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Created October 10, 2016 18:06
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My fish init config file.
set PATH /usr/local/bin $HOME/.anaconda3/bin $HOME/scripts/ $PATH
set EDITOR nano
set JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
### ALIASES ###
# ls aliases
alias la "ls -AlhX"
alias lr "ls -R"
# Pipe aliases (end of command)
alias H "head"
alias T "tail"
alias G "grep"
alias L "less"
# apt-get aliases
alias apts "apt-cache search"
alias apti "sudo apt-get install"
alias aptu "sudo apt-get update"
alias aptr "sudo apt-get remove"
# Shortcuts for installed programs
alias h "howdoi -c -n5" # see
alias g "googler" # see
# Misc.
alias zconf "$EDITOR ~/.zshrc"
alias f "find . -name "
alias hfind "history | grep "
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