different representations of request's body.
export interface Request {
abort(): void
continue(overrides?: {
url?: string
method?: string
postData?: any
headers?: any
}): void
headers: any
method: string
postData: any
response(): Response
url: string
* Response class represents responses which are received by page.
* Response implements Body mixin, which allows clients to call response.json() or response.text() to get different representations of response body.
export interface Response {
buffer(): Promise<Buffer>
headers: any
json<T = Object>(): Promise<T>
ok: boolean
request(): Request
status: number
text(): Promise<string>
url: string
* Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard.
* The high level api is page.type, which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page.
* For finer control, you can use keyboard.down, keyboard.up, and keyboard.sendCharacter to manually fire events as if they were generated from a real keyboard.
export interface Keyboard {
down(key: string, options?: {
text?: string
}): Promise<void>
sendCharacter(char: string): Promise<void>
* @param key Name of key to release, such as `ArrowLeft`
up(key: string): Promise<void>
export interface Mouse {
* Shortcut for mouse.move, mouse.down and mouse.up
click(x: number, y: number, options?: {
button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
clickCount?: number
delay?: number
}): Promise<void>
down(options?: {
button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
clickCount?: number
}): Promise<void>
move(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>
up(options?: {
button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
clickCount?: number
}): Promise<void>
* ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element.
* ElementHandles could be created with the page.$ method.
export interface ElementHandler {
click(selector: string, options?: {
button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
clickCount?: number
delay?: number
}): Promise<void>
dispose(): Promise<void>
evaluate<T>(pageFunction: (...args: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
hover(): Promise<void>
export interface Tracing {
start(options: {
path: string
screenshots?: boolean
}): Promise<void>
stop(): Promise<void>
export function connect(options: ConnectOptions): Promise<Browser>
export function launch(options: LaunchOptions): Promise<Browser>
Copy link

declare module 'puppeteer-core' {
    export interface ConnectOptions {
        browserWSEndpoint?: string
        // a browser websocket endpoint to connect to
        ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean
        // Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to `false`

    export interface LaunchOptions {
        ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean
        // Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to false
        headless?: boolean
        // Whether to run Chromium in headless mode. Defaults to true.
        executablePath?: string
        // Path to a Chromium executable to run instead of bundled Chromium. If executablePath is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
        slowMo?: number
        // Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on.
        args?: Array<string>
        // Additional arguments to pass to the Chromium instance. List of Chromium flags can be found here.
        dumpio?: boolean
        // Whether to pipe browser process stdout and stderr into process.stdout and process.stderr. Defaults to false.

    export interface ViewPort {
        width: number
        height: number
        deviceScaleFactor?: number
        isMobile?: boolean
        hasTouch?: boolean
        isLandscape?: boolean

    export type GoBackOptions = {
        timeout?: number
    } | {
        timeout?: number
        waitUntil: 'load'
    } | {
        timeout?: number
        waitUntil: 'networkidle'
        networkIdleInflight?: number

    export type GoForwardOptions = {
        timeout?: number
    } | {
        timeout?: number
        waitUntil: 'load'
    } | {
        timeout?: number
        waitUntil: 'networkidle'
        networkIdleInflight?: number

    export type GotoOptions = GoForwardOptions
    export type ReloadOptions = GoForwardOptions

    export interface PDFOptions {
         * The file path to save the image to.
         * The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension.
         * If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
         * If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk
        path?: string
         * default 1
        scale?: number
         * default false
        displayHeaderFooter?: boolean
         * default false
        printBackground?: boolean
         * default false
        landscape?: boolean
         * 1-5,8,11-13
        pageRanges?: string
        format?: 'Letter' | 'Legal' | 'Tabloid' | 'Ledger' | 'A0' | 'A1' | 'A2' | 'A3' | 'A4' | 'A5' // default Letter
        width?: string | number
        height?: string | number
        margin?: {
            top: string | number
            right: string | number
            bottom: string | number
            left: string | number

    export interface ScreenShotOptions {
         * The file path to save the image to.
         * The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension.
         * If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
         * If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk
        path?: string
         * Specify screenshot type, could be either jpeg or png.
         * Defaults to 'png'
        type?: 'jpeg' | 'png'
         * The quality of the image, between 0-100.
         * Not applicable to png images.
        quality?: number
         * When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Defaults to false
        fullPage?: boolean
         * An object which specifies clipping region of the page.
         * Should have the following fields:
         *  - x <number> x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
         *  - y <number> y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
         *  - width <number> width of clipping area
         *  - height <number> height of clipping area
        clip?: {
            x?: number
            y?: number
            width?: number
            height?: number

    export interface Browser {
        close(): void
        // Closes browser with all the pages (if any were opened). The browser object itself is considered to be disposed and could not be used anymore.
        newPage(): Promise<Page>
        version(): Promise<string>
        wsEndpoint(): string

    export interface Page {
        on(event: 'console', callback: (...args: string[]) => any): void
        on(event: 'dialog', callback: (dialog: Dialog) => any): void
        on(event: 'error', callback: (err: Error) => any): void
        on(event: 'frameattached', callback: (frame: Frame) => any): void
        on(event: 'framedetached', callback: (frame: Frame) => any): void
        on(event: 'framenavigated', callback: (frame: Frame) => any): void
        on(event: 'load', callback: () => any): void
        on(event: 'pageerror', callback: (msg: string) => any): void
        on(event: 'request', callback: (request: Request) => any): void
        on(event: 'requestfailed', callback: (request: Request) => any): void
        on(event: 'requestfinished', callback: (request: Request) => any): void
        on(event: 'response', callback: (request: Response) => any): void
        $(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandler>
        addScriptTag(url: string): Promise<void>
        click(selector: string, options?: {
            button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
            clickCount?: number
            delay?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        close(): Promise<void>
        emulate(options: {
            viewport: ViewPort
            userAgent: string
        }): Promise<void>
        evaluate<T>(pageFunction: ((...args: any[]) => T) | string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
        evaluateOnNewDocument<T>(pageFunction: ((...args: any[]) => T) | string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
        exposeFunction(name: string, puppeteerFunction: () => void): void
        focus(selector: string): Promise<void>
        frames(): Promise<Frame[]>
        goBack(options?: GoBackOptions): Promise<Response>
        goForward(options?: GoForwardOptions): Promise<Response>
        goto(url: string, options?: GotoOptions): Promise<Response>
        hover(selector: string): Promise<void>
        injectFile(filePath: string): Promise<void>
        keyboard: Keyboard
        mainFrame(): Frame
        mouse: Mouse
         * ### All possible units are:
         *   - px - pixel
         *   - in - inch
         *   - cm - centimeter
         *   - mm - millimeter
         * ### The format options are:
         *   - Letter: 8.5in x 11in
         *   - Legal: 8.5in x 14in
         *   - Tabloid: 11in x 17in
         *   - Ledger: 17in x 11in
         *   - A0: 33.1in x 46.8in
         *   - A1: 23.4in x 33.1in
         *   - A2: 16.5in x 23.4in
         *   - A3: 11.7in x 16.5in
         *   - A4: 8.27in x 11.7in
         *   - A5: 5.83in x 8.27in
        pdf(options?: PDFOptions): Promise<Buffer>
        plainText(): Promise<string>
        press(key: string, options?: {
            text?: string
            delay?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        reload(options: ReloadOptions): Promise<Response>
        screenshot(options?: ScreenShotOptions): Promise<Buffer>
        setContent(html: string): Promise<void>
        setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: any): Promise<void>
        setRequestInterceptionEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>
        setUserAgent(userAgent: string): Promise<void>
        setViewport(viewPort: ViewPort): Promise<void>
        title(): Promise<string>
        tracing: Tracing
        type(text: string, options?: {
             * Time to wait between key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
            delay: number
        }): Promise<void>
         * @param selector A selector to a file input
         * @param filePaths Sets the value of the file input these paths. If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to current working directory.
        uploadFile(selector: string, ...filePaths: string[]): Promise<void>
        url(): string
        viewport(): ViewPort
         * @param selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout A selector of an element to wait for
         * @param options Optional waiting parameters
         *  - visible <boolean> wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have display: none or visibility: hidden CSS properties. Defaults to false.
         *  - timeout <number> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
        waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: string, options?: {
            visible?: boolean
            timeout?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: () => void, options?: {
             * polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
             * If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
             *   - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
             *   - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
            polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
             * maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
            timeout?: number
        }): Promise<void>
         * if selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout is a number, than the first argument is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the timeout
        waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: number): Promise<void>
        waitForFunction(func: string | (() => void), options?: {
             * polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
             * If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
             *   - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
             *   - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
            polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
             * maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
            timeout?: number
        }, ...args: any[]): Promise<void>
        waitForNavigation(options: {
            timeout?: number
            waitUntil?: 'load' | 'networkidle'
            networkIdleInflight?: number
            networkIdleTimeout?: number
        }): Promise<Response>
        waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: {
            visible?: boolean
            timeout?: number
        }): Promise<void>

    export interface Dialog {
        accept(promptText: string): Promise<void>
        defaultValue(): string
        dismiss(): Promise<void>
        message(): string
        type: 'alert' | 'beforeunload' | 'confirm' | 'prompt'

     * At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the page.mainFrame() and frame.childFrames() methods.
     * Frame object's lifecycle is controlled by three events, dispatched on the page object:
     *  - 'frameattached' - fired when the frame gets attached to the page. Frame could be attached to the page only once.
     *  - 'framenavigated' - fired when the frame commits navigation to a different URL.
     *  - 'framedetached' - fired when the frame gets detached from the page. Frame could be detached from the page only once.
    export interface Frame {
        $(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandler>
        addScriptTag(url: string): Promise<void>
        childFrames(): Frame[]
        evaluate(pageFunction: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>
        evaluate<T>(pageFunction: (...args: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
        injectFile(filePath: string): Promise<void>
        isDetached(): boolean
        name(): string
        parentFrame(): Frame
        title(): Promise<string>
         * @param selector A selector to a file input
         * @param filePaths Sets the value of the file input these paths.
         * If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to current working directory.
        uploadFile(selector: string, ...filePaths: string[]): Promise<void>
        url(): string
         * @param selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout A selector of an element to wait for
         * @param options Optional waiting parameters
         *  - visible <boolean> wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have display: none or visibility: hidden CSS properties. Defaults to false.
         *  - timeout <number> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
        waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: string, options?: {
            visible?: boolean
            timeout?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: () => void, options?: {
             * polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
             * If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
             *   - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
             *   - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
            polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
             * maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
            timeout?: number
        }): Promise<void>
         * if selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout is a number, than the first argument is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the timeout
        waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: number): Promise<void>
        waitForFunction(func: string | (() => void), options?: {
             * polling <string|number> An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf.
             * If polling is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If polling is a string, then it could be one of the following values:
             *   - raf - to constantly execute pageFunction in requestAnimationFrame callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
             *   - mutation - to execute pageFunction on every DOM mutation.
            polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number
             * maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
            timeout?: number
        }, ...args: any[]): Promise<void>
         * Wait for the selector to appear in page.
         * If at the moment of calling the method the selector already exists, the method will return immediately.
         * If the selector doesn't appear after the timeout milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw.
        waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: {
            visible?: boolean
            timeout?: number
        }): Promise<void>

     * Whenever the page sends a request, the following events are emitted by puppeteer's page:
     *  - 'request' emitted when the request is issued by the page.
     *  - 'response' emitted when/if the response is received for the request.
     *  - 'requestfinished' emitted when the response body is downloaded and the request is complete.
     * If request fails at some point, then instead of 'requestfinished' event (and possibly instead of 'response' event), the 'requestfailed' event is emitted.
     * If request gets a 'redirect' response, the request is successfully finished with the 'requestfinished' event, and a new request is issued to a redirected url.
     * Request class represents requests which are sent by page.
     * Request implements Body mixin, which in case of HTTP POST requests allows clients to call request.json() or request.text() to get different representations of request's body.
    export interface Request {
        abort(): void
        continue(overrides?: {
            url?: string
            method?: string
            postData?: any
            headers?: any
        }): void
        headers: any
        method: string
        postData: any
        response(): Response
        url: string

     * Response class represents responses which are received by page.
     * Response implements Body mixin, which allows clients to call response.json() or response.text() to get different representations of response body.
    export interface Response {
        buffer(): Promise<Buffer>
        headers: any
        json<T = any>(): Promise<T>
        ok: boolean
        request(): Request
        status: number
        text(): Promise<string>
        url: string

     * Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard.
     * The high level api is page.type, which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page.
     * For finer control, you can use keyboard.down, keyboard.up, and keyboard.sendCharacter to manually fire events as if they were generated from a real keyboard.
    export interface Keyboard {
        down(key: string, options?: {
            text?: string
        }): Promise<void>
        sendCharacter(char: string): Promise<void>
         * @param key Name of key to release, such as `ArrowLeft`
        up(key: string): Promise<void>

    export interface Mouse {
         * Shortcut for mouse.move, mouse.down and mouse.up
        click(x: number, y: number, options?: {
            button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
            clickCount?: number
            delay?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        down(options?: {
            button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
            clickCount?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        move(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>
        up(options?: {
            button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
            clickCount?: number
        }): Promise<void>

     * ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element.
     * ElementHandles could be created with the page.$ method.
    export interface ElementHandler {
        click(selector: string, options?: {
            button?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'
            clickCount?: number
            delay?: number
        }): Promise<void>
        dispose(): Promise<void>
        evaluate<T>(pageFunction: (...args: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>
        hover(): Promise<void>

    export interface Tracing {
        start(options: {
            path: string
            screenshots?: boolean
        }): Promise<void>
        stop(): Promise<void>

    export function connect(options: ConnectOptions): Promise<Browser>
    export function launch(options: LaunchOptions): Promise<Browser>

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