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Last active December 17, 2015 12:38
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  • Save roine/5610714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save roine/5610714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic find and replace in all the tables from a secific database. I use this script for my wordpress deployment.
* find_and_replace_by takes 4 optional arguments
* first is the host
* second is db username
* third is db password
* fourth is database name
* ie: $ find_and_replace_by.php root password drupal
* or with two arguments:
* $ find_and_replace_by.php root drupal
* or no argument:
* $ find_and_replace_by.php
$host = "HOST";
$database = "YOUR_DATABASE";
$username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
$password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
if($argc > 1 && $argc <= 5){
$database = $argv[$argc-1];
$host = $argv[1];
$username = $argv[2];
if($argc == 5){
$password = $argv[3];
$password = '';
$find = "localhost";
$replace_by = "";
// Uncomment to swap find and replace_by values
// list($replace_by, $find) = array($find, $replace_by);
$connection = new PDO( "mysql:host={$host};dbname={$database}", $username, $password );
catch(PDOException $e){
$tables = $connection->query("select * from information_schema.columns
where table_schema='{$database}'
order by table_name,ordinal_position");
echo "Updating the rows.\n";
$totalRows = $totalTables = $totalAffectedTables = $tempTotalRows = 0;
$currentTable = null;
while($result = $tables->fetch()){
$table = $result[2];
$column = $result[3];
$query = $connection->query("UPDATE $table SET {$column} = replace($column, '{$find}', '{$replace_by}')");
$totalRows += $query->rowCount();
$tempTotalRows += $query->rowCount();
if($currentTable != $table){
$currentTable = $table;
$tempTotalRows = 0;
if($tempTotalRows == 1){
catch(PDOException $e){
echo "Completed successfuly\n";
echo plural($totalRows, 'row')." in ".plural($totalAffectedTables, 'table')." where affected\n";
function plural($num, $str){
if($num > 1){
return "{$num} {$str}s";
return "{$num} {$str}";
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